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September 7th

  "Yeah yeah Julius, I'm not even trying to do nothing I just asked a simple question" Kaimon explained as he stood behind the cash register.

"Bro all I said was I got her number yesterday and you all like and you aint fuck yet?" Julius responded annoyance in his voice as he restocked shelves. "Like maybe I'm not trying to get corrupt by your terrible antics" he then snapped making Kaimon chuckle a bit. for the rest of the month of august into September was the same as most of the summer, Kaimon went to parties- Rose left making him do exactly what Julius would deny, corrupting him. He had to recruit someone to go out with him and Julius who was getting over a heart break was the easiest one. Kaimon was still seducing Egypt which became easier and easier as Egypt expected it now and expected the boys attention.

  "It was a question Damn, I mean you wanna take it slow I support it" Kaimon responded throwing his hands up in defense.

"So you trynna tell me, you can get a number today, fuck today and not give a fuck?"

"That's exactly what I'm about, you ever listen to me? Ever? Like damn"  Kaimon had a wide smile on his face as he said it.  Julius only rolled his eyes about to start a rant but Kaimon stopped him before he could. "Think about it, I'm better than half these people in realtionships- they pretend they wanna be in one and drag someone along meanwhile I tell someone up front I'm just here to get my dick wet"  Kaimon who went to looking at his phone knew when Julius didn't respond he was right. Julius who never wanted Kaimon to be right half the time was still trying to argue the point but he had one. Kaimon was about to clock out but had to second guess it as soon as Layanna came through the doorway of the store with a distress look.

"KAI" she whined and he couldn't help but look back at her, I let out a long sigh before motioning for her to keep talking as she reached me. "Kai Kai you know I love you" was all she started- she wanted some money. It made since Daz was all, I'm not paying for nothing for dance if you wanna be careless with school, and here she was a week before some away recital crying to me.

  "If this between you and D I'm staying out of it" I started just to get her riled up which he did.

"you never stay out of anything in your life, now when I want you on my side actually you wanna do this" she started sticking her bottom lip out. This is what Egypt likes? I shook my head at that thought and went to turn around before another whine came from Layanna's lips.

  "I'm already paying for this damn trip what else you need shit! Ian have no kid so I'm not understanding why I'm funding one"   I complained as Julius started laughing at us, for whatever reason he wanted to do that for. Ain't shit funny.

  "My dance shoes ripped, and you know what them girls said? We understand your situation so if you can't buy new ones before the recital we won't be mad" the siblings looked at each other with the exact same expression.

"Fuck they trying say?" I started as I grabbed my stuff, might as well clock out now not like she was asking for too much.

  "That's what I'm saying, we might have small struggles or whatever, but money? We got that.. right? Like we ain't broke?"

  "Nigga fuck no! We ain't rich but you barley want for shit. You know why? Cause Daz love the fuck out of you memeber that!" I started as we walked out of the footlocker, people walking through the mall were looking at me but I wasn't worried about none of that.  Layanna just came to me with some bullshit. "Let's not forget I do care bout to well-being so Ian gonna let you starve neither- nor let them trifling ass hoes talk crazy like they know whaat you got going on" I nodded this was my good brother deed for the year.

The rest of the afternoon was spent with Layanna not that it was my decision more that she was following me and I didn't snap yet. It got quiet in the car which meant Layanna wanted something, what?  What could she possibly want from me, then we pulled up to the house and there was Egypt bouncing a basketball in our driveway as if he lived there. He looked worried, but that look soon changed  to complete confusion and fear, when I honked the horn.  The ball flew out his hand and he quickly moved out the way of my car.
Layanna was already complaining  and slapping my arm a few times mentioning a few  "leave him alone! He's stressed" she jumped out the car like a girlfriend and need , I was about to say some smart shit but a text from Julius asking if we could go out on their next day off. If he didn't go back to his ex by then I'm already surprised he didn't. Julius was said lover boy- which made it funnier when he was out with me who was known for being the exact opposite.  "Stop texting your little boyfriend and unlock the door!" Layanna started making my face turn up in disgust, I was about to go off but her boyfriend stood next to her making the same face I made. Aw boo you don't even gotta worry.

  "I'll make your broke ass stay out here all night! You ain't gonna be rushing me little girl" I started pushing past Egypt with my hips then mushing layannas face out of the way so I could open the door.

"You just said we wasn't broke!" She whined probably allowing  what those girls said sink in.

  "I'm not I got a job! You got whatever I give you.. so not only are you broke, you take left overs.. yousa beggaaaa" I laughed walking into the house scanning around as if anyone stole anything while I was gone.

  "Shut up! I'm not a beggar !" She yelled back at me as she rushed up the stairs, Egypt must've not got the mention they were going upstairs because he just stood in the doorway as if he didn't know anyone and never been here.

  "Letting my cool air out, you miss me that much I got you memorized?" I joked before going deeper into the house to get some food from the kitchen. He scoffed behind me making me suck my teeth. His sensitive ass was thinking about something. Let it be whatever had him hooping deep in thought in my driveway it could be a numerous things. Layanna annoying ass, his father or his own issues.  I thought on my own mood today, if I felt like being nosey in his life. Then shrugged, could go either way.   "CLOSE THE DOOR EGYPT DAMN" I yelled back as I see him slowly finally walking into the house. The yelling snapped him out of his thoughts causing his face red and him mumbling sorry's even I could hear from the kitchen where I was making my sandwich.

  "STOP YELLING KAIMON FUCK! WE FINNA LEAVE SOON" Layanna yelled from upstairs before I hear another door which I'm assuming the bathroom close.

  "Where y'all finna go? With what car? You drove here Egypt?" I walked past the male who stood in the front room like he's, once again never been here.

  "No, my dad took my car.. tried to turn down being some stupid team captain" 

"So where y'all going?"

"Why you worried about us?" He snapped making me raise a eyebrow. So his dad pissed in his cereal and I get the attitude? Yeah, no.

  "You want me to suck your dick or something? Cause this attitude isn't working for me" I took a bite of my  sandwich holding it in one hand and then scrolling through my phone with my other hand.

   "Shut up" he muttered as he still sat down next to me, must've been waiting for Layanna. Must be tried that's all he does when he isn't choking on my dick, wait wait wait.

"If I gotta shut up, get away from me fuck you thought"

"Are you fucking Julius?" I let out a loud obnoxious laugh which wasn't funny to him at all. He only slid down into the couch deeper and stuck out his bottom lip a bit. He acted as if he was watching whatever was playing on the tv, I had put it on when I sat down for background noise.

"Julius straight-

"That doesn't sto-

"Na, you wasn't straight. Get your little ass out your feelings, I'm not gonna give you anything. I'm clean"

"So you are fucking him?"

"Are you fucking Layanna?" That shut him up. I watched the guilt fill his body, his eyes filled with regret getting sad. He looked toward the stairs then down at his hands beginning to play with them as his mind started to race. Atleast he shut up. That was a mistake on my point, this is why I tend not to mess with people younger than me. They get clingy, or expect more than was ever promised.

"Come on Egypt! He gonna make your mood worse!"

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