Gale, Torture, and a Change of Heart

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The next day everyone asks how I got a black eye. But I ignored them just wanting to save Katniss. I am tired of the fake pity and concerned people. People I am not the person you should be concerned about so stop worrying about me and put all your effort in trying to save the girl who is in the hands of her mortal enemy. I am worthless piece of flesh that wasn't meant to exist but Katniss on the other hand. Is beautiful and strong and is worth the world. I would tell her but last night as I cried I promised that if we both survived this I would leave to stop her from getting hurt because of me. She deserves someone like Gale who is strong and brave like her. I know for a fact I won't be able to move on from her so I wouldn't even try. I would rather be alone for the rest of my life than hurting everyone who I care about. Katniss. My two brothers. Dad. Mom.

I enter the command room once again as today is the day we take District 2 and try to persude them to join our side of the rebellion. And if they don't... we are going to do everything in our power to try to convince them. I sit next to Haymitch as we listen to the plan for the millionth time. Again, Gale's self pride radiates off him as he gets all the credit for the plan that I had fixed when we were still friends. I never realized how egotistical that jerk could get. After he sat down he shot me many dirty looks from across the table. As soon as we were dismissed I wasted no time to get away from Gale.

There were over four hundred people get equipped for the maybe battle. I head to my designated area where I see Finnick, Jackson, Boggs, Homes, Mitchel, Leeg 1 and 2, Cressida, Johanna, Gale,  and Pollux. We are Squad 451. Originally we were the star squad because we were camera duty but now we are going to be on the front lines ready to stop all that can happen to us and to District 2. One thing that makes us different from the Capital is that we hate death and don't welcome it. I feel eyes glaring at my back so I turn and I see Gale, who looks ready to kill me. I am done with his crap. I know I messed up and I understand that I was never good enough for Katniss but that doesn't mean he can step all over me. Especially if we are going to be fighting soon, we have to have each others back.

 Turning around I say, "I know I messed but that doesn't give you the right to be such a dick. (Sorry about language but it seemed appropriate for this situation. This is basically how I would react if a friend betrayed me because I made a mistake.) I don't understand what the hell is wrong with you. I thought you should know that no one can stop Katniss. I thought we were friends but I guess we are not because you are a jackass that blames others for something you don't have control over. You gave me a black eye when you knew I was hurting ten times more than you were and don't even regret it. Honestly, I feel bad for you because you lost a friend. If you think you can apologize for this and I will forgive you, you are dead wrong. I know that sounds harsh but if this is who you are I don't even want to be near you. Yes, right now I hate you with a dying passion and you hate me but we are going to have to work together to get Katniss back and kill the bigger jackass Snow. So either you get your shit together or I will personally haul your ass back to 13 where you will stay while the rest of us save Katniss." I tell him before turning back walking towards the hovercraft. Apparently Gale didn't like what I said because he grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

He punches my hard across the jaw. This time instead of taking the hit like I did the night before I punch back this time giving him the black eye. He retaliates to the black eye by attempting to break my nose but I end up grabbing his fist and forcing his arm behind his back causing him extreme pain. People come and take Gale away from me. I watch as he leaves. His blue eyes look in to mine with no remorse in them. They hold anger and fierceness. 

As they turn the corner cutting off my view of Gale. I can't believe that he would do that. i can't believe that someone who was so close to Katniss could be such an asshole. It hurt a little when I gave him a black eye because it reminds me of the one that I had seen on Katniss. Plus they both had the same grey eyes, the same brown hair, and the same olive skin. Grey eyes. GREY EYES! Without a second thought I run after the people who took Gale. 

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