shut up (requested)

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"Lily! Dinnertime!" Rosie yelled out to Lily, who was sitting in the living room watching cartoons on her phone.

You couldn't help but smile when you heard the hurried footsteps approaching the kitchen as your young daughter excitedly rushed into the room.

Rosie finished getting you both a drink and making sure Lily had something to sip on during dinner as well, placing a cup of juice down in front of her before she sat down between the two of you.

"I'm so hungry." You said as you breathed in the delicious aroma of the food you and Rosie made together tonight.

You went to pick up your utensils when you heard the giggle your daughter let out and lifted your head.

You noticed that she was still staring at the phone screen, her favorite cartoon playing - the one that always makes her happy.

"Lily?" You cleared your throat to get her attention, but it remained on her phone. "Lily, put it-"

"I got it, babe," Rosie said and reached over, tapping your daughter's shoulder. "Lily, your mom said put your phone down. It's dinnertime, we don't use phones at the table. You know better."

After she finished speaking, she playfully pinched Lily's cheek and kissed her head before returning her attention to the food on her plate.

Usually, Lily doesn't even think about taking the phone much of anywhere.

You have strict rules with it since she's still so young.

Things such as no social media and anything she uses, such as youtube or Netflix, have to be on a kid's profile's only.

Her phone is only used for videos and cartoons, so she'll stay safe online at all costs and won't get attached to her phone.

You also have a limit for screen time, only a couple of hours here and there.

She listens and understands the rules about her phone so well, so when you heard the words that followed after Rosé spoke to her, you were shocked - to say the least.

"Shut up, mom!" Lily said to Rosie as she locked her phone, pouting as she folded her arms over her chest.

Immediately, this did not sit well with you.

She was glaring at Rosie, so you knew she was talking to her and not to you.

Regardless, it was still angering.

"Lily!" You yelled loudly, making both her and Rosé jump. "That is not appropriate! We do not tell people to shut up!"

"But, mom-" She started to say, but you just shook your head.

"No! Apologize to her, right now!"

Instead of an apology, you were greeted with giggles.

And not from your daughter who seemed to have quite an attitude tonight but from... Rosie?

"What's so funny? Why are you laughing? I am trying to scold her here. It's not an easy thing for me to do but she was wrong to tell you to shut up."

"No, she wasn't." Rosie giggled. "It's just a little prank. We just wanted to see how you'd react!"

You went wide-eyed, watching as your girls high-fived and giggled together.

"Hey," you said, eyebrows furrowed as you stared at them in disbelief.

"You're not being a very good example right now." You scolded Rosé, who just stared at you with her eyebrows raised - not exactly expecting to be scolded over this. "It's very cute that you two wanted to gang up on me and prank me but I don't like those words leaving my young child's mouth."

"I know. I'm sorry. I just wanted to see how you'd react." She said.

"I'm sorry. For real." Lily said as she got out of her chair, coming over to hug the two of you.

"It's okay. But no more saying shut up. It's not nice."

"Okay, mom!" She smiled and kissed your cheek before doing the same to Rosé, who just giggled and hugged her.

"I am also sorry," Rosie said. "I love you. Forgive me, please?" She pouted and you rolled your eyes, knowing she knew you can't say no when she does that.

"Fine. You're forgiven too." You smiled as she kissed your lips, squeaking happily afterward.

"Now, eat your dinner. No phones. Let's enjoy each other's company."

"Okay, my love. I think that's a wonderful idea. How about you, Lily?" Rosie grinned.

"Yeah!" Lily excitedly said and started to dig into her dinner, happily devouring the delicious food.

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