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        We will decline your offer (A.N. Didn't see that coming did you?) for now, you may leave this room and we will contact you if anything changes. Coin calmly replies as her eyes stare into mine.I shrug and stand up. As I make my way to the door I hear the scuffling of the chair, turning I see Haymitch following me. We walk out of the room into the hallway. Then the door fly open showing at least half of the people in the command room and surprisingly leading them was Gale. 

        "What are you guys doing?" I question with my head tilted to the side.

        "Peeta, with Katniss gone you are the leader of the rebellion not Coin. We follow you, you are our leader." Boggs replied with conviction in his voice.

        "But I can't lead you guys I don't know how. I am just a 17 year old boy, there is nothing special about me it was Katniss that had all the plans not me. She is the leader, the cause of the rebellion, the hope not me."

        "Yes she is but do you want to save her, yes or no?"

        "Of course I do, I love her." I reply as calmly as I possibly can. Glancing around the room I see Gale flinch when I say that I love Katniss and others show pity in their eyes.

        "Then lead us, if you really love her you won't let anyone stand in your way. She is being tortured at this very moment and you are giving up because President Coin told you to. You will do everything in your power to help her, but you would do it rationally not instantly, so whats wrong with getting a little help? So get your butt back in that room and tell Coin what she is missing. We Peeta will stand by you and Katniss no matter what the consequences." As Boggs finishes his rant I see heads nodding in agreement. Some even are chanting my name. With new owned confidence I strut back into the room to see Coin sitting alone at the table with her head in her hands.

        "Yes?" She asks while still holding her head in her hands; as if she felt my presence in the room.

        "I want an answer I am not going to put my plan to get Katniss on hold because you might want me to come and work for you I need a definite answer not a 'for now' an actual answer."

        "Well I am not in the position to argue right now, am I? Yes, I agree with your terms. Now lets go tell the others that are currently pressed against the door trying to listen in." She says as she gets up from her seat. I stiffle a laugh when I see everyone fall to the floor when Coin opens the door.         

        "Everyone I would like to introduce you to our Phoenix, Mr. Peeta Mellark!" She announces as she lifts up my hand like Katniss and I did in the chariot in the Opening Ceremony before the Quell. Katniss we are coming for you.


       I watch Katniss break down. Everything she tried to save everyone from broke. Finnick gathered her in his arms hugging her as she cried. He shot me a panicked look as if what am I suppose to do now. I giggled a little and turned Katniss around so that she was crying on my shoulder. Patting her back and whispering soothing words seemed to calm her down as she stops crying. She looks into my eyes looking for something. 

        "What happened Katniss?" I gently ask her. She takes a huge glup and tells us everything. Every. Little. Detail. I glanced at Finn and saw him clenching his fist together and gritting his teeth so hard I am surprised they didn't fall out. Then we hear the door open. Katniss begins to whimper in my arms I hug her tight and watch as the peacekeepers drag Finn out of the room. When I am sure they are gone I turn to Katniss and ask her "Do you want to know a little secret?" Instead of responding she nods her head.

        "I am pregnant with Finnick's child." I tell her and watch as her eyes widen.

        "Does he know?"


        "Why not? Annie, you need to tell him."

        "I know but I don't know how or when, and plus I don't want him taking double the torture." As I say this I watch as Katniss's eyes change many emotions at once. From happy to furious to sad to regretful to guilty then to determined. She set her eyes on the door as she stood up. Watching the door furiously she waited and waited. As I heard the door open I saw Katniss move at lightening speed to the corner of the cell right next to the door. Right as the Peacekeepers drop Finnick on the floor Katniss runs and jumps on the peacekeepers back screaming a battle cry. She leads him to the wall forcing him to hit it against the wall affectively knocking him unconseouis. Using the peacekeepers back as a trampolin she does a tumbleroll on the floor landing in a crouch. She then dropkicks the other two causing them to, too fall unconisous. Weak Finnick and I watch Katniss in amazement. Together we run out the door only to see twenty peacekeepers waiting for us. They inch closer and closer...

Authors Note

Sorry guys I just got lazy. I am not planning to have a schedule for this story because I don't know when I will have time or not so just be pateint with me. But please continue reading the story.Alright guys comment, recommend, add to your library, and vote because I promise you this is only the beginning. Ciao!  

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