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   "Yeah I don't care Lay" I told her as she went on about some new dance she was doing.  I was driving up to the jail and like normal Layanna was excited. I didn't hate her for being excited I hated her for talking the whole way up. At times I did felt bad for her, I remember my mother- I heard the stories growing up at how bad she was, how she wrecked homes and cause chaos- never really grew up. But Layanna didn't, the worst she had was Daz who really did treat her like her own, but siblings had no business raising each other because  at times Daz did argue with her like a damn sister. Not to mention I shouldn't raise anyone ion have the patience nor care.

    "You never care about nobody but yourself" she huffed leaning back down in her chair.

  "You lying"

  "I'm lying? When's the last time you did something not for yourself" she asked and it got quiet, I started thinking but then I realized. She was right I really didn't do anything for majority unless it was named Kaimon half the time I didn't care.

"Okay, you fucking got me want a cookie?" I asked as I pulled into the parking lot. "How lomg you finna be here?" I asked making her looked at me a bit shocked.

"You not going to see momma?"

"No, I haven't planned on it- I know what she looks like" I responded uninterested in the conversation. She knew I had to work today, or wanted to work. Long story short she knew I didn't have time to be here.

  "But you guys really only talk- and imma be here for a hour maybe a hour and a half" my eyes remained looking at her with a bored expression as she continued to convince me with lies on why she wanted me in there.

  "I stay telling you about lying to me now get out my car, atleast learn to lie better" at this point I was reaching over her body and opening her car down trying to push her out.take a fucking hint Layanna.

  "I never seen mommy by myself" was all she said barely above a whisper.I smacked my lips and let out a long sigh. "What? You are the one who said everything I know about her is a lie" I was about to protest but I did say that, and it's true so I gave her a shrug.

"Mane I'm pretty sure your nigga with a car will drive to get if you if you are upset" we both knew he would Egypt had a heart of gold and for some reason he was fucking around with Layannas bottom of the barrel acting ass.

"Okay imma text you" she said softly getting out she kept looking back at me before going into the jail. I wasted no time speeding off not wanting her to turn around and change her mind. I didn't have to work today but I also didn't feel like listening to my mom beg for money or use a bullshit ass excuse for why she might be getting more time added.

The jail was 20 minutes away which wasn't a bad walk or bus ride, I spent many days after highschool there but now it just felt pointless. Within 10 minutes of going 40 above the speed limit I made it to the mall. A ring rain through the car making me raise an eyebrow because my phone was on mute and in my hand? I moved back the passenger seat and smacked my lips. "I'll text you" I locked Layanna picking up her phone. A smile played on my face seeing three missed calls from " Egypt🧸🥰" I must've missed the other ones because my music was so loud, like clockwork another call came though and I answered it.

"Layanna you had me worried, I was suppose to tutor you today- you must've Um forgot.. I just wish you could've sent a text or something" the boy mumbled before his mood switched again on the phone "but it's totally okay, I'm not mad at you just glad you're okay and not hurt!"

"How romantic" I spoke getting out the car. "Spoken like a true poet"

"Wheres Layanna?" He replied.

"The jail" i was now walking through the parking lot as I heard a bunch of shuffles and then Egypt basically have a panic attack over the phone making me chuckle into it. "Visiting my momma boy you need to relax some"

"You could've specified" he now had an attitude laced in his voice and I couldn't help but smile knowing I did it. "Well tell her to call me when she gets her pho-

"Wait wait wait I know you ain't finna hang up on me" I complained my bottom lip stuck out as I walked into the mall. I didn't realize how hot it was outside until the air conditioning hit my skin and I almost let out a moan. This shit bussin. That first walk in cold air.

"I don't have anything to say to you"

"Oh you acting like that again?" I smacked my lips feeling myself get a bit mad. Egypt was pissing him off- it was like hot and cold with him some days he wanted me the other days he wanted to act like he didn't. I just rode his shit like a mechanical bull the least he could is acknowledged that was the best nut he got in his life.

"Kaimon we should've been stopped- I care about lay-

"Wait say that again" I cut him off I was now in footlocker and there stood Julius a stupid look on his face.

"Say what? We should've been stopped?" Egypt asked confused over the phone as I rapped up Julius.

"Nah before that- you said some"  I moved the phone away from my ear a bit to talk to Julius. "Bro it's a party tomorrow and I told your ass I'm taking you don't think I forgot- you and that bitch broke up we finna have some fun"

"But I couldn't hang up" Egypt muttered making my attention go back into the phone. "I got things to do, I have to watch koybin"

"See this the second time you tried to hang up on me, imma just pull up on the kid"

"You d-dont know where I l-liv"

"Be there in 30 suga" was all I said hanging up the phone. Julius only raised a eyebrow at me before shaking his head.

    "When you ever gonna stop slutting around" I waved off the question as it didn't need an answer. But within five minutes of silence I gave him one.

  "Dont people stop when they get bored?" I half shrugged as I sat on one of the benches meant for people to try on shoes then got comfortable and laid back. "I don't got time to get feeling involved" I added "especially not with Egypt cry baby ass" I muttered the last part more to myself.

  "So at this party maybe I'll find you a lil someone who you can take seriously" he pushed as Julius always does.

"Why so I can be 23? And married that doesn't sound right to me.. ion wanna look at no ring till I'm 30"

"You just might catch something"

I don't like this chapter at all but filler I just decided that imma make this story shorter than my other ones. Because the way people keep asking me about this story gotta stop😭.

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