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        I scream at the screen, as tears freely stream down my face like rain during a storm. He's going to kill her. Around me I hear many people mumble, but a select few, Haymitch and Gale, have tears streaming down their face. I scream and scream till my throat can't handle it. I sink to the floor not caring what the others in the room think. Looking up I see the concerned look of many. A hand reaches down offering help, which I gladly take. 

        "Thanks." I tell the air as I turn around to face the one who helped me up. Gale. 

        "No problem." Gale replies then disappears in to the crowd of people swarmed around me. President Coin stretches out her hands like a bird, heraiding that I needed space. Alma Coin was presumably raised in, and served as the leader of this war like District and the rebellion. She once was a very spirited lady but when her husband and daughter died-- both died of pox during the pox epidemic she changed for the worse. She put up walls so no one could hurt her. She was looked about fifty years old. Her grey hair falls in a unbroken sheet to her shoulders, but the thing that set her apart from the grandmothers in the District was her eyes. Her eyes were pale grey, they looked as if all the life that was once in them was sucked away in a moment, but if you stare into them when she is mad you can see them turn into a firery inferno.

        Everyone took several steps back, everyone besides one. Haymitch. Haymitch and I have become very close over the last week. He was there to comfort me when I needed it the most. Haymitch ignore Coin and then hit my back but didn't move away. Staring in to his eyes you can see years of sorrow embedded in them, but you can also see reassurance, that can melt all your fears away. It would have melted all my fears if it wasn't for the voices in my head that are not fading away. Now is not the time to show emotion. It is your fault she is being tortured. You couldn't save your family or lover. You have no one left who loves you, they are all dead or are going to die. You should be dead not them.You are a little baby, you shouldn't be crying you should use this to your advantage. You saw how much she needs you right now. Be there for her now, since you couldn't before. With that I wiped the tears off my face and sat at the table determined.

        "Now that all of us are ready,"  President Coin said as her cold eyes stared at me, "we didn't originally call this meeting to see Miss. Everdeen, we called to talk about Mr. Mellark. As we all know  and have just seen Miss. Everdeen is being physically tortured by President Snow. What we do not know is if the torture is only physical. I believe after what Miss. Everdeen displayed in the interview he will begin to mentally torture her. If this happens she will be no use to us. She will be a Capitals weapon aganist the rebellion, not for it. So we will need a weapon our selves. The Phoenix."

        "Who will be the Phoenix and what exactly would he/she do?" Questions Boggs at the conclusion of President Coins monologue. Boggs seems to be in about his mid-forties. His black hair now has many grey streaks within them, and his blue eyes become duller everyday that I see him. Boggs is the solider that protects me when I go out of the District. When I first meet him I believed he was Coin's little robot sent only to spy on me, but soon discovered he isn't completely under her control he has rebellious streaks. For example he should have told President Coin that we brought a cat back but he didn't.

        "The Phoenix will be Mr. Mellark and he will shoot a series of propaganda telling the people in the Districts to rebel not to just sit and watch. Our goal is to persuade all the Districts besides 2 and then terminate 2 if they don't corporate with us. And then finally the Capital. In the Capital the Phoenix will fight the Capital's weapon to determine the winner of the rebellion."

        "I believe I have a say in what I will be and what I will not be. I never agreed to be a Phoenix. I never agreed to be some symbol. I will not be a pawn for you or the Capital I am my own person, I make my own decisions. What do you mean when you say I have to fight the Capital's weapon? You had just said earlier that they would use Katniss as their weapon. I will NOT fight her. I WILL NOT!" I say as I stand up taking a stand. "Okay lets say I do become your 'Phoenix'. If i do it will be done on my terms. If I do this I have the ability to deny what we are about to do. I will be in charge of the propaganda. I will be able to fight when the time comes, I will not just be some pretty boy for the cameras. Prim will also be able to keep her cat. Finally, the most important request to become the Phoenix is that you will save Katniss and the other Victors on the first available opportunity or you WILL FIND YOURSELVES ANOTHER PHOENIX!"

        Out of breath I look around the room to see many emotions written across the many faces in the room. Some outraged. Some fearful. Some amused. Some proud. I bring my eyes to stare at the grey ones of Coin. "So what will it be? Will you need to find another Phoenix or do you agree to my terms? Oh, also if you do agree to my terms you will have to broadcast it to the whole district so that you won't be able to back out." Coin for the first time has a fearful glint in her eyes.

        "We will..."

Author's Note

        Okay so I know you don't want an excuse to why I didn't post yesterday, but I had a fever and had to go a whole day without electronics. Alright so I have a question for you guys. Should the next chapter be in Peeta's POV or Katniss's or another person's. Comment and Vote. Thx for reading. Ciao.

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