It's Time For This To End

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I let Finnick lead us to our safe haven for the time being, since he is the only one who has ever been there. I can't get the voices of my soldiers screaming out of my head. Johanna seems to have noticed  my mind drifting off the underworld of our minds. She begins to spark a conversation about the plan that is either going to kill or save Katniss. Ten hours left. Ten hours until I can see the girl I love. Ten hours until I might have to say goodbye to the one thing that keeps me alive. Tens hours until I will either lose or win. 

We finally reach the heart of the capital an hour later and attempt to blend in with the outrageous outfits of the people. We fail this task and earn a few stares but luckly no one acts on it. We reach an underwear store and are met with a woman whose face was stretched and tattooed with black and gold tiger stripes, her nose was flattened until it barely exists forming a short snout.  Her age has made her skin wrinkly. She also has surgically implanted whiskers, but are longer than anyone else's in the Capitol and her eyes are tawny eyes. 

"Finnick, why have you returned? It was a big risk letting you stay here the first time and now you bring more people." She says with a gravelly voice that sounds similar to a cat's purr.

"Tigris, this is it. These are the last crucial hours of the war and we need to come up with a plan. This war is going to either end with Katniss's head on a stake or President Snow's head imbedded with an arrow. We just need some clothes and a place to hide for a couple hours. I promise that if we win the war we will give you the recognition you deserve. Please." As a response all she does is nod and gesture us to the basement. We all nod in gratitude and head down the latter. 

When the door above us is locked it takes several moments for any sound to be made. It is not until Finnick opens his mouth and says, "Look at that weather we are having." That a conversation erupts. Everyone begins to question the exact plan that will be used to save the Mockingjay.

"Look what is going to happen is we are going to blend in to the crowd and then when Katniss shows up we are going to wait until either Sebastian or Katniss gives us a signal. We will attack when the signal is given and hopefully won't be shot. It is not a fool-proof plan, but it is all we have so if you would like to stay here please do." Is all I say before I sit down on the floor. Everyone in the room soon follows my example and sits on the floor. We are a family, a very dysfunctional family, but we are a family. After another round of silence we all decide we should rest before... before the end. 

We awake an hour before the execution and are thrown down a large pile of capital clothes. In no time wasted we slip the heavy coats over our armor and headed outside to the President's mansion where people have already began gathering. In the stage where we last saw the president (the place where he stands in the tribute parade) I see the same block where Gale was whipped in 12. They are going to torture her before they execute her. The thought spends a pang through my heart before I pushed to continue moving by Johanna and Finnick. The ten of us spread out in the big area in pairs, I am with Finnick, Johanna is with Cressida, Pollux is with Castor, The Leegs are together, and Mitchel is with Homes. Finnick and I make it to the center of the crowd when Capital music plays through the many speakers. The palace doors open revealing dozens of guards including Sebastian and Snow who is holding Katniss's shoulder. 

Sebastian makes eye contact with me through the crowd and briefly nods in recognition, when Snow begins to speak, " Welcome to this historical event. Today is the day where the Mockingjay finally dies and this petty rebellion will come to a stop," as he continues to talk soldiers tie Katniss to the post, "Seeing as Miss. Everdeen can't speak, we have recorded her last words and will play the video as our head guard, Sebastian, will cast one last wave of pain before Miss. Everdeen will leave this world." On the side of the building a video begins to play but I don't pay attention all I do is stare at Katniss as she flinches every time the whip hits her skin. 

Mockingjay If Katniss was CapturedWhere stories live. Discover now