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I laid in my own bed looking up at the ceiling the events from two nights ago still playing in my head.I fucked up, its like all the dead females in my family were looking down on me— shaking their head. My mouth went dry at all the things I've already done wrong the summer and even more so— I couldn't bring myself to regret it. Seeing kaimon in a distressed state like that,him begging for me to please him did something different to me. Which lead me back to ground one— I'm sorry grandma I'm not respecting women down here. Layanna was a smart, sweet and beautiful girl so why was I lusting over her brother? It was nothing but lust too because I couldn't name more than maybe 10 facts that I knew about the boy. I was screwed.

The alarm clock went off that was suppose to be waking me up, like clockwork before my mother left for the whole day the door swung open. "Hon- oh you're awake. Great I'm heading to the office—  Can you waych Koybin for the day?" She asked before I could say anything to object she was already shutting my door. I never got why they had koybin no offense I loved my little brother and all, but it was just a bad effort to fix a broken marriage and just like their problems they tend to neglect the kid by giving him the slightest attention. I threw on shorts and a t shirt so I could go for my morning jog.

  8 am in the summer wasn't the ideal time to wake up but I was devoted. The air was always crisp and the birds chirping couldn't be heard through the music playing in my earbuds. After doing that for 30 minutes I finally made my way back home. It was around the time Layanna would wake up for summer school so I wasn't surprised when she responded to my text from last night.


Summer school got canceled Kai didn't tell me wanna hang out later?

I gulped thinking of a lie then I realized it didn't have to be one.

To lay❤️.

    I have Koybin sorry baby.

Lay ❤️
   Awww we can take him to the park or something.

To lay ❤️

   You sure?

  After trying to lowkey talk her out of it she won, I was picking her up at 1. I wasn't avoiding her, welll I kind of was I felt guilty as fuck but even more I was avoiding her house all together.kaimon was devious. I walked through the door sighing my father was now gone too so I checked on Koybin who was still fast asleep and went to take a shower. And. Start on breakfast.it was usually lonely in this house even more so when Koybin has Preschool, or whatever camp they decided on sending him off too I'm surprised his babysitter canceled. He had like three Incase this happened. I usually knew when koybin was awake because he would find me— find someone. Then talk their ear off like he had no tomorrow. Most people found it annoying but I loved the glow in his eyes he got as he talked about nothing.

After breakfasts and getting us both ready I headed over to Layannas house early. I held koybins hand as he jumped up and down pretending to be a astronaut? I might've zoned out when he told me. "Gipi look how high I jump" he said jumping once more then again and again.

"Wow Koy! You're like a alien" he then laughed and gave me spider man hands as he jumped. The door swung open and my whole mouth went dry.

"Hello! I'm a alien right gipi?" Koybin yelled as he jumped and then hit Kaimon with his spider man hands. Kaimon being welll him dodged it as if it was real then looked between the two.

"My camp is not for babies, especially ones who think they're spider man" he spoke and I didn't quite understand until I remember the incident when he was bossing a kid around and teaching him ow to curse.

"Actually me and Layanna are go-

"Starting your family so soon? I'd hate to be a home wrecker" he spoke before moving out the way. I felt my cheeks go hot as a oven and I tried not to be to obvious. I was embarrassed I don't know why Koybin wouldn't catch on but wow. I really was.

"This is my little brother Koybin, Koybin this is Kaimon"

"Gipi this your friend?"

"His best friend" kaimon said with a smile as he plopped on the couch I sat down and helped Koybin sit next to me and handed him my phone to play games on but he was more interested in the new person he had just met.

"WOW A BETFRIEND?" Koybin exclimaed. "My betfriend is tally it a white bear" he exclaimed talking about his stuff polar bear we'd got a the fair earlier this ear.

"Tally The white bear? You're creative kid" kaimon added seeming a bit amused. Then he started to yell "LAYANNA YA COMPANY IS HEA" it only made Koybin laugh his head off and copy the boy— let's say my parents had busy schedules and didn't have time for a kid to have normal, kid fun.

"Don't yell like that you wanna go home?" I asked and the boys smile turned into a frown instantly.

"Heeeeyyyy" kaimons whine made every hair on my body stick up. I turned to him slowly trying to not make a fool out of my self but luckily no words came out instead I rose my eyebrow. "Why you make da kid sad? Wow love bug where is the love"

"Stop it" I started and he raised a eyebrow. "I did- I do- stop it leave me alone" I finally spoke. I couldn't think straight around the male that was for sure. I never liked to picture myself as he horny teenager type; the one who makes dumb descions just to get his dick wet but here I was. I didn't know why the crush Well interest let's call it in Layannas brother is so addicting. Why I let him make my attention span stay on him whenever he's in the room. But I do so obviously the logical choice would be to ignore him. But how?

"I like you, I say fuc- forget Egypt you my new best friend our names start with the same letter anyway" kaimon said as he handed Koybin some chips form the bag that sat next to him.

"What bout Tally?"

"Imma have to meet this rally nigga, he a Spider-Man like you?" Kaimon asked eating chips of his own.

"No you funny, he's hulk!"


• short chapter I'm sorry but then again this chapter was finna he short either way. I got y'all with more frequent updates but when I put this book out I knew I wasn't gonna be updating it as fast as my other books.

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