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Kaimon exhaled sharply as he rolled up the blunt and hit it. Rose wasn't going to try and talk him out of it, so there they were right before he went to crash some highschool party. Julius sat in the back seat of the car watching the two and then shook his head a little. "Y'all seem calm- we bout to go beat on some 18 year olds at their party" he reminded them and Kaimon just dried the blunt with the hat of the lighter and lit the end of it. Sometimes he forgot he was only 20 years old. He felt like he was atleast 24 after putting up with Layanna all day. It was Friday and they were going to a party, sometning he hasn't done in a little bit now that he thought about it.

"Exactly, underage drinking means that nobody will call the cops, if they did then they'd all get in trouble- parents would find out.. it's like telling the cops someone stole your weed.. when weeds illegal" Kaimon explained and rose looked back at Julius nodding.

"All they can do it look and wish they were somewhere they where suppose to be at" rose added in with a small smile on her face. "Daz is apparently pressing charges " Roses Informed the car "Daz and Egypts father, so that should be fun"

"How do you know this?" Julius dared to ask.

"I fucked someone's older brother, heard them talking about it while dropping me off" she explained and in that moment he realized why her and Kaimon were best friends. Kaimon passed the blunt and answered his phone hoping it was from Egypt. Although he was slightly mad at him for even doing this.

"Kaimon I don't want you to try and go fight him" he tried as he sat on kaimons bed. For some strange reason Egypt and Layanna were not friends again. Maybe getting beat up together bonded them but it wasn't weird for him to be over at the house. Layanna put away the hostility when she realized she never had real feelings for Egypt and he never did her. They were both holding onto something that they should've broke off.

"That Nigga beat you like a piñata- better yet he beat my sister like she was a damn wack a mole!" Kaimon only explained as he was getting dressed. Egypt watched hun furrowing his eyebrows together not liking this plan.

"So! You don't have to fight my battles for me I can figh-

"We seen how that worked out! You lost, Layanna jumped in and y'all both lost. So now I gotta clean up the mess. If you gonna have a attitude about it I can take you home but I'm going either way" Kaimon finally spoke. It was a win win for him, whoop they ass and go to a party. Egypt really didn't want him to go to the party either, he never knew Kaimon to be loyal- well to have anything to be loyal too. They weren't technically dating and now he was going to go out with liquor and weed with a few friends, probably have fun- then start a fight and if he knew Kaimon the night wouldn't end there. Maybe he was scared- maybe he didn't trust him as much as he thought he did. Just think about how he got him.

"Okay so take me home then" he spoke even though he didn't mean it.

"Nah, you can stay here- take a lil nap or something.. talk to your new friend even though it's weird y'all cool" he added and then kissed Egypts cheek. "I'll call you when I'm on the way back" Egypt just rolled his eyes and nodded.

"Yeah be safe"

"Come give me a kiss fore I go" Kaimon started and Egypt slowly got up trying to drag it out. Once he finally reached Kaimon he placed a quick kiss on him. "A real one; what's wrong with you?" He started and Egypt just shrugged. "Bug, get it off your chest" he started and Egypt sighed for a bit.

"Nothing, it's just- I don't know, what if something happens?" He started talking all his worries outloud. "Or what if you see a cute girl or something, or Tamor" he added and Kaimon couldn't help but laugh a bit when they got to what was really bothering him. He didn't mean to be insensitive that wasn't what he was going for but he didn't realize how much Egypt was the jealous type. He should've realized the other night in his room but here he was looking at him not laughing at all. "It's not funny- you know what nevermind" he huffed and went to go sit down, Kaimon only took his good arm and pulled him back towards him and gave him a kiss, a real one.

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