Running Out of Time

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"You want me to WHAT?!?" Katniss explains but before I can respond she continues, "I spent TWO years trying to stay alive. Fighting for my life everyday, trying to stay alive and now you want me to go hand myself over to Snow. No I won't, think of another plan." 

"Do you really think I want you to die? After all I am risking for you, you still think I would pitch a plan where you die." She looks guilty at this but I am still hurt and offended so I continue my rant. "Its not like you care if you die or not. Katniss, I know that you gave up the moment you stepped foot in this place. Snow knows that too. Even though you might say you were doing it for everyone else in 11, we all know you did it for yourself. Katniss, you aren't the same person I first met. You were facing the same situation now as you were then but this time you want to die."

She stares at me taking in all that I said and a look of horror and realization comes across her face. A single tear makes it down her face as she stares in to my eyes. Her once strong grey eyes now show remorse and pain. Snow succeeded along time ago but he doesn't know it. He broke the girl on fire. I graze my thumb across her cheek wiping away the tear. 

"Hey, look, I didn't mean it okay. I was just angry. You haven't given up, you are still fighting hard. Do you want to know how I know? You aren't dead. You want to live even though it isn't for yourself. You want to live for your mom, sister, and Peeta. You want to go back to Peeta so you can both have your happy ending."

"I also want to go back for Gale and Finnick and Haymitch and Annie." She pipes up in a very small voice. 

"Katniss, I am going to tell you something that is going to hurt you a lot. You might not believe me but I swear to you I am not lying." She just stares at me telling me with her eyes to continue. "Gale is fighting for the Capital not the rebels." 

"No, no, no. That isn't true. It can't be, he would never do that. He wouldn't betray me or his family. You are lying you have to be lying." She tells me while shaking her head in disbelief unable to grasp that her longest friend works for the Capital. Her previous lover now wants her dead. That the one who she trusted with all her secrets now is telling them to her enemy. 

"Listen to me there is still time to save Peeta and the rest of 13's soldiers. All I need you to do is to tell me 2 things about Peeta and Haymitch that no one else knows."


I sit in the hovercraft with my head in my hands. Everyone is still talking around me but I ignore them because they have already given me the weight of the world, why should I let them give me a headache too. I feel a tap on my shoulder so I look up and see Haymitch, but before he can say anything I put my fingers in my ears blocking out what ever he is trying to tell me. I expect him to let me be and turn to have a conversation with Johanna but he begins to pull my fingers out of my ears. Why can't I have a moment in peace to think where I messed up my life so badly?

"What the hell do you want Haymitch?" I snap at him with ever intention to hurt his feelings because right now I am not in the mood to be a good leader and why should I? I just found out one of my closest friends has been spying for the enemy. 

"Get rid of the attitude, boy. There is someone on the video-com. He requested to speak to the two of us. He said that he has some information on Katniss but will only tell us, no one else." Who ever this is knows that Katniss is both of our weak spots?

"Okay. Lets go." I unbuckle myself and together Haymitch and I walk to the surveillance room. Dozens  of computers monitor District 2 and 13. In the District 2 feed all I see is peacekeepers. There is triple the amount of real peacekeepers on guard then there was yesterday when we first hacked in to their security holographic guards.  I look to Haymitch and he is shocked at the amount of peacekeepers that surround the area we are about to attack. 

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