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3 pm, June 30th

   "I'm coming I'm coming" I yelled at the door as the knocks continued me and Rose sat in my room smoking. We interchange  looks as I still didn't get up, we kept looking at each other until she got smoke in her eye making her blink- she lost.

"Coulda just got da door" she whined as she got up heading downstairs towards it, I mocked her as I litt the blunt and watched the smoke fill my room before taking a puff. Smoke be looking mad nice in the air but I'm no tumblr photographer so I just look ya know?

"Kai it's some light skin at da door" rose called up the stairs I placed the blunt between my lips, light skin?

"Got a cute lil smile?" I called back I heard her talking for a moment before she called back.

"Yeaaah- nice ass teeth" she responded

"Baby face?"I questioned blowing out smoke, I already had an idea but I like fucking with people.

"Ya he could be a baby"

"Look like he can lay pipe?" I heard her laugh and I chuckled to myself before heading towards the stairs blunt in my lips. I saw the red tint on the boys face from the top of the stairs.

"She ain't hea for notha hour" I said taking the blunt out my mouth as I strolled down the stairs. His blush was still bright red and he kind of just rocked back and forth chewing his bottom lip.

"Oh" he spoke his voice barely heard.

"You got that boy embarrassed- who this daz date?"

"Na he a highschooler— football" I added and me and Rose scrunched up our face as she let out a ahh understanding.

"What's wrong with football players?" Egypt frowned as he butted into our conversation. I rubbed my chin as me and rose glanced at each other then back at him.

  "They hit people— ya know anger issues, most do steroids- uhh half of y'all are in the closet" Rose started

   "Ya asses look nice but you guys are complete dicks, lets not even talk about the injuries football gives you... by the end of the season they barely walking let alone putting it down" I added Egypt mouth hung open slightly as he looked at us stunned. "But you're adorable so— there's that" I added patting his head I thought it would help but it didn't he still looked unhappy with the facts we just laid down.

   "That's completely incorrect- I mean what football player did you meet? First of all if anything a win should make you more excited— and abusers? I haven't met a fo—well maybe only one or two" he started his rant even though he was talking it was more like thinking out loud. "I can't believe y'all said that- football is American past time. Everyone loves a football player well I don't know, everyone except my dad" he kept talking and i raised a eyebrow he must've noticed between both of our faces because he shut his mouth looking down in sort of embarrassment.  "Sorry"

  "I second that— you're adorable" rose said making his smile reappear. I couldn't help but smile looking at it I mean shit- it's contagious. He was just that kind of person it was hard to stay mad around.

   "Damn— So Uh what are you guys doing sense Layanna's not here" he said awkwardly. I blew out smoke it going towards his face and his hand fanned it around slightly before it cold reach his nose.

    "Well— I have a dick appointment" rose announced putting on her shades. Her shades moved up and she looked at me then put them back on. "Behave" she spoke carefully and I rolled my eyes. When didn't I. Egypt looked between the two of us and then his eyes landed on me.

   "Still not smoking?" I asked heading back up the stairs the boy looked at me from the bottom like a dog who couldn't walk up them. "Well c'mon" I said motioning him to follow me up the stairs. He looked nervous as fuck it was almost amusing. He slowly followed me upstairs and we went to my room so I could finish the blunt. Daz always said having the whole house smell like dope was the stupidest thing I could ever do- I begged to differ but I let her talk.

"Do you like getting high?" He asked as he stood around my room I plopped down on my bed and sent a small shrug.

"Got any issues? Like parents ain't shit?" He snorted a small nod. " feel like nobody got your back?" He nodded once more. "This makes you feel warm and loved" his eyes looked over at the drug as if he was about to risk it all. "But it only makes you feel it for a minimum mount of time" I added and his eyes watched me inhale and exhale in aw.

"O-oh" he spoke as he watched "but ran a gateway drug" he then said what everyone told me, but I haven't had the urge to snort crack so I think it's incorrect.

"Still waiting for the gate to open and lead the fucking way" I commented as I flicked the lighter a few times.

"You're a interesting person" he then spoke up. "Reckless— but interesting" he looked around my rooms his eyes scanning each of my sneakers. "And a sneaker head"

"I work at footlocker" he gave me a wide smile as if he was a proud father.

"And you told me you ain't got shit going for you, good job man" he said his smile covering his face. I couldn't help but smirk a bit at the man.

   "It ain't nothing serious, just something so daz stay off my sack" I said grabbing it,the male face immediately  got red and looked away. Straight boys put in gay situations should be a movie-I'd watch.

   "Well she seems nice" he said as he looked back at the sneakers I clipped the blunt and sent a small shrug.

   "I'm the nicest" he let out a laugh shaking his head mumbling a doubt it. "And I got the best looks— the middle child just usually the best"

   "I'd have to disagree- I'm the oldest" I looked him up and down and sent a small nod.

  "I can tell" his face turned into a frown- he was such a drama king. Every emotion ever I could see appear on his face and leave in seconds. I had a staring problem- that got pointed out many times to me. So I'm an observant person. And I can tell the difference between the boys smile already I known him for maybe two weeks.

   "You can't tell shit— the oldest are the best, I mean their like second parents. Got your back forever"

   "Annoying— snitches, forever isn't that long" I argued back and he rolled his eyes.

   "Whatever Kaimon— you know you could have a nickname, like Egypt its mad hard to get a nickname that's why ion have one— I mean my mom use to call me her lovebug but my dad said you can't call a man that so she cut that shit out" I noticed the boy talks— loves to talk. It was mostly unrelated things but I wasn't an asshole, if he was thinking out loud why not. That's how you find more things about people

   "I have one- Kai and KK" I said as I continued on my second blunt. "And I'm sure calling you love bug" his face went into a deep red blush- adorable. Layanna I might have to barrow him real quick.

     "I was thinking Moni but I guess those work" he said as he scratched the back of his neck. "You just smoked— you're gonna smoke again?" He asked a confused look on his face.

"Of course— you'll understand when you understand" I said but he only looked more confused trying to make sense of the sentence.

"After you have your first blunt— then come to me and I'll smoke your cute ass up"

"I'm not a kid— I can smoke whenever I want too, I just don't want too" his voice got quieter at the end part and once again he was avoiding eye contact. I had noticed the boy was standing the whole time and patted on a place next to bed.

"Why you just standing Thea- weird ass" he was still tense sitting next to me but answered the question with a shrug anyway. "Do I make you nervous?" I asked and blew the smoke in his face he scrunched up his nose and pushed me back. "Ohh how I'm gonna have fun with you" I said letting out a small laugh and out the blunt back in my mouth.

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