My Second Chance

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Finnick (Ha didn't see that coming did you!)

        Annie and I sit huddled together waiting for Katniss to return. Katniss became my annoying little sister in the Quell. She was originally a mission for me but she than became family. I love her, not like I love Annie like I loved Haley. Haley was my younger sister who was only seven when I was taken into my first games. She was so full of life, as soon as she walked into the room her presence was known because she brought a sense of happiness. My father and I didn't have the greatest relationship so when we were arguing it wasn't my mother who stopped us it was Haley.  My mother had died giving birth to Haley. I swore on my life that I would protect her. That's how I became so fit and skilled in the games I had been preparing ever since I was little to protect that little ball of sunshine. When I had won the games I was the happiest person alive, that was until I got home.


        I walk into my small grey house that sits on the ocean front with the cameras on my tail. Using all my strength I get the door closed, as I turn around I notice that we have company. Seven peacekeepers stand next to my father and Haley. Haley's eyes show fear while my fathers show betrayal, why I don't know. In front of them stands President Snow looking fierce and ready to act.

        "Now Mr.Odair how are you doing today?" asks the President.

        "Okay I guess," I tell him wearily staring into Haley's eyes silently telling her everything is going to be okay.

        "Well Mr. Odair I am here to make you an offer."

        "What offer?"

        "One that you can't deny or this pretty face will not be so pretty," he tells me stroking Haley's cheek.

       Without thinking I yell out with so much venom in my voice it could kill thousands of Black Widows with one word. "DON'T YOU DARE LAY A FINGER ON HER OR I WILL SNAP YOUR NECK!" I see Haley cower at my glare and the fierceness of my voice but if I have learned anything in the games  is being nice gets you no where. I stare into President Snow's eyes as he glares but I don't more I stare back with as much intensity as he pushes.

        "Tsk, tsk. Now that I am here I think I will just have to teach you a lesson and re-make the offer when you are ready." He then makes a gesture, a claw over his heart, and five of the seven peacekeepers detain me and the other two hold my father and Haley in a death lock. I watch hopelessly as the life in Haley's eyes die out. I kick and scream and punch at the peacekeepers chest trying to break free of their grips. President Snow lifts my chin and brings his face to mine and tells me "Next time you don't threaten me, deify me, or try to kill me because if you do I promise you I will kill every person you have ever meet."

        As one last act of defiance I tell him "You that includes yourself right?" With one punch to the jaw I fade into darkness.

        I wake up in a daze only to see Haiey's sea-green eyes glossed over with her beautiful blonde curls flowing down her back. I crawl over to her and hug her body while crying and apologizing over and over hoping she forgives me from heaven. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End of Flashback~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

        I look down at Annie who is currently sleeping with her head on my shoulder. She became the one that Snow used as leverage to make me become his little slave, until Mags told me about the rebellion. This became the only opportunity I could get revenge on Snow without hurting Annie. It was all going as planned until Katniss almost died when the cornucopia spun and she feel into the water it was like Haley all over again. I felt the same hand clutch my heart as I felt when they strangled Haley. That's when I realized that I loved Katniss like a sister and that I needed to protect her for my self not for the rebellion As I sit waiting for Katniss to return I hear her scream cut the silence like a sword waking up Annie. Her beautiful green eyes bore into mine as I hug her tighter than before. If she died I would be nothing just a pile of ash that floats into oblivion. I couldn't imagine myself without her it would be a constant spiral into hell. I love her and when all of this is over together I will propose and we will have your happily ever after.

        That's when I hear the sounds of the peacekeepers boots hitting the concrete of the cell makes Annie and I's head look up only to see one of the most horrific sites I have ever seen. Katniss. The dress that she was wearing was in shreds. Her hair was covering her face but you could see bruises peaking through the thick strands of hair. Her arms and legs had various cuts, burns, and bruises. But the worst part was her stomach and back. When I looked  at her back I couldn't see any skin all I saw was blood, whip marks, and burns, and on her stomach I could see long gashes that extended from her shoulder down to the base of her stomach. They roughly dropped her on the floor and left without a sound. We scrambled to reach Katniss's mangled body. As I examined her wounds Annie left to get the first aid kit. It took about an hour (I think) to patch up all her wounds. After we finish patching up her wounds all we can do is wait.

        The next morning I see Katniss stirring so I lightly shove Annie to get her attention and together we head towards Katniss. We sit there watching Katniss and when she finally wakes up she looks around frantically searching for someone and when she finally realizes where she is she begin to sit up but winces and lays back down. Annie gently helps Katniss get into sitting position. All of us stare at each other in complete silence. So me being my self I say "Awkward silence" and everyone simultaneously start laughing, but when Katniss winces we go back to reality. 

        "What happened Katniss?" I ask her and as a reply Katniss did the one thing I would never imagine, she broke down. The wall she had built for herself collapsed in a split second. As she cries I gather her up in my arms and sooth her as she cries on my shoulder. 

        She is my second chance and this time I will not fail her.

Authors Note

        Hey guys! I was rereading Mockingjay when I noticed they really don't give a back story on Finnick's family so I made one my self. Alright guys comment, recommend, add to your library, and vote because I promise you this is only the beginning. Ciao!


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