No. 7

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The drive was quiet due to Larry's jokes keeping me distracted. When we pulled up in front of the hospital we got out handing each others hands as we made our way beyond the doors. The same people were sitting at the first desk to busy looking through files to notice we where standing here. I slapped the desks a few times until one of them looked up at me. She had the same shocked expression from last time.

" You remember me ?" I smiled only receiving a head nod from her " Where is she?"

"They moved her to room 501 on the 3rd floor " she muttered.

I simply nodded my head walking in the direction of destination. All you can smell is some type of fruity candy and other things hospitals smell like. Larry followed up behind me grabbing me by my wrist tugging me into the room that had 501 on it. Guess I wasn't paying attention.

Twisting the door knob open I spot my mom sitting on the edge of the bed in a white hoodie and sweatpants. We stepped in farther into the room making her aware that she has company. Her face lit up like a child on Christmas morning.

" I see my baby came to see her mama" she cheesed getting up off her bed wrapping her arms around me.

I hugged her back " Hey mama. You good ?"

" Never better. Especially with the male nurse " she fanned herself "He's what y'all call a sex God"

Larry put his face in his palm trying not to laugh. " Mom ! No ma'am, so not the time " I chuckled.

Her laugh died down as she constant looked me up in down. I was confused as of why because I looked the same, but I guess she sees differently. "Do you have something to tell me?"

" Um ... No ! What do you mean ?"

" Your hips looking a little wider" she rose her eyebrow.

From the side of my eye I see Larry trying to discreetly made his way out of the room without my mother noticing him. He was almost there until my mom told him to come closer. Please let me live to have kids and actually die of natural causes. And not the fury of her fist. But I'm in a hospital so I may just leave with a broken rib or something.

" Are you guys having sex ?" She blurted.

We were silent.

" Larry " she glared at him.

" See what had happen was ... The way females and males are set up ... Like it just ... You know " he babbled.

Her eyes shifted towards me "Are you pregnant ?"

" No mom I'm not " I whined wanting to get off this subject.

" How many times ?"

" Moom !"

" Goddamit child ! I asked how many times ?"

" 3 " I whispered.

" THE HELL ?" She yelled.

" Technically ... 4" Larry revealed.

" And when was this !?" She choked.

I moved uncomfortable in space as I looked everywhere but her. With everything going on in the world why did we end up on this topic. She stood up on her feet and folded her arms waiting for a response from one of us.

"Well ... The first time was ... On her 16th birthday" he rushed out.

Unfortunately, she understand every word and throw a pillow at both of us. Hitting me in the face and him in the chest. She was about to pick up the phone but I spotted her before she can even lift it.

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