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After Kaimon showed up at Egypt's house they talked a bit, well a lot. That was the most Kaimon opened up to anyone.

   "So your moms in jail right? No judgement or anything- but right?" Egypt asked and Kaimon nodded unenthusiastically as he stared at the stars. They sat on top of his car hood at a new place due to Egypt honking the horn. "Does that bother you? Like are you guys close?" The silence filled the two and Egypt settled with the thought of he wasn't going to get an answer but to his surprise Kaimon smacked his lips then started talking.

  "Sure, we were never close, I don't really ever think she wanted kids— she doesn't ever do right by us" he spoke without much emotion.

"And your dad?"

"My mom was engaged and made Daz, he cheated and left so she cheated back with his brother and made me- he left too.. Soo he was just into a quick fuck anyway"  Kaimon spoke as if what he saying was normal, as if it always happens- but meanwhile Egypt had a small pout on his face. Was this what he was use too? He didn't know much about their family dynamic mostly because Layanna never spoke about it and if she did speak about the family it was either bad mouthing Kaimon or a fight that Daz and her got into. "Why you asking all this shit?"

"I don't know ..I'm sorry" Egypt said quickly he chewed the inside of his cheek letting silence fall right back inbetween them. He shouldn't have pushed the subject now Kaimon was probably mad and he-

"When you gonna tell your dad fuck the business and you going to the NFL?" Kaimon shocked Egypt and instantly smacked him out of his thoughts.  He raised a eyebrow and Kaimon looked at him with a duh face- "I thought it goes you ask a question then I ask one" he spoke and Egypt nodded quickly.

  "Okay yea, I mean probably never?  I'm a people pleaser I've been told- I don't like that much conflict and my dad will send me off to a boarding school with no sports.. he only wanted kids to push off all his hard work" Egypt mocked his fathers voice at the end then shrugged. "Plus if I don't make it-

"Don't speak like that, you gotta believe in yourself. I believe in you"

"You do? You never seen me play really" Egypt argued but Kaimon shrugged

  "Your face is cute when your passionate about something. I believe in you- plus when you make it to the NFL you can take me to the after parties with you" Kaimon added with a smile on his face. Egypt nearly melted at the sight before rolling his eyes realizing his words.

  "So you can fuck every one there? No thanks."

"You right that wouldn't be fair, I'd only fuck you" the night went on like that them asking questions back and forth. Kaimon making sexually jokes and them getting to know each other deeper then before. Egypt couldn't help but have a goofy smile on his face but of course everytime Kaimon looked at him he whipped it off as fast as he could.

Two days later.


"Layanna I have morning workouts from 6-7:30 and then practice for three hours after school- we're trying to make playoffs" I tried to explain at my locker as I grabbed a few books out of it. I was exhausted. I couldn't sleep and I didn't kn- scratch that I knew exactly why. Ever since I had that a inkling that I might have feelings for Kaimon it kept me up. Guilt filled my head first- as I look at Layanna and almost wanted to throw up at times, other part was stupidity- why would I catch feelings for someone who cares so little about others ?

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