Messages from a Loved One

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        We all sit in a circle in the conference room debating on what our next move is. I sit silently watching them, letting my mind wandering off to Katniss. I wish she was the one handling this and I was the one in the hands of President Snow. Better yet I wish we were both somewhat safe here in District 13, fighting together. I wondering what is happening to her now in the hands of the Capitol. Was she being tortured? My mind continues to wander off until I see everyone silent and is staring at me expectantly. 

        "What?" I ask. The seniors give me a disapproving look while everyone else looks annoyed.

        "We asked you if you were okay with filming propaganda's, which are propos that we film showing people what the Capitol is actually doing." Plutarch tells me calmly with kindness in his eyes. Right when I am about to answer Scarlet Plutarch's assistant runs in with the phone in her hands.

        "I am sorry if I am interrupting, but you need to take this phone call NOW!" Scarlet exclaims looking happy but at the same time frantic.

        "Who is at the phone?" Plutarch asks Scarlet.

        "Finnick Odair and Annie Cresta, sir." With that Plutarch grabs the phone from Scarlet and puts it on speaker for all of us to hear.

        "Finnick, Annie are you safe?" Plutarch asks.

        "Yeah we are Katniss got us out." Finnick replies with his voice cracking when he says Katniss's name.

        "Do you mean Katniss is not there with you?" I ask hoping that what I heard was wrong. That this was all a nightmare, that she didn't sacrifice herself to get Annie and Finnick out. That she was safe and healthy. 

        "No Peeta I went back I promise but she made me come back to Annie and my child I couldn't argue. I am sorry, Peeta. I am sorry." By the end Finnick sounds like he is about to cry. He is pleading for me to forgive him. Should I?

        Right as I am about to answer Plutarch interrupts and say, "Wait, is Annie pregnant? And exactly what happened to Katniss?"

        "Yes she is pregnant and when Katniss found out something in her snapped. So I was coming back from my... talk with Snow and as the peacekeepers drop my in the cell Katniss jumps out and attacks them with lightening fast speed. Annie and I watched her in amazement as she successfully knocked them both out and led us out the door only to see twenty peacekeepers waiting. Katniss quickly ran back inside and grabbed the peacekeepers gun. She then saw a chandelier hanging above the peacekeepers and shot the chain until the chandelier feel on them. She grabbed our hands and started running until all of our breaths got labored, she then pushed us into an empty room. I was astonished and confused of what Katniss could do but confused on why she would chose now to run. She looked at Annie and Annie told me she was pregnant. I was so happy and Annie and I umm... celebrated? We then continued to run until she stopped causing us to bump into her. Crouching down she told us goodbye and messages she wanted to tell a certain few of you. She then yelled and both of us ran. We ran to Tigris's underwear shop where we are now. Katniss told us it was safe since she was friends with Cinna. I talked to Annie with guilt heavy on my chest I told her I needed to try and save Katniss. At first she was hesitant then after I proposed to her and made her three promises I ran to help Katniss. When I got to Snows mansion I saw Katniss fighting peacekeepers left and right. I started to help her until some peacekeeper caught me in a death hold. Katniss then again saved me. Together we killed every peacekeeper on sight. Yelling again she told me to run and one of the promises I made to Annie was if she told me to run I would run. So I ran and on my way back I heard three gunshots and Katniss's scream and silence." Everyone in the room was shocked of what Katniss did for her friends. On the other end of the phone I hear crying. That probably shocked everyone more, the fact that Finnick Odair was crying. Katniss sacrificed herself they didn't run without her they tried to save her. 

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