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I should've known, I don't know why I thought Kaimon would settle down with anyone- let alone me. I haven't spoke to him since Wednesday and it was Friday now. School had just ended and soon practice was going to begin. I never realized how little friends I had until me and Layanna broke up. Mostly because all of her friends were side eyeing me as she was up under Isisah looking unbothered. Then there was me looking at my phone constantly for a man who wasn't going to text me back. My brain went back and forth from worried to feeling stupid. Why would I tell him I love him? Why would I get invested. It was just so much that was going on that I needed to push out of my head because I had a game to play tonight quite a important one too. I was doing good without a relationship ship I don't know why- why now I had to go and get into one, a toxic one at that. Egypt sat onto the bleachers near the very top so he could try and clear his mind. If he was too close to the field he knew Isisah and his friends would laugh about something or find some y to bother Egypt. He just wanted to make it pro, even more now but he wanted to so bad. It's like sometimes all he did was football and now when he tried to make his life normal for his age it was backfiring on him. The worst part is he deserved it. Every so often his eyes would scan the area and they would catch layannas who would just turn away. He couldn't blame her, she handled things better then most would.

It was clear she hated him, at times he would wonder if she was going to out him. Not like he would blame her, Egypt didn't know how he felt about his sexuality- was he gay? Was he bisexual? He didn't know. Did he like all boys or just Kaimon, did he not like all girls or did he just not click well enough with Layanna. A lot of questions were coming up all at once. He should've just remained single. He let out a sharp exhale letting his back hit the fence that lined the top bleachers. "Get your damn head on straight" he mumbled to himself as if that would help. He's been saying that for the past two days yet here he was- still struggling.
  "DO YOU GUYS KNOW" isiahs voice was loud and clear, he stood in the middle of the felid as the cheerleaders were practicing on the side lines, football players were coming for pre game practice  and so on, the band had to set up, the people for the concession stand and there stood Isisah with a evil smirk. "ATTENTION! Attention!" He called again. "I have something to say! Everyone say hi to our team captain up there trying to hide!" He started and Egypts face for red. He saw Layanna trying to snatch the megaphone from him and he got nervous. This can't be. He started.

"If you guys can't see that is our very own team captin EGYPT BROOKS, round of applause to him" he started and then heard a few cheers from random football players and cheerleaders. "A true golden boy! Or so we thought! Hide your siblings! Especially your brothers" he added and Egypt looked around. He saw everyone look a bit confused and he had to get out of here. He started to grab his stuff and walk down the bleachers. "Yes that's right your brothers! Egypt cheated on Layanna with her own brother! No remorse! No honesty! Just a in the closest fa-" the megaphone was ripped from his hands. But Egypt was already trying to shrink his tall self down to be invisible. He couldn't catch his breath and his eye sight was going blurry as he tried to respectfully make it through the crowd. "Where you going? Don't be ashamed now!" Isisah yelled with just his voice now. " this what type of real captin yall want?" Egypt ran right into someone trying to avoid what was going on, on the felid.

"Shit Kaimon! Ain't this yo man?" Rose called nearly getting trampled as she just got out the car. Kaimon who was driving put out his blunt and looekd at Egypt whose face was bright red.

  "I-I'm sorry" Egypt mumbled trying to keep walking but Kaimon grabbed his book bag and yanked him back so he was looking face to face with him. He did plan on going ti the game but he was here now because Layanna left her dance shoes, she asked Daz to bring them but she was at work for another hour so she was stuck with him.  Him and Layanna talked once more when he came back into  town and he  didn't know if it helped or hurt his relationship with her. They might not come back from this for years.

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