"sing" (requested)

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Rosie's feet padded quietly across the bedroom floor as she made her way back to your shared bed. You've been asleep for nearly an hour now while Rosé was left wishing she could get the same peaceful slumber as you.

Lily is putting up quite a fight to sleep tonight. Between claiming she heard a strange noise in her room and can't sleep without another story, she's made her way back into your room twice tonight since you settled her down a little while ago.

She refused to wake you though and found that Rosé was the one she wanted more tonight. It was cute at first. But now Rosé is exhausted and every time she's close to falling asleep, that knock on the door comes again.

But minutes have gone by now and she's been waiting for the sound of little feet on the floor, only to hear the crickets chirping outside the window and your soft breathing beside her.

Thinking everyone was asleep now, she let her eyes close once more and began to drift off to sleep. She was close to falling into a deep slumber herself; so tired that she didn't even hear the door opening again.

But the tug of a small hand in hers woke her again and she fought back a groan as she looked at the little girl who was staring back at her, looking sad and even a little frightened.

"What is it, honey?"

"There's a monster." She exclaimed and tugged at Rosie's hand to drag her out of bed and across the hall to her room.

"Where, sweetie? Show me where you saw it?"

She curled back under the covers while pointing under her bed.

Rosie bent down on the floor and peeked under the bed, only to find nothing under there except her toys and stuffed animals.

"Good news, little one. No monsters."

"Oh... I mean in there!" She pointed to her closet and Rosie raised her eyebrow at her sudden story change. But she checked anyway, hoping it'd ease her mind and she'd fall asleep.

She opened the door and peeked inside, but again, there were no monsters anywhere to be seen.

"All clear."


Rosie chuckled at her question and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Okay. What's going on with you? Aren't you sleepy?"

She could tell she was. From the shrug of her small shoulders to the look in her tired eyes, she was clearly so exhausted. But the small girl was clearly insistent on staying awake and keeping Rosé up with her.

"Tell me what's really going on. I'm here to listen." She whispered as she brushed a strand of Lily's hair behind her ear as it slipped out of her messy ponytail. "Why don't you want to sleep?"

"Miss you." She confessed and let the sadness she felt show as her eyes turned sad and she started to pout her lips.

"I miss you too," Rosie whispered, smiling at the little girl who quickly crawled into her arms. "I know I've been busy. I'm sorry. My job is complicated sometimes..." She sighed and rubbed her back comfortingly. "Tell you what? I'll play sick tomorrow. You don't have school so we'll have a fun day together. All three of us."

Lily quickly nodded her head.

"Okay? But in order for that to happen, you have to get some sleep. We can't have you being all sleepy on our fun day, right?"

She was quick to crawl under the covers and then sent Rosie her gummy smile.

"Goodnight, sweetie." She kissed her head but Lily frowned and took her hand again. "What, baby? Do you need another story?"


Rosie could tell she wasn't taking no for an answer. With the grip on her hand she had, she gave Rosé no other choice but to crawl into the tiny bed with her and let her curl up to her chest as she sang her favorite song.

With a few verses of twinkle twinkle little star, which is yet another thing Lily loves that she's memorized at this point, the small girl was sound asleep.

The only problem?

Her head was on Rosie's chest, ear over her heart and soft breaths fanning against her shirt, a small hand holding the hem of her pajama top to keep her close through the night.

There was no way she was getting out of this one.

So, she grabbed the tiny blanket from the foot of the bed that was only big enough to cover the small girl or part of Rosie's leg, if she chooses to keep it for herself.

But she laid it over Lily and made sure her bunny was settled against her chest, between the two of them.

"This is gonna hurt in the morning." She mumbled to herself as she tried to make herself comfortable in the tiny bed. "But it's worth it," she whispered as she gazed at the small girl who was curled up to her, finally settled and comfortable enough to sleep. "Goodnight, honey," she whispered and combed her fingers through her hair.

She sang a few more verses of another song until she fell asleep.

And she knew that the morning ahead would be fun, to say the least.

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