Monster and Savior

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I shut the computer off and take a deep breath. I had just spent the last three hours warning every innocent human in 2 to stay indoors. I walk of the room and go to my closet. Opening it I see my peacekeepers uniform. I loathe this article of clothing because it defines me. Because of it I am seen as a monster and savior at the same time. I have to be the defender or the destroyer. I have to be the fire or the water. I have to be the darkness or the light. I can't be Sebastian.

I put on the uniform and head towards President Snow's quarters to see if he needs anything. On my way there I stop by Katniss's cell to see how she is handling everything. I don't go and talk to her but I look at her through the window in the door. Her bruised, skinny, weakened body moves back and forth as she rocks herself back and forth. When she looks up you can see her tears making there way down her face hitting the ground bellow her. She begins to think about what she is doing and abruptly stops hugging herself. She angrily wipes her tears off her face but then flinches when she touches a fresh cut. When she lifts up her shirt to examine her other wounds I choose to continue my path to Snow.

When I arrive I salute Snow then stand in line with the other automatons who are forced to guard Snow. Half of them like me were hand picked and were whisked away from there family, but none of them had to lose a family member in the process. I have trusted a couple of them to help me complete my plan. To complete it we only need to involve Peeta and his crew because without them being perfectly placed Katniss WILL be dead. 

"Sebastian, I need you to go to the command room and help Gale because him being the idiot he is, killed Beetee." Snow tells me in an annoyed tone. He never thought Gale was a valuable asset but gave him the biggest job in the war. Who gives the most incompetent person on the planet the job that can help you win this war? Who is that big of an idiot? Oh yeah, the guy who is running the damned nation. 

"Yes, sir." I salute again before I turn my heel and walk toward my computer room. Yeah, you read that right, MY computer room. When Snow had learned about my abilities on computers he gave me this room to do work for him and now I end up using it against him. Beetee's screen name flashes on the screen. As soon as he appears on the screen he begins boasting and yelling. Seriously can this guy ever shut up!

When he finally gets the initial directions to input the codes he transfers the data in the computer over to my server. I take a look at the numbers and letters that speed down the screens. Beetee set up one of the most complicated firewalls I have ever seen. I begin to push my hands harder in to the keys typing the complicated instructions. I would explain them to you but I don't think you would understand them. 

After about over 100 instructions I beat Beetee's firewalls. Taking in the system of 13 I make sure that I send an SOS message to all the rebels making sure they know that Beetee is in trouble and the Gale is a traitor. I then start putting in my own automatic failsafe. If some how Gale realizes what is going on and tries to fix it, he will be opening the doors to his own death. As the computer takes in the new instructions I look at what is happening in the other districts. 


I watch as she begins to warn Peeta about the upcoming attack. Yelling at a guard I tell him to press enter when Gale gives him the order.  Throwing myself out the door I sprint as fast as I can towards the other command room. As I turn in to the hallway I hear Snow yell, "THAT'S IT! YOU ARE GOING TO FINALLY STOP BEING A PAIN IN MY BEHIND. KATNISS EVERDEEN YOU ARE GOING TO DIE. AND THERE IS NO ONE WHO IS GOING TO STOP ME!" Thrusting my legs harder I swing open the door to see Snow holding a gun to Katniss's head.

"WAIT!" I yell without thinking. She can't die, at least not yet. She has to stop the war that she started or more people are going to die. I also have come to care for Katniss as a friend. When you see the real person, the one that hides behind what the status quo expects them to be, you automatically connect with them. I made a friend in this hell-hole and I really would like to keep her alive.

But because of my big mouth Snow moves the gun to my forehead, "Why should I listen to you? Wait, let me answer that, no one listens to you because all you are is a stack of bones that no one cares about. Not your mother or father or your dead older sister. Yes I remember her, I remember the life glisten out of her eyes and her body hitting the cold, hard floor." I feel my fists clench in to the tightest fist possible. The veins are clearly visible on my arms. I get ready to punch Snow and permanently damage his already broken nose. 

Katniss also sees that I am about to attack so she interrupts by opening her big mouth and saying, "That is a prime example to why we have people dying right on that computer screen. They are protecting their family from your slimy hands, where they are basically slaughtered every year for entertainment. You don't deserve to live, you deserve to die a hundred times over, once for every person you have murdered." Snow's eyes flash with anger as he again returns the gun to its original position. I look at Katniss for a minute. She stares at Snow in the eyes not wavering for even a second. Even with a gun pointed to her head her eyes spark with dangerous flames.

"Why waste the opportunity to use her one last time?" I ask Snow. He stops having a stare off with Katniss and moves his head so his creepy eyes are staring in to my brown ones. 

"What do you propose?" Snow asks.

"Broadcast her death, make it a full on execution. So not only do the rebels in 2 see it but everyone. They will see their precious savior fall at your hands, at your mercy."

He turns to the camera and says, "Katniss Everdeen will die day after tomorrow at exactly 6 pm. No one will stop me so don't even try. This is the last time you will see Katniss Everdeen alive, and Peeta Mellark, it is your fault."

Author's Note

Hello my readers. This book is coming to an end soon and I want to hear what you guys really want to happen. Because we only have four more chapters left. 4 MORE CHAPTERS (including the epilogue). I love you guys and really hope you continue to follow this story through its final moments.

Thx for your time and for those who continue to read this horrible story. Please comment on what you guys like about the story because I really want to hear what you guys think. Alright guys comment, recommend, add to your library, and vote. Ciao! 


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