ditch day (requested)

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"Shoot, I'm running late this morning!" You groaned as you slipped on your shoes at the table. "Rosie, can you do me a huge favor? Since you don't have work today, will you please drop Lily off at school for me?"

Rosie, who was putting her dirty bowl in the sink, nodded her head.

"You know I will, my love." She said. "I'm happy to help you out. Go on, everything will be fine."

"Tell Lily that I love her and I hope she has a great day in school today! Love you and thank you!" You said as you kissed Rosie's lips and then hurried out the door.

"Will do!" Rosie said. "Love you, baby. Have a good day today!"

She looked at the clock and saw that it was about the time you'd usually get Lily out of bed.

So she went up the stairs and down the hall to Lily's room, where she opened the door and turned on the light.

"Lily, honey? Are you awake?"

Lily didn't reply so Rosie went across the room to her bed, where she knelt on the floor in front of it and gently brushed her hand across the little girl's arm.

"Sweetheart, it's time to get up."

Lily opened her eyes and saw Rosie staring back at her.

"You have to get up. You have school today. I'm going to be taking you because your mom had to leave quickly this morning."

"Mommy's at work?"

Rosé nodded her head.

"It's just you and I right now." She smiled and brushed her hand across Lily's forehead.

"Can I stay home today?"

"What? You don't wanna go to school? What about your friends?"

"I want to stay home with you."

Rosie knew she needed to get her to school because it was the right thing to do.

"I miss you," Lily said before pouting at her.

And Rosé knew she was going to cave right then and there.

She stood no chance against that adorable pout.

"You want to stay home and spend time with me today?"

Lily nodded her head quickly.

"Okay. It has to be our little secret though. You can't tell your mom. Okay?" Rosie said as she put her finger against her lips.

"Okay!" Lily agreed before throwing her arms around her neck.

"How about we go eat some breakfast? What would you like?"


"Pancakes it is." Rosie smiled and followed Lily out of her room as she excitedly ran out.

"Can we watch cartoons too?"

"Pancakes and cartoons?" Rosie teased as she tickled Lily's sides, making the little girl burst into giggles.

And she adored the sound.

"Of course, we can. You can eat in the living room, on the couch. But don't tell your mom."

It was yet another secret.

And even though Lily was a young child and Rosie knew that kids usually can't keep anything a secret, she trusted the little girl.

Because not only would Rosie be in trouble if you found out these things, but so would Lily, and neither of them wanted that.

"Okay. Pancakes are done. Let's go eat!" Rose announced a few minutes later.

With two plates of pancakes and syrup in her hands, she followed Lily into the living room and sat down on the couch beside her.

"Here you go, lovebug."

"Thanks, mom!"

Rosie couldn't help but smile.

She loves when Lily calls her that.

"You're welcome." She said, kissing her head.

They ate their pancakes and watched cartoons before Lily dragged Rosé up the stairs to her room so they could have a tea party and then back down the stairs to watch monsters inc. together.

They spent every waking minute together, and even every non-waking minute together, too.

Lily fell asleep early in the afternoon and Rosie, having had her hands full and having nowhere near as much energy as the young girl did, conked out too.

When they woke up, they had some ice cream and Rosie taught Lily how to play the piano a little.

And before they knew it, the day together ended and you arrived home.

"Hello? Are my girls here?" You called out when you walked through the door.

And they both came running down the stairs a minute later.

"Hey, my love!" You smiled as Lily leaped into your arms. "Oh, I missed you today. Sorry mommy couldn't drop you off at school."

"It's okay," Lily said as you put her on the floor.

"Speaking of school - how was your day at school today?" You asked as you folded your arms over your chest.

"Boring," Lily said. "But I learned new things!"

"Really? Because your teacher called me a little while ago and said you hadn't been in all day today."

Rosie went wide-eyed and Lily looked between the two of you, wondering what to do and say next.

"Rosie?" You spoke up. "Babe

"Okay, fine. We had a day off today."

"No, you had a day off, she had a ditch day."

"Same difference." She said.

"Mommy, are  you mad?" Lily asked as she wrapped her small arms around your waist.

"I'm a  little upset. Just because school is very important. You both know that." You said and watched them both hang their heads. "But so is quality time with your parents. Sometimes, you need a mental health day. We'll call today that."

"Okay." Rosie agreed as a smile pulled at her lips.

"But let's not do it again for a long while, alright? Deal?"

"Deal!" They both said.

"Now come here and give me some hugs and kisses because I missed my girls lots today." You said before they both threw their arms around you, hugging you tightly while Rosie lifted Lily up so she could give you some kisses too.

It'd been a great day and it was even better now that you were home with them.

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