Needing Saving

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The weight of everything hitting my body is enough to make me want to fall into unconsciousness and stay that way, but if I learned anything from what Katniss just did, I have to fight myself to gain victory. My breath begins to grow shallow. Rummaging through the moveable rocks I create an airway. As my breath begins to grow steady I start looking for anything to tell people I am alive but all I can find is a small picture of my family and I standing in front of the bakery. We all were smiling and were happy. After the games I don't think it is possible for anyone to be happy again, truly happy. And when I did it got ripped away from me.

Shaking away my thoughts I dig through rubble until I hear voices. 

"Do you see him?" I hear Haymitch ask. This is my chance to get help.

"HELP I AM OVER HERE!" I yell as loud as I possibly can but then more shaking occurs.

"I thought you said it was stable to be up here, Plutarch."

"It was suppose to be, but with Peeta under ground there is a lot of wholes. " Plutarch responds like the smart-alec he is.

"We are coming Peeta just hold on." Haymitch tells me. I feel the footsteps coming near me. Did you know that being underground, you can feel everything that is happening above you? As I feel Haymitch approaching I try to move my legs, so I can make the escape easier for the old man, I discover my mechanical leg is stuck under something. Omg, I am in a book! When I was in school in District 12 I read this really cliche book that had the main character being stuck in a burning building, but his best friend got him out and they made it out right in time. To be honest it was a really bad book. I feel Haymitch come near me so I shout really loud, "Don't step on me you big doofus." He looks down then starts digging. After an excruciating long time Haymitch finally digs a big enough hole for him to see my angelic face.

"Boy, how did you happen to get under all this rubble?" Haymitch asks as he continues to dig, but this time I help him. By the time he can see my upper body he begins to pull. I scream out in pain because the metal is stuck. When I scream I see Plutarch slowly walk over the rubble over to see whats the hold up. Haymitch doesn't need an explanation he just moves to his right, where my legs are, and starts digging. 

When Plutarch and Haymitch move the beam off of my I pull my leg out with so much effort I begin to see white spots in my eyes. As I continue to move back I feel a sharp pain in my stomach I look down to see a piece of spare glass has landed itself in my abdomen. Pulling it out I see it bleeding profusely. Imagine the headlines tomorrow. The young two-time Hunger Games survivor, Peeta Mellark, also known as the Phoenix is pronounced dead after getting his foot out from rubble but then accidentally stabs himself! Read more on page 4. Haymitch lifts me out of the hole but then sees my chest and calls Plutarch but I am too far gone to hear.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Lapse~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I wake up in a familiar white room, on a very comfortable bed. I look down to my chest to see there is no scar. Haymitch is sitting by my bedside watching me observe my bare chest, poking where the scar should be.

"We had to use the last of our capital special serum that super heals."

"Why? I could have just recovered normally in a week."

"The problem is Peeta we don't have a week the war started."

"What do you mean the war started?" I ask sitting up straighter.

"Peacekeepers attacked District 11, and to the survivors she told them to contact the Phoenix because they have a couple problems they have to deal with. She also said to bring some friends because this war is starting and it is starting within the next two days or this District will be..."

"The District will be what Haymitch? And who is this 'she'?"

"The problem is she didn't say anything else she just glared at them with her purple eyes and walked away. This was three hours ago. Peeta, we still have to prep you for war and figure out what are we going to do."

"You still didn't answer me, who is this purple-eyed girl?"

"Peeta... It's Katniss she is leading the peacekeepers to try to stop the rebels."

"Thats impossible. She just tried to save them! She saved our lives just yesterday, literally!"

"Umm... Peeta how long do you think you were stuck in that hole?"

"A couple hours why?"

"Peeta you were stuck in that hole for a week. It was a miracle you survived! The doctors said that your stomach is used to no food because of the games and you were getting water from the pipes that bursted!"

"Okay then. But why do you guys have to prep me I know how to fight? I can fight grown men easily."

"Peeta we don't want to prep you physically we want to prep you emotionally because everyone wants you to face Katniss."

Author's Note

 I am soooo sorry. I had started typing this chapter and I had it complete then I needed to back to the original chapter and found out that I left Peeta stuck so I had to delete the fighting scene and start this. I have some questions for you guys that I want you to answer for me please.

What do you think about the humor element?

Do you guys like the story?

If you could rate this story from a 1-10 what would you give it?

If you could change one thing what would it be?

Would you guys be interested in a little game to find out more about me and the winner of the week gets a chapter dedicated to them?

Alright guys comment, recommend, add to your library, and vote because I promise you this is only the beginning. Ciao!  

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