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  "I have to ride back with the girls, we need to go to the studio and stuff to drop off the trophies and take pictures with them" she started and I looked at her blinking a few times. What exactly was she getting at? "So can you drive Kaimon and koybin to their house? I'm gonna stay over there tonight.. one of the girls are gonna drop me off when I'm done at the studio" she spoke again and I didn't say anything. Should I ? Egypt was acting like I wasn't there the whole time. Koybin was talking my head off but he was a funny kid so I didn't mind we  almost bought out the concession stand with just the two of us.

  "Egypt come on we leaving" I said as soon as he came back from the bathroom. I picked up koybin who was sleep next to me and put him over my shoulder. Egypt looked at Layanna and then me with a confused look on his face. "We will meet you in the car- you guys can argue bout it, or you can walk home fuck if I care" I added and put my keys in my pocket then headed towards the door. Koybin fell asleep during the awards he was mad at first he didn't get any trophies either and Egypt kept explaining to him that he wasn't a dancer. When we got to the car I placed him in the back then got in the front.  While Kaimon waited Egypt was talking to Layanna who wasn't understanding why he didn't want to go with Kaimon. "Babe I know it's a long ride, he usually just listen to music and stuff so it shouldn't be any issue" she spoke as she gave him a kiss on the cheek: Egypt just sighed and nodded finally giving in. "I'll be at your house probably two hours after you get there" she said and pulled him closer to her. "Then after you put koybin to bed I'm all yours" she hummed pressing another kiss to his face.  After they said their goodbyes Egypt took his time walking back to the car like Layanna stated Kaimon  was sitting there listening to music texting on his phone when Egypt tapped on the window so he could unlock it.

  "What's your issue?" Kaimon asked rolling down the window a bit but not unlocking the car. Egypt just pulled on the door handle a few more times. "I'm talking to you"

"Can I get in the car?" Egypt asked and Kaimon just rolled up the window. "Nothings wrongg can I get in?" He said almost starting to whine but covered it up. Egypt started talking and Kaimon sm just shrugged "can't hear you" he spoke through the glass. Egypt tapped on the window and exhaled and Kaimon rolled it down a bit. "What's up?"

"Kaimon stop playing and let me in the car, I want to go home"

"Oh do you? That's cool" Kaimon responded and rolled the window back up. So damn stubborn for no reason. Egypt looked in the backseat at koybin who was sleeping then Kaimon who was humming along to his music now. With no care in the world. Last time he was in this car everything between them was good. Not to say that they weren't right now Egypt just finally started to move smarter. He was falling for Kaimon too much. He thought more and more about doing the right thing towards Layanna because it was starting to eat him up in his thoughts. Egypt's eyes went back towards Kaimon who relaxed into the front seat not a care in the world, he studied the male from head to toe almost getting caught up in the moment.

"Kaimon please" Egypt said from outside the car as he tapped on the window once more, kaimons turned towards Egypt and rolled down the window with a confused look on his face.

"Can I help you lovebug?"

"Can you unlock the car?"

"You know a couple days ago I texted you, well I know you know cause you left me on seen" he said in a monotone voice.

"I'm sor-

"I don't want your wack ass apology, I wanna know wassup with you- you're acting weird" he said and narrowed his eyes at me. I just looked back at him not knowing what to say and he was about to roll the window back up -

"Stop, I wanna go home" he just blinked and I rocked back and forth a bit. "Nothings wrong I just didn't have nothing to say to you"I added and he just nodded. I tried to open the door. Still locked. "Kaimon et me in the car!" He finally raised his voice a little and he saw a small smile grow on the man's face. "So damn difficult" he finally unlocked the car and Egypt quickly got in before he changed his mind. "You play to much" he said more to himself then Kaimon. Kaimon was still waiting for an explanation of why Egypt had left him on seen and Egypt was still thinking about what to say. It would be a lie to say it didn't piss Kaimon off, maybe due to the fact he just told Egypt half his life secrets almost a week ago now he's acting as if that didn't matter. Kaimon wasn't heartless, just shoved his feelings down a lot so he didn't have to feel, Egypt made him dig them back up then he starts acting weird? - fuck that.

"Whatever mane" Kaimon finally said and started to drive him, the drive was slow- Kaimon just turned the music up and left himself to his thoughts, he needed a blunt and a shot. He wasn't about to sit in his car and beg the man to tell him why he was acting weird; he was starting to feel like half the people on his phone and he didn't like that.

Everytime Egypt looked over at Kaimon he was looking straight ahead, not at Kaimon, not trying to touch him just straight ahead with a blank look on his face. He's never really seen this side of Kaimon before. "Are you mad at me?" The people pleaser in him jumped out and asked the male. Kaimon just shook his head not taking his eyes off the road. "Cause Ian mean to hurt your fee-

"My feelings are straight Egypt" he said in a monotone voice. Hearing his name out of the boys mouth in such a basic manner was weird to him, infact Egypt realized he didn't like Kaimon saying his name at all. He looked out the window and chewed his bottom lip. Why do you care so much? Why isn't this crush disappearing- why do you want the man to touch you so bad- you shouldn't be craving his touch. Shit you should be glad he isn't trying to flirt with you. So why is this bothering you so much.

"I think we should stop wherever you would call what we are doing before someone's feelings get hurt, and Layanna doesn't deserve this .. we should probably tell her" Egypt started and Kaimon just gave him a slow nod- "you don't got nothing to say?"

"Fuck you want me to say Egypt? Is this when I'm pose to try and fight for you to choose me over my sister or some shit? This day was bound to happen- it is what it is" Kaimon announced he went to turn the music up but Egypt covered it with his hand. "What now? And to answer a question that might be coming up no Ian mad"

"Maybe we can still be fr-

"Nah we don't gotta do allat. Also don't act like I'm pose to be crying right now- you told me to fall back I'm falling back, now you got a problem?" Kaimon looked at Egypt for the first time in what felt like forever to Egypt. He had a small pout on his face and shrugged.

"So you gonna act like you never met me? Like we didn't spend all th-

"Egypt grow up, fuck I was suppose to do fall for some dumb ass wanna be NFL player? Like what you wanted me to do fall Inlove and fight for you? You gotta be realistic , realistic bout that dumb ass dream, realistic about us - realistic bout your relationship with Layanna.. cause none of those things are gonna play out for you how you want them too" he snapped and Egypt furrowed up his face. He was trying not to show emotion, trying not to act bothered by what he said but he was having trouble doing that.

"You don't have to be a dick, I don't know what's gotten into you but this ain't the Kaimon I-

"You what? Fell for? Nobody told you to catch feelings for me.. you was suppose to be smarter than that to catch feelings for someone who just wanna fuck.. now look at you wanting to become friends" Kaimon said with a bit of bitterness in his voice. Egypt just looked at him all shocked, he's never been on this side of Kaimon before. It was cold , rude and disrespectful. The way he spoke like he meant everything and didn't care how Egypt reacted was something he wasn't use too. The same reason Kaimon didn't like relationships was what he was going through right now. He didn't like getting to know someone, opening up and then they just get up and leave. Blame it on his mommy issues, his daddy issues and everything inbetween but the thought of that didn't sit well for him. Just the way the thought of Egypt saying they should stop doing what they where doing after he already opened up to him almost more then anyone he knew. So here he was projecting his hurt out. Would he admit that? Hell no.

"Fuck you" Egypt muttered when they pulled up to his house. "Layanna was real right about you" he then got koybin out the can and walked into the house without looking back.

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