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  Kaimon sat in the car humming to the music only half listening to what was going on, not that the date wasn't nice let's be real Kaimon would've told him to take him home. It was more that he knew he didn't really want more with Tamor, he didn't know why he sat here or even called him with the thought he did. Kaimon didn't want anything more with a lot of people, dealing with someone most days was exhausting but talking to Tamor for 4 hours meant he needed a shot. Kaimon didn't know what possessed him to stay at Egypts house the other night- maybe it was because they switched positions? But then again Kaimon and a Tamor switched all the time and he still left him there, even if Tamor begged him to stay the night. Even though Kaimon told himself not to think about it to much he did- he spent most of the week thinking about it.

He realized more then ever that Egypt was right, they should've left each other alone. what business did Kaimon have out of everyone he fucked falling for the high schooler whose finna go off to college?  Who is going to definitely leave him in the dust- he was confusing himself not to mention Egypt changed what he wants everyday. "Kaimon? Are you listening? Are you okay you're quieter than usual" Tamor asked and Kaimon zoned back in.

  "Tamor this date has been fun, really it has- I know you're trying to be a gentleman and all but I want 4 shots of henny and atleast one of Patron— so let's stop acting like we haven't already fucked multiple times and you can stop the whole take you home bla bla bla.. take me to a bar" Kaimon turned and looked at Tamor to see if he was understanding where he was coming from and Tamor nodded.

  "Of course, yea come on Kaimon I know a calm place where we can talk and drink" he placed his hand on kaimons thigh and started driving.

  Let's just say they might've drunk a bit to much, Kaimon made it home and for some reason the house had a lot of cars coming from it. Instantly that sobered him up. I know this girl ain't. Was all he thought walking up the driveway- "are you having a party?" Tamor asked leaning back into the seat of the car.

"Mane if so, I wasn't invited" Kaimon added as he continue to hit the blunt he had rolled in the car.  "Goodnight Tanor I had fun" he called back then opened his front door. It smelled like alcohol mixed with  high schoolers perfume & cologne. He was gonna kill Layanna. He shut the door behind him and took a bit of his blunt. They were all dressed up for the most part and seemed to be having a blast. He turned the music off for a second and everyone looked at him- "who the fuck is y'all?" He asked hitting his blunt one more time. They all looked at him with nervous eyes acting as if they weren't just throwing ass , smoking and drinking. He looked around the living room and for the most part it looked like Layanna moved all the important stuff so he's give that to her atleast. "How bout a easier one, where the fucks Layanna" he spoke and someone mentioned out back. Daz was gonna be pissed, they lived in apartments most of their childhood which wasn't bad- but they couldn't afford it after awhile rent kept getting higher, so when she was 21 she got a loan, first home owners loan and she bought this house- between Kaimons illegal money and her legal money they put down a little down payment and that was that. - now here goes Layanna throwing parties while Daz working night shift to bust her ass for this girl. When he walked outside he saw Layanna and some of her friends around the fireplace drinking laughing and smoking.

  "Shit where's my invite?" He asked and Layanna looked up with wide eyes. He hit his blunt again waiting for an answer. "Cause why the fuck I got a house full of underage-

"Some of them are 18"

"Girl shut the fuck up; and why you got that dress on? Where you coming from?" He asked as he took the cup out of layannas hand and drink it. She smacked her lips and couldn't help rolling her eyes a bit and Kaimon only mocked her.

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