Run, You Idiot!

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        The guards creep closer and closer I look around observing my surroundings. I need to get Annie and Finnick out of here. They WILL NOT have a baby in this horrible place. I will get them out no matter what the consequences, I owe them that much. When Annie told me about the baby something about me snapped inside, it was all the anger from being in this retched place, the pain of the torture, the games, President Snow, losing Prim, losing Gale, losing my mom, and losing Peeta. Everything within me exploded out making me want to demolish everything in my path. I slowly back up away through the door we exited from grabbing a gun from the fallen peacekeeper. Exiting the door I look up and see an extravagant above the peacekeepers heads, awesome. Aiming up I shoot chain that suspends the chandelier chain with the gun as many times as possible before I hear the chain snap.                                       

        I count to thirty before grabbing Annie and Finnick's arms dragging them as I painfully run to find an exit. As I hear our breaths get labored I find an empty room and rush them in. Shotting the security camera I look at the couple standing in front of me that are struggling to regain their breath.         

        "Okay?" I ask them,  but mostly Annie.

        "We're fine, but wow Katniss. What made you want to run now?" Finnick questions me with his head leaned a little to the side. I glance at Annie silently telling her its time, you have to tell him now.

        "Um... Finnick I have something to tell you. I... I am... I am pregant with your baby." Annie replies bitting on her lip nervously. Finnick's jaw drops in shock, his eyes start to tear up but if you looked past the tears you could see that behind his sea-green eyes lies anger, happiness, betrayal, pain, grief, and most of all guilt. After recovering from his shock he gathers Annie in his arms swinging her like a doll. Setting her down he kisses her passionately, causing me to look away from remembrance. I remember when Peeta use to that to me in interviews and in front of others, even though I know its fake just thinking about it brings a smile to my face, but also gives me an ache in my chest. I want to feel Peeta's arms wrap around me. His sweet smell left lingering in my senses. His sweet genuine laugh echo through out the room. Recovering from my flashback and thoughts I cough loudly getting the attention of the lovebirds.

        "Sorry guys but we have to run. If we stay here they will find us." They nod simultaneously, they hands snaking into the other as they firmly grab onto each other. I open the door peaking my head out looking around to see if the coast was clear. As I run I feel the wind blowing onto my face. I smell the fresh air leading me in the direction towards the door, to their freedom. As we approach the exit I skid to a halt.

        "This where I stop. Listen I want to go an underwear shop right outside, its owned by... a girl I think named Tigris. She is, was, friends with my stylist Cinna she should help you. I hope the baby turns out ot be healthy and beautiful, as I am sure he/she will be. You guys will be amazing parents and have been amazing friends. Can you tell Prim I love her? Tell Gale that I am sorry I lead him on but I have learned that I have always loved him as a brother? Tell my mom not to abandon Prim and go into a shell, also tell her I forgive her? Can you tell Haymitch that he is like a second father to me and tell him I understand everything he has been trying to teach me? Please tell Peeta everything I did, every kiss, was real to me I just never realized it, I kept shutting out his love and for that I am sorry? Also tell his I will always stay with him and that" I tell them quickly before running in the opposite direction shooting my gun in every direction causing the peacekeepers to stray away from the direction of Finnick and Annie. I make it pretty far before I hear Finnicks strangled scream. I turn to see Finnick in a death hold by a peacekeeper. I use the same technique I did in the first game, I shoot the peacekeepers arm allowing him to loosen his grip giving Finnick the opportunity to get him off him.

        "What are you still doing here are you crazy?" I yell at him as I shoot the peacekeepers that approach us.

        "I can't leave you here I got Annie to the place and she is fine!" He screams back at me

        "Finnick, she is holding your unborn child. He/she needs their father trust me it sucks not to have one. Plus you need to be there with her she is your lover. I chose this you don't have to. You can leave the torture!" I yell as the sounds of bullets piercing flesh and the wall behind in the background. I take a quick glance at Finnick who looks contemplated while he shoots the peacekeepers. After we finsh the ones in the vicinity I scream at Finnick.

        "RUN, YOU IDIOT!" With that he quickly gathers me in his arms and runs out the door with a gun still in his hands. I chuck the gun I am using behind me before I grab a new one running down the next hall. I skid to a stop when I see hundreds of peacekeepers marching toward me. I raise my gun and shots fly from both directions. I feel immense pain in my shoulder where I see blood pouring out. Then I feel a stronger pain in my stomach where a bullet has pierced my skin. I let let out an excruciating cry of pain that echos through the building. I see a white light before everything disappears from existence.         

        Goodbye world.

Authors note 

        Hey guys I was free so I decided to write a chapter. I finally figured out what I am going to do with this story. Also really sorry about the cliff hangers but my readers  think its the only thing that keeps you intrigued to my horrible story. Alright guys comment, recommend, add to your library, and vote because I promise you this is only the beginning. Ciao!        

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