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    Kaimon sat in his car smoking a blunt  and exhaled. He wasn't scared to go inside but he also had to turn his emotions on. She had every right to be mad but that doesn't mean he liked getting yelled at for longer then 3 seconds. He finished his blunt and flicked the roach onto the ground stomping it out as he got out the car. Was he ready for this? Was all he thought and he sucked his teeth. No, he really wasn't. Nonetheless he still was going to go in the house, he wasn't scared of Layanna, he couldn't fight her just maybe pull her off of him- yank her around a bit but even then she'd have to constantly put her hands on him. As soon as he walked through the door- Daz looked up from where she sat on the couch putting her work shoes on. "Are you gonna be alright?" Was all she started. I rolled my eyes nodding and she titled her head a bit. "Kaimon, you know she was gonna be hurt, she's hurt as hell. Not cause he cheated but because it was with you— and deep down y'all know how y'all love each other"

"I get it I fucked up, she'll get over it eventually. This can't hurt our relationship forever"

"IT SURE CAN!" Layanna screamed as she came down the stairs. "You ain't shit! You literally aren't shit! How could you look me in my face everyday!" She yelled as she pushed Kaimon. "Every fucking day- you knew you were betraying me, doing me wrong— I don't care if you fuck everyone else in the world man, baby mother- shit even they father. But you had to go after the one person that should've been off limits- because your MY BROTHER" she started she wiped the tears from her face and pushed him again. "Then you had his ass tell me? EGYPT! You didn't give a fuck about me!" She added. Daz tried to mediate between the two but nobody was hearing her.

"Alright my bad shit" Kaimon said simply but that only added fuel to the fire.

"My fucking bad? That's all you got to say!" She exploded. "You really don't care about anyone but your damn self!" She sniffed and Daz sighed going to calm her down. "How long huh?" She asked and Kaimon just blinked. " how fucking long kaimon" she kept getting closer to him and yelling in his face and he mentally kept reminding himself this was his sister, he loved her. He didn't want to have to punch her in her jaw. He exhaled sharply and shrugged.

"Maybe like a couple months on and off" he replied and her mouth dropped. She was stunned for a moment. Kaimon looked up at Daz who finally got the point and went to the kitchen so she could hear if it got to crazy but still give them their space.

"Fuck you" she said quietly. All the pain she was feeling, all the anger poured into those words- it cut Kaimon like a knife. "Fuck you for real Kaimon- I hate you so much.. out if everyone in the world you choose to do this to me" She finally let the tears run down her face. "We suppose to be family" she whispered. "You pose to look out for me- I know I've been difficult these past years but this? Ian think you'd turn on me like this" she added . Kaimon tried to wipe his little sisters face but she just pulled away. "And for what? All for some quick nut here and there"

"It wasn't just for a nut" Kaimon replied. "And I said I'm my bad, like I'm sorry Lay- Ian mean for it to get this deep and go this far"

"What do you mean you didn't mean for it! You kept going back and having sex with him didn't you?" She asked bitterly. Her face red, tears stained her cheeks as more came rushing down. "If it wasn't for a nut then why?" She asked and silence filled between them. Their eyes staying on each other and she let out a sarcastic laugh. "You- mr. All for himself, doesn't love anything - don't tell me you fucked around and fell in love with him" she asked and he didn't say anything back. She only shook her head and pushed him back harder into the door. "And all you have to say is that sorry ass excuse?"

"Fuck you want me to say Layanna? It was a mistake? I regret it? Ian gonna lie to your face I did it enough. Yea I fell in love with the boy now what? That's not what you wanted to hear so why the fuck you dragged it out of me" Kaimon snapped. "You not gonna keep pushing me around like I'm some bitch- you hurt I get it. I fucked up and you hate me right now I get that too. But Ian your damn punching bag" he brushed past her and she only pulled him back by his arm and pushed him over the couch so he tumbled his back hitting the coffee table. Kaimon looked up at her and for a split second he saw the regret in layannas eyes. When he got up he only closed his eyes and counted to 10.

"You could've fell in love with anyone else!" She yelled at him. She's right. He could've.

"It's not like you loved him? You just sucking up some random ass football player"

"I apologized to Egypt for that- me and Egypt are cordial. We both cheated. Our loyalty was broke.. but I did nothing to you" she was calming back down. "You sat there and made me feel crazy when I brought up the possibility. All the times I was on the phone with Egypt- I brought him over to the house you put up a front like you didn't give a fuck about him — turns out you love him. Well I hope it was worth it" she said and opened the door. "Selfish piece of shit" she added before slamming the door shut.

Kaimon exhaled sharply and plopped onto the couch. He never felt more like his mother in his life. "Where did she go?" Daz asked as she came out form hiding.

"Didn't have time between all the yelling and her basically pushing me the fuck around" Kaimon added mean mugging Daz.

  "I need to go smoke, I need a damn drink" Kaimon added getting up. He felt guilty as hell, he didn't like seeing his sister hurt like that- but in the same breath he just admitted to loving Egypt. He felt bad for Layanna but he felt even worse for wanting to go to Egypt right now. So he was deciding to pick the middle.

  "Uh uh you know I don't like you drinking and stuff when you like this" Daz attempted to stop him and Kaimon just sighed. He went upstairs getting some weed and roll up then his keys. When he came home Daz looked at him with a worried look on her face."Kai where are you going?"

"Out, don't wait up"

- Shorter cause enough was said. Y'all going in on Layanna cause she cheated but Egypt still did his big one and cheated on her with her brother. Like imagine you know damn well you be pissed.

- this story soon wraps up. Depending how I'm feeling it really might get a sequel but the type of sequel  that you don't have to read. Hi cliff hangers for the ending.

- I went a little off my outline (I loosely follow what I want to happen in each chapter; so you might get
2-3  extra chapters but originally there was only 4 left so anywhere from 4-7 chapters left of this book.

Also I posted a new story so go check that out 🤍

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