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Kaimon woke up before Egypt and honestly he was excited to see Daz vs.Layanna. He knew it was going to be a funny one. Egypt was sleeping hard so it was easy for him to do his morning business, just pee and brush his teeth then roll up. He didn't want to smoke when he was awake because he knew the boy would already have a headache. Sometimes weed made non smokers have a even worse head ache. If Kaimon moved to much Egypt would stir in his sleep but as soon as he could touch Kaimon again he fell back into a deep sleep. Kaimon was caught of guard by instead of his house being filled with yelling, his phone was going off. Egypt stirred a bit and Kaimon only watched him. Cute. He thought before placing his phone to his ear-

  "Hello? It's early as hell- whose this?" He questioned into the phone skipping all the formalities. It was 8:30 so maybe not that  early but truthfully he felt like he should've been sleep like Egypt right now.

  "Is this Kaimon Reigs?" The lady on the phone asked, Kaimon didn't answer he only checked the phone number to see if he knew them since it seems they knew him. "This is the Booked Brooks Ad Agency" she explained and Kaimon couldn't help but smack his lips together. Corny ass name.

  "Well what y'all want? Don't say my government like that again- asking a question you already know" he took another hit of the blunt seconds away from hanging up, he didn't like the tone on this lady.

  "I'm going to transfer you over to Mr.Cameron Brooks is that okay? Please stay on the line" before he could answer the elevator music blasted in his ear waking whatever tiredness he had right up. What a coincidence that Egypt father was calling when Egypt was snuggled into his side.

  "Hello Kaimon? It's Mr.Brooks- you're a hard one to track down you know" he said giving out a small laugh. "Sorry for the early call- it's already noon time in my head- I tend to wake up around 4 am every morning"  he explained- "I won't waste to much of your time, it's Saturday - you're young I know how Friday nights can go" he joked.

  "Ha- yeah Goodmorning sir" Kaimon replied hitting the blunt once more.

"I'm just calling to tell you, you were right— now I'm not wrong often but these days it  seems I'm loosing a bit of my touch" he started and Kaimon was holding back a petty comment. "I would like to offer you a job here, of course nothing big at first- I can help you be a bit more professional but I think you might have a calling for this" he spoke with enthusiasm laced in his voice.

  "I don't know- wearing a suit everyday does sound kind of crazy"

  "These people here only wear a suit everyday to impress me, I'm already impressed by you Kaimon- only time I need you to wear a suit is when we have a meeting with clients. If you are free we can start Monday morning around 10- I can have you shadow me the first week, start things out to put you on payroll"  Mr.Brooks was taking a leap with Kaimon, most of his team thought he was crazy, but he talked to Kaimon at that table and he heard the ambition in his voice, the way he He seems to know what most people want- it was a good skill to have, to watch and learn someone then use it to make money off of it- it took people years to learn what Kaimon seemed to do instantly.

  "I'll  give you a chance; I don't like to make promises before I know what I'm promising myself too" was all Kaimon responses and the man laughed agreeing to what he was saying. After their goodbyes Kaimon hung up and looked over at Egypt. Was this a set up? Before he could think to much into it he heard the door slammed shut. But then nothing.intresting. He heard Daz come up the stairs and he then heard rapid jiggles on his doorknob.

  "Open up Aries!" Daz called as she knocked on the door like she was the police. When he finally unlocked it and opened it she looked confused- still pissed but confused.

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