she comes home from tour sick (requested)

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Standing in the middle of the airport, Lily's small hand was wrapped around yours as you both waited impatiently for Rosé to come running over to you.

She's been gone on tour for the last couple of months and the distance and time differences weren't exactly easy to get through.

But you did.

You both held on, knowing the moment she came home would make everything so worth it.

And although it was hard on you, it was hardest on Lily.

Rosie has been like another mom to her since she came into your lives and she's so young that she doesn't understand why you couldn't drop everything to go see Rosé and the girls.

She didn't understand how some nights, Rosie got to tuck her in over the phone and sing her to sleep, and then other nights she couldn't.

Not all nights for you were nights for her.

Sometimes, depending on where she and the girls were, while it was night for you it was morning for her, or the other way around too.

It was hard for her.

She missed Rosie so much that some nights, you'd call Rosie for her to talk to her because she was in tears and missed her so terribly.

But now she's coming home.

You made it through some of the most difficult days and just as Rosé promised, the wait was already starting to feel so worth it.

After waiting and looking around, you heard the screams from excited fans and you looked to where they were coming from, and that's when you saw Rosie.

Lily began to try and pull away from you so she could run to Rosé, but you refused to do so until she was close enough to where you wouldn't have to worry about any fans getting in between the two of them.

When you let go of her hand, she ran to Rosie.

You watched as she bent down and Lily instantly threw her arms around her neck, melting the hearts of people looking on.

"Missed you!" Lily excitedly said.

"I missed you too, cutie," Rosie said.

"You feel super warm." You heard Lily say as Rosé walked to you with Lily in her arms, her guard carrying her bags for her.

"Warm?" You frowned as Rosie stood in front of you.

That's when you noticed she didn't look as though she was feeling very well.

"Oh, Rosie, baby. Are you sick?"

She gently put Lily on the floor before allowing you to put your hand on her forehead.

She had her mask on, responsibly keeping it over her nose and mouth the entire time she'd been walking by fans and every minute that she had Lily in her arms.

"I'm not feeling very well." She confessed and you knew as soon as you felt her clammy skin that she was running a fever.

"We need to get you home and into bed. Come on, Lily. Hold my hand." You said and Lily took your hand as you all made your way towards the doors.

You took her bags and put them into the trunk after buckling Lily up in the backseat and helping Rosie into the passenger seat.

"Thank you." You told her guard and he made sure you all got out of the parking lot safely since fans were watching.

You began to drive home and Rosie was sweating, so you had her take off her hoodie despite it being chilly outside and her only having a thin crop top on underneath.

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