I Lose Half My Heart

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We all stand there staring at Coin who is holding a knife to Prim's neck. Katniss looks horrified but yet furious. She doesn't want her baby sister to get hurt and will do anything to prevent that from happening. We should all pray that Coin doesn't hurt Prim, not for just Prim sakes, but Coin's as well. Katniss who stands next to me nudges me in the side with her elbow. I look to her and see her nodding her head towards the pair. 

"You don't want to do this, Coin. The war is over. Snow is dead. So just let Prim go and we can talk about this." I tell Coin as I walk towards the two of them with my hands held up in surrender. 

"Lover Boy this has nothing to do with you, this is all about the precious Mockingjay. So if she just comes over here I will let Prim go." Coin replies as she presses the knife harder in to Prim's neck causing a trickle of blood to appear. Katniss walks to Coin with no hesitation. When she reaches where I stand she gives me one passionate kiss before she continues to walk. When she reaches Coin, Coin lets go of Prim who runs to my arms. We both watch as Coin takes the knife she was holding and moves her arm back to stab Katniss in the heart. 

Katniss intercepts her arm and begins to fight for control over the blade. Katniss clearly has the advantage but then Coin kicks her leg up successfully winding Katniss. The knife embeds itself in Katniss's stomach causing blood to spill out. Katniss winces slightly but then forcefully rips the blade out and stabs Coin in the heart. Coin falls to the floor in surprise, and pain. 

Katniss looks at me in the eye before she collapses next to Coin. I run to her and fall to my knees. I lift her head and cradle it in my arms. She mouths to me I love you. I see her eyes slowly close in exhaustion. 

"Katniss. Please stay awake for a little longer. Come on. We went through so much and it is almost over. Please Katniss. If you die, I die. Katniss if you don't pull through I will drown myself to be with you. Katniss I can't do this without you. I love you so much it hurts. Please don't make it hurt. Don't lea-" I am interrupted by a sharp pain in my heart. I put my hand to my heart and feel a sharp pain. I look down to see a knife protruding from where my heart is. I fall down next to Katniss and we both stare at each other in the eye before we fade into the darkness. Whatever is to come next as long as we are together. Our love may have not have survived in reality, but it will thrive in whatever comes next.

'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Lapse~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

(I get that this song is about break ups but I feel that it fits the mood and sends the message that I am trying to write.)

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