Remorse and Costs

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Finnick (Right after he found out Annie is pregnant)

Annie is pregnant. So many emotions course through my veins. I am so happy I get to be a father, but at the same time I am angry at myself for putting Annie in a situation like this, having to have a baby on the run. I am angry at the capital for causing us to go on the run, for hurting Annie, Katniss, and I. Happy that I am the cause of another life form, I get to be a father. Betrayed, that no one told, no one let me know that the love of my life was holding my son/daughter in her stomach. Pained that I let them torture Annie and Katniss. But most of all guilt, not because we were going to have a baby but that I have already lost so much yet gained so much at the same time. Recovering from my shock I gather Annie in his arms swinging around in circles her like a doll. Setting her down I kiss her passionately not wanting to let her out of my embrace.

Katniss coughs causing us to break our kiss. Our hands snake into each other each of us giving the other a squeeze reassuring we are still there. I look at Katniss and see her eyes are broken. I didn't think about how kissing Annie would effect her. She doesn't have the one she loves with her, he is 13 districts away. I don't think she realizes that she loves Peeta, but everyone else does. I used to think it was all an act up until I saw how she reacted when Peeta hit the force field and almost died.

"Sorry guys but we have to run. If we stay here they will find us." She tells us, then looks out the door to check if the the coast is clear. Still holding each others hands Annie and I burst out the door in the pursuit of Katniss. The wind hits me as I run. I miss this feeling, not running for my life, but running.I wonder how good sugar cubes would taste now? Do think I can get sugar cubes? Mental note: get sugar cubes after we get out of this hell hole.

Coming out of my train of thought I see that Katniss has abruptly stopped causing us to stop with her. crouching down she tells us,"This where I stop. Listen I want to go an underwear shop right outside, its owned by... a girl I think named Tigris. She is, was, friends with my stylist Cinna she should help you. I hope the baby turns out of be healthy and beautiful, as I am sure he/she will be. You guys will be amazing parents and have been amazing friends. Can you tell Prim I love her? Tell Gale that I am sorry I lead him on but I have learned that I have always loved him as a brother? Tell my mom not to abandon Prim and go into a shell, also tell her I forgive her? Can you tell Haymitch that he is like a second father to me and tell him I understand everything he has been trying to teach me? Please tell Peeta everything I did, every kiss, was real to me I just never realized it, I kept shutting out his love and for that I am sorry? Also tell his I will always stay with him and that" With out a another word she runs in the opposite direction. Annie and I get up and run out the door avoiding the pods on the streets. We finally reach an underwear shop, running in out of breath I ask the girl with cat whiskers, "Are you Tigris?"

"Yes, I am. Can I ask you why your cloths are all ripped, and you and your girlfriend ran in here like madmen?"

"Um...well Annie and I are kind of escapees from the prison in the President Snow and our friend Katniss told us to come her."

"Okay, but I don't know a Katniss."

"I think you knew her friend though, Cinna. They were really close from what she has told me, he died rigth before the Quell. He was killed by peacekeepers at President Snows command. So, can you please help my girlfriend and our unborn child?" Tigris looks hard at Annie and I before she opens up a door that leads to a cellar.

"There is a phone down there to call for your ride out of here."

"Thank you so much." Annie tells her before hugging her. Annie and I head down to the cell sitting down on the ground I hug my knees together just thinking that I failed again. I stare at Annie for a minute gathering in her beauty. I didn't always love her you know? She crept up on me slowly after time. I think once I loved her my heart just clung to her not wanting to let go. This is going to sound really cliche, but she is my other half. She is the one that completes me. The one who makes me a better person. I believe that there is a person in this world who completes your heart and if you are lucky enough to find them they change you, if you aren't that lucky you are always going to miss a piece. I have always loved Annie in a way. I loved every little flaw and every cute thing she does. For example when she is angry her eyebrows frow and her face becomes bright red. I love the dimples she has when she smiles. I loved her even when she went a little crazy. I love Annie Cresta and I will love her for eternity.

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