fun and games (requested)

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"Eat up, honey," Rosie told Lily, placing down some breakfast in front of her before kissing her cheek, making the tiny girl giggle happily.

She's got a busy day ahead at practice, ready to go out the door in only a few minutes.

She wanted to give you a kiss goodbye first, but you were in the other room on an important call, so she chose to kill her time by spending it with Lily, which, in her eyes, didn't really get any better than that.

Lily was watching cartoons on her iPad. It's a habit you're both trying to break, but it's so hard when she cracks that precious smile of hers that melts both your hearts every time.

The only thing that made her turn away from the screen was you ending the call and coming into the kitchen.

"Oh, good, you're still here." You sighed in relief at Rosé before going up to her and putting your hands on her shoulders. "I have a problem."

"What is it, baby?" Rosie frowned.

"I have to go to work. I thought I had the day off but they called and said they need me to come in. I really don't have much of a choice. I know you have practice but I need you to babysit. If you're up for it, that is."

"Are you kidding?" She spoke happily before eying Lily. "A whole day with this little munchkin? Sounds like a blast!"

Your heart fluttered when Lily giggled and stared up at Rosie so sweetly.

"You're sure?"

"Absolutely," Rosie said and started to caress your arms. "Don't worry your pretty little mind. I'll just take her to practice. She loves the girls and the girls love her. It'll be a fun day! Maybe we'll even go out for ice cream later!"

Lily gasped in excitement, staring at Rosie with big eyes.

"Sounds like you're gonna have a great day, baby." You said with a smile and moved to hug your little girl. "I love you. You be a good girl and listen to Rosé and the girls, and any staff members at YG. Okay? Pinky promise me?"

Lily wrapped her tiny pinky around your own and you kissed her head softly before giving Rosie a kiss goodbye and heading out the door to work.

"Okay, sweetie. Are you all done eating?"

Lily nodded.

"How about we get you changed then we can go see the girls? Sound like fun?"

Before Rosie could even finish her question, Lily was taking her hand and leading her up the stairs to her room. She was so excited to see the girls and it warmed Rosie's heart.

She quickly got her dressed for the day before hurrying out the door and driving off to practice.

They arrived a few minutes later. Getting out of the car, Rosie quickly helped Lily out and took her hand to lead her inside the YG building.

The staff was quick to notice the two but thought it was cute how the little girl waved politely to them and carried on with Rosie, who wore a proud smile.

She led her down to the practice room and opened the door, to find the girls sat around and waiting on her.

"You're finally here?" Jisoo joked as she and the girls turned around, expecting to only find Rosé there. But to their surprise, they saw Lily there too, and their mood immediately shifted from feeling ready to just get the day done and over with to an immense rush of pure happiness.

"Hey, cutie." Jennie cooed and Lily dropped Rosie's hand to run to her. "What a surprise! Didn't expect to see you here today. But I'm so happy to see you."

Lily giggled before letting go of Jennie and going to hug Lisa and Jisoo, who were standing with open arms and ready to hug her tight.

"Y/N had to work last minute, so I brought her along."

"Well, we're not complaining." Lisa grinned and let go of Lily before leading her to another part of the room.

She sat on the floor and Rosie quickly pulled her iPad out of the bag, which she quickly put inside before they headed out.

"If you get bored, play with this. Okay?"

Lily nodded.

"And if you need something, I'm right over there and so are the girls. Don't be afraid to tell us if you need anything at all."

"Okay," Lily said and smiled as Rosie kissed her forehead then went off to practice.

The time ticked by quickly. The music was loud, the girls were busy practicing dance after dance, repeating move after move until they felt it was perfect.

But then, the desire for some water struck. They were thirsty and it seemed like the perfect time to check up on Lily, too.

Only, when Rosé looked to where Lily was supposed to be, she was nowhere to be found.

Rosé went wide-eyed and frantic.

"Lily? Lily!" She yelled out, catching the girls' attention. "Did you see her get up?"

"No!" The girls said in unison, only fueling her panic.

"Oh no!" She frantically said. "Lily! Honey, where are you?" She yelled and the girls quickly did the same and started to look for her.

"Look everywhere! If you find her, tell me as soon as you can!" Rosé said before they all ran off in different directions.

"Lily?" She yelled and went to staff members to ask around. "Have you seen a little girl anywhere?"

"No," they all answered and Rosie tangled her fingers in her hair, tugging at the strands anxiously.

But a moment later, she heard the little giggle. It was so familiar, so sweet and cute.

It was Lily.

"Lily!" She yelled and followed the giggle into the last place she would've ever looked - the CEO of YG's office.

She was giggling as she played around with Bokyung. Rosé wouldn't ever snap at the small, sweet girl. But she did worry about her being upset.

"Listen, I can explain. I am so sorry if she disturbed you or your work-"

"It's okay." She replied and the sound of Rosie's voice caught Lily's attention.

"Mom!" She yelled and rushed to Rosie.

"You scared me," Rosie said as she hugged the small girl tightly. "No more running off like that. Okay? And especially not here. She's very busy."

Lily nodded and turned to apologize, only for her to shake her head.

"Don't worry." She said. "Just go with Rosé now."

Lily nodded and let Rosé take her hand to lead her out of the room.

Rosie turned around and looked back at the usually anything but smiley CEO, only to find her waving back to Lily as the small girl stopped to wave goodbye to her. She was smiling, her eyes looked bright. She seemed happy to see Lily. It was heartwarming.

"You found her!" Jennie spoke relieved.

"Yeah. She was in there with Bo-Kyung. She looked like she was happy to see her and having fun playing with her."

"Cute!" The girls said in unison once more.

"C'mon, Lily. We gotta practice some more then we'll go for lunch. Okay?" Jisoo promised.

Lily nodded happily and followed the girls back to the practice room.

"Promise not to run off. Okay?"

"Okay," Lily promised, taking Rosie's pinky and wrapping hers around it. "Love you!"

"I love you, sweet girl." Rosie smiled and kissed her forehead before going back to practice.

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