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   "What are you thing to say Layanna?" I asked ever sense the party we had took her brother and rose too. She's been acting weird. That was over a week ago.

    "I'm saying you didn't even wanna dance with me" she said with a small pout. "Not even a little bit!" She huffed and I felt bad. I didn't really know how to dance and I wasn't feeling that party at all, first she dragged me to drinks knowing I don't drink. She went to some cyph with Rose and that left me looking dumb. I saw Kaimons ass shake in ways I didn't need to see and then saw someone grind behind him. I got hit on a few times but overall I should've never agreed to take them.

   "I don't know how" I responded but she didn't buy it. Most people didn't, they assumed that because I hung out with other football players and all they did was fuck and drink that I did aswell. But I haven't stayed at a football party for more than a hour; usually just to show my face and leave.

  "Am I ugly or something?" she asked and I shook my head  and she frowned slightly. "I know I'm a little fat but damn"

  "You're perfect Layanna- I promise it's just me. I don't know" I reassured her and she stayed silent for a moment.

    "Are you sure? Because Isaiah says you usually don't act like this around them" Isaiah is a prick. He's mad I'm a good ass linebacker the fuck. Always trying to compete with me when really I'm just trying enjoy the game.

  "When he tell you this?" I questioned

"Summer school" I let out a snort in response and she raised her eyebrow at me. "This is why I didn't tell you about summer school- not everyone can be smart like you" she huffed.

   "You are smart you just act stupid! I don't know why but you helped me many of times with shit ion even know so how you end up in summer school in the first place?" I asked raising a eyebrow but it got silent. "And we never talked about how you lied about it"

  "I was embarrassed!" She yelled

   "We're dating! Why wouldn't you atleast tell me"

   "Why? All you do is preach about how you don't smoke, you don't drink- bla bla bla football this. I'm a golden boy! I felt like I wasn't good enough I don't know" she said sadness in her eyes I checked the time on her clock. 12;56 am.

   "I'm sorry" I said feeing as if it was my fault. She must've been surprised at me saying sorry because she just looked at me for a bit.

"You didn't lie though" she informed but I gave her a small shrug.

"But I made you feel like you had too, I'm sorry" she pulled my face down to hers pressing our lips together. We felt backwards into the kiss so I was hovering over the female and I felt my heart beat speed up. Her kisses got more hungry and then bam she pushed my back to the bed so she was straddling me. Looking up at her she looked beautiful- Layanna was far from ugly. Shit she often had me confused on how I got her ass. She lifted up my shirt letting her acrylic nail drag down my chest.

"You so fine papi" She hummed before our lips attached again. In the mist she was shirtless and as soon as my brain caught up with my body- I pushed her off of me. She fell to the floor.

"What the fuck Egypt?" She huffed she stood up covering her boobs which were showing and looked as if she was about to cry. "Whatever forget about that- forget I even tired" she said as she looked around her room the tense environment building "Let's just go to sleep" I gave her a small nod and she nodded slightly. "I'll uh be back" she went into her bathroom and I rubbed my hands down my face. She ain't even wake my little guy up. So maybe I'm just meant for asexual reproduction? Or well maybe I'm just meant to play football and not have a love life. Maybe this was god telling me your fathers right— you're gonna waste your whole life on football. I let the thoughts confuse me until I get Layanna lay down. She gave me a small kiss and pulled the blanket over us. Why couldn't I just have sex with her? I mean minus the fact I wasn't hard- I liked her, I mean she was a kind person and had a good heart she just never showed it. So therefore only a few amount of people know about it. Also she is tormented at school from time to time- I mean Kaimon gets around and that's no secret. Girls at school use to get close to Layanna to see if her brother would hit on them, or because they had crushes on him. Sometimes even the boys would too- mostly the in the closet ones so nobody suspected. Kaimon was a known fuckboy and Layanna was his sister.

I couldn't find myself falling asleep instead I would go into another deep thought in my head and get distracted for hours on end. I let out a loud exhale moving her body from mine and went to the bathroom, I only had to pee so i wasn't in there long.It was quiet in the house.Daz worked over night and kaimon always was partying that's why Layanna wanted me to stay. But I think she also wanted something else too. "Oh fuck" the voice was clear who it was- I barely got out of the bathroom  after washing my hands before he ran into me but it him tumble back more so I reached my arm out into the dark and surprisingly caught his arm.

"Thanks Lovebug" he grumbled I sent him a small nod letting go of the body before he flashes his phone light in my face then down to my exposed chest. "Y'all was fucking?" He asked then he flashed the light down to my lower area and shook his head. "I doubt y'all was" he had only found his own jokes amusing so I just stood there looking at him.

"Are you done?" I mumbled he steadied himself then flatted our his shirt and shook his head. "It's 3 am" he finally spoke.

   "Couldn't sleep"  i didn't know what about my response was funny but Kaimon seem to find it amusing. His eyes widened a bit and his white teeth became visible in the dim lighting. He then gave his head a little shake and looked back up at me.

    "I'm crossfaded as fuck" he said all in one breath. "You want me to suck your dick?" He asked tiliting his head and pushed me back into the bathroom closing the door behind him then leaning against it. I fell back into tub nearly knocking everything down with my long ass arms. We were now in the light so he could probably see how red my face had gotten- but he's just wow, he says shit that catches me off guard. Like who says that into a normal conversation?  He wore a devious smirk on his face but his eyes looked innocent.

    "U-uh I'm dating your sister" I spoke out hoping that would get me out of the conversation. He shrugged dropping to his knees and crawling towards me.

   "So no?" He asked he was now leaning against the tub between my legs his arms rested on either one of them and his head rested in his hands.

   "S-so no" I forced out and he nodded and licked his lips sitting back on his butt with a disappointed sigh.

  "Damn" He said in a whisper and I felt my face get redder.

    "W-well don't you have sex a lot?" I asked. From what I heard he was a hoe.

   "Well- I don't know what do you consider a lot?" He asked with a small shrug. "But I wanna have sex with you- clearly, I mean you're cute as fuck. But in the innocent type of way- I wanna have your kids in my mouth" he said making me choke on my spit. I felt myself wake up and my face got even redder if that was possible. "I think you do too- but you keep saying no- Ian finna rape da kid" he spoke poking his bottom lip out a bit. His eyes landed on mine and I gulped, I don't know what was with me but I leaned forward connecting our lips instantly. It was a surprise to him but he continued it without missing a beat.

    His hands wrapped around my face and he moved forward into the tub with me sitting on my lower half. I felt myself heat up as he deepened the kiss but I still put my hands on his waist as he was grinding into me. When My third leg woke up completely I pulled away from the kiss looking lustfully into his eyes. He licked his lips with a small smile almost making me dive back into the kiss. "T-this  is wrong" I let out in one breath but the words only made the older boy pout.

   "Why you get me excited like thaaat" he whined making me bite my lip, I looked at how the male sat on my dick and I felt super guilty for liking it. My hands slipped to his ass and he leaned forward pressing a small peck on my lips, the one turned to two and so on and so on.

   "Kaimon" I hummed out I didn't even realize that I had been rubbing the males ass until I moved my hands to tap on his legs to get up. He let out a small whine that made my already hard member harder and got up. After he did I did aswell and he gave me one last look before taking off his shirt and opening the door.

     "Dream about me yeah?" He said with a wide smile walking down the hall leaving me hot and bothered.


•kind of proud of this so yk holla at ya girl.

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