No. 17

648 41 12

Here I am, sitting in the parking lot of the hospital. My first time being pregnant and I am about to have twins. Have to buy two of everything until they're grown. I'm most definitely have to get a job now to be able to get this boat rocking. I let out a frustrated sigh punching the steering wheel, accidentally hitting the horn. Laurent sat back and looked at me.

" You ok ?" He asked placing his hand on my shoulder.

I closed my eyes trying to imagine all good things. " Yeah I'm ok, just a little bit surprise. Can't believe I'm going to have two kids by a stupid ass son of a bitch"

He shock his head and laughed "I can agree on that, but at least you'll have a something beautiful come out of it... Well something's, plural"

" Stop LAU ! It's not funny." I whined glaring at him.

" You need to tell Larry. He is the father" he spoked.

I looked up asking God for help as if he would verbally tell me what to do. I know I can't keep this from him, yet it seems like he stopped caring so why should I inform him on anything pertaining to these kids. My left boob started to vibrate. Reaching into my bra I took out his phone. Didn't mean to be nosy, but the screen was facing me and I saw that it was Larry calling. Laurent took the phone from me wiping it clean from his shirt as if my breast contain some type of disease.

" Hello " he answered.

After a few seconds he looked at me. I looked back looking at him questionably. He removed the phone from his ear slowly handing it towards me. I eyeballed the phone then back to him as if he was crazy. We argued in silence before I snatched it out his hands.

" What ?" I yelled into the phone.

" Asia don't what me ! Why you ain't tell me you had an appointment today ? That's my baby to !" He argued back.

I let out a dry laugh " Naw, you knew every other Saturday I go to the doctors but you was to busy in between that bitches legs to even realize that."

" What did you say ?" He asked pretending to be stupid.

" Nigga you heard me ! Go finish playing house with her and leave me the hell alone. I don't wanna see your ass until I have this babies ... If I still want them" I croaked in the phone before hanging up.

Laurent was about to say something but I motioned him that I wasn't in the mood. We drive back to my house in complete quiet. The only sounds were from the radio and a few cars that surrounded us. We pulled up in front of my house. I wasn't paying attention to Laurent so I didn't know what his actions were. I was about to head into the house until I heard a car tires screech as they came to a stop and my name being called out. Looking over my shoulder it's the devil himself.

He's face was bright read, veins were popping out his arms and necks so I'm guessing someone's mad. Laurent interrupted his rant mid way before he could even come within 10 feet of me. I rolled my eyes and continued to open the door.

" ASIA GET YOUR ASS BACK OUT HERE!" I heard him yell.

I turned around and smiled at him. "Nigga you have no control over me what so ever. So your dumb ass can get to stepping with that bullshit ! I trusted you only to get fucked over again. By a person Who I use to call best friend. you showed me that even my day ones can turn on me like a regular nigga on the streets." I walked back out getting closer to them. "Is this want you wanted to do all along ?" I pointed to my stomachs. " You wanted me pregnant so you can really be my first at everything? You was my first kiss, my first love, my first at sex, and now the first to get me pregnant! Will congrats Larry" I clapped " You won"

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