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   "Then he had the nerve to call me a hoe or sum shit" I told rose as we walked through the mall.  She let  out a snort as she took a sip from her drink. She usually played into my antics but today she found them hilarious.

   "I'm sorry it was funny— continue though" She hummed waving her freshly done acrylics. I was a good ass friend I sat in the nail salon with rose and all she had to do was buy me whatever I wanted from the food court. I had to pick up my check from footlocker anyway. I picked up maybe four days last week i don't know- when it's not your main income it kind of doesn't really bother me. This scamming shit is only temporary though— I got to find my calling or whatever that means.

"No no no— I wanna laugh what the hell is funny? Don't say nothing nea eitha" I huffed as we walked towards footlocker.

"I mean— you're kind of a hoe Kai. But don't take it as a insult cause if you're a hoe you're a hoe. Whose gonna say sum?" She spoke and I nodded half agreeing then waved off the part I didn't because it was bullshit.

"I'm not finna go out like Eazy!" I yelled a bit loud but when people started staring rose flicked them off and looked harder.

    "I never said that— he's probably just feels some type of way. You're making a hot question his whole sexuality to what? Get a quick nut? I thought bullying was getting better" she said with a playful shove.

   "ha.Ha. HA" I said dramatically. "Not fucking funny— that boy shoulda never brought his fine ass to my house. He know he legal and look like a tall glass of light ass chocolate milk— the kind with barely any coco in it but shit... I wanna slurp him up" I exclaimed as we walked into the store I was employed at. The lady in front of us who was walking with her kids looked behind and gave us a disgusted look.

   "Tell yo kids to kind they business ho" rose snapped and I didn't hold her little awkwardfina looking ass back because she was in the right.

   "Look Who finally wanna show up when I'm here" Julius calming voice said from behind the register. We had both started here the same time— she Julius is in college to be some sport shit I always zone out when he talks about it , I'm a scammer who drinks to much. (That racy is still unproven). But he was funny as fuck and made the clock go by quicker so I fucked with him.

"Na you wanna take them crazy ass class hours" I called walking towards him as Rose got lost in the sneakers on the way to the back of the store. I dapped him up as we both gave each other a friendly smile. Also Julius is one of the few of many people I actually let call me his friend, we didn't even fuck before we came friends just old fashion- guys hanging out. He's also the straightest person I know.

"How you been? I see you're fine ass best friend came home for the summer" he said as his eyes wandered over to rose eyeing her down carefully.

"Been same old— now gimme my check fool I'm finna go buy me something" I said tapping my fingers on the table, he exhaled sharply at the sudden loud noise I caused and held up a finger.

    "Welcome to footlocker" he called to whoever just walked in, then turned back to me. "You look like you been sleeping" he mumbled before heading towards the back.

   "Kaimon!" Layanna voice filled the store. "When I asked you for a ride you said you wasn't going no where all day" she explained making me give her a small shrug then turned to face the annoying ugly girl.

    "Then rose asked me if I wanted to go to the mall, plans change— nothings forever"  I explained to her how the world looked but she only smacked my hand from her shoulder. The group of friends behind her resembled the same mother fuckers who were in my backyard blocking my driveway. I wasn't for sure until I heard Wakanda y'all again-

"These shits fire" the man with a deep voice exclaimed throwing them in Egypt's face and Egypt clumsy ass failed to catch them. That's what he get— wanna call me a hoe.

"Naaa don't even look at them trash ass shits" I interrupted and that chocolate human turned to me a small smirk playing on his face.

"So which ones should I get?" He asked and I pushed past Layanna to go over towards the male. See; I wasn't a hoe before but now imma show the redbone bastard what a hoe is.

"Hmmm— not These you got big feet might look doofy" I said rubbing my head a bit. "Don't worry big feet are good" I said with a wink and his black face showed a bright white smile. "I think you should get these" I held up a custom pair of 1s.. but let's be honest they're the best shoe.

"This what you like? Ones?" He asked biting his lip.

"Alright let's not flirt with Layannas brother- jailyn are you lost? When did you become bi?" One of Layanna friends interrupted.

"Never, but he looking to good to pass up on" Wakanda whose real name is Jailyn said pulling me closer to him. A snort left Egypt's mouth almost giving himself up when his friends looked at him with a arched eyebrow.

"Kaimon stop playing and come get this money" Julius interrupted. "Flirting with my neighbor and shit" he muttered under his breath once kaimon had stopped giving the highschool his attention and focused on what he came for- his money.

"You see that every morning? Shit— we might have to have a little sleep over Ju" I joked and he rolled his eyes at my half jokes— because I was kind of serious as well.

"Rose put back them pink shoes unless you buying one and we bouncing" I called to rose who had took any and every pink shoe off the shelf and tried them on. [ fun fact about me; I only own 2 shoes that aren't pink.. I got a problem]

"Don't leave me I'm coming" the Asian yelled as I walked towards the entrance and exit of the store. "Stay sage Layanna— I'm tired and I don't wanna have to save your ass today" I added ruffling her hair and dodging her shove all in one motion. "See you sexy" I hummed winking at jailyn. Mine and Egypt's eyes lingered over each others but he was like usual the first to break eye contact.

• I think I love this story so much because it's messy, another reason why I loved writing attitude problem because Nassiah was always acting up🤣

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