No. 28

633 44 11

I was able to leave the hospital later on that night. The blood wasn't from the babies it was actually a deep cut that I had on my thigh. The doctors stressed that I should take it easy for now on, cause the babies where a shock away from dying. As of for Damien, let's just say his no longer with us. The bullet when straight through his chest and hit his heart. Died instantly.

Jason had a gun licenses and since I was nearly raped, he wasn't chargers with first degree.

All this happening made my mom come home to check up on me, calling the school to let them know for the remainder of the school year she will be picking up and dropping off my assignments so I wouldn't fall behind. Even with this tragic event that is taking a toll on me all I want is Larry.

He called since 2 o'clock this morning. And instead of me answering it like I wanted to. My stubbornness got the bed of me making me ignore all of his calls. All this wouldn't of happened if he would have started here with me.

" You ok baby" my mom said laying next to me in her bed.

I wiped a tear away nodding my head "Yeah, just a lot of this going on. I'm ok" I assured her.

She combed her fingers through my hair "It's all over now Asia, he's gone. You don't have to worry about him anymore. Just about the babies and Larry"

" Larry is away from me and his kids all because I didn't want to be selfish. But in all honesty I should have never let him go. I wouldn't be assaulted by Damien and I sleep way better then what I am now." I played with the bracelet he gave to me a long time away. "It was better when he didn't make me fall in love with him."

" Things happen that Way Asia. You can't plan out a future when God has other plans. He brought you and Larry together for a reason. And I don't think it was just to get you pregnant, something deeper than that. You'll find out the reason one day" she preached.

" I hope so " I whispered not really wanting to talk about this anymore. I rolled over on my other side to stare on the wall.

All the occasion that happen when I first met the twins replayed in my head making me happy and sad.

Like the time Laurent told me Larry had a Crush on me in seventh grade. He wouldn't tell me himself because he was to scared. Always gave a present to give small hints, but he never knew I liked him back also. And let's not forget my 16th birthday. That was the most amazingly awkward day of my life and I couldn't picture it any better. He was gently with me and I loved every bit of it.

I heard my phone ring so I reached under the pillow to see it was Larry. Looking Over my shoulder I see that my mom was sleep so I got up out the bed and excused myself. I got in my room and sat in the bed before I finally answered it.

" Yes Larry?" I answered.

" I've been calling you all damn night ! Why haven't you picked up once?" He was yelling. And due to the hard stomping, I knew he was pacing back and forth.

" Cause honestly I didn't feel like talking to you. You hung up in my face when I wanted to talk about that girl ! Like that was some disrespectful shit Larry ... I know I can be annoying sometimes but how do you think I feel when my damn boyfriend is 1000s of miles from me surrounded by other bitches" I spoke pacing myself.

" But this is more serious then some random bitch that I rarely talk to. You are my girlfriend ! The mother to my kids and yall could have been token away from me tonight. I had to find out about all this shit from Shay ass when you could have told me."

" I passed the hell out Larry ! I couldn't tell anyone shit. I woke up to see calls from you and Robyn ! All I wanted was to get home and try to get at least an hour of sleep since I barely had any." I sobbed.

"When's the last time you go any type of rest" he gently spoke.

I rolled my eyes "The night at the house with you."

" You haven't slept in almost 3 days ?" He asked.

I shook my head as if he could see "No"

He signed before he continued " Ok do as I say Alright "

" Ok"

" I want you to get in you bed and get under the covers" I did exactly that fluffing the pillow. " Now grab the pillow on My Side and get my shirt" I got the shirt " Why is there a shirt in the pillow case ?" I asked.

" Cause I know you like the way I smell nigga DONT ASK QUESTIONS" he laughed making me chuckle right along with him.

" Now put it on" he instructed.

I pulled my shirt off to put his on. It smelled exactly like him. I covered my nose with the neck of the shirt to have his Cologne all up in my system. "Now lay down, close you eyes and listen to the sound of my voice.

I placed my head in my pillow cuddling up under the covers. " Imagine me Laying down next to you massaging on da booty" I smiled "Now imagine me running my fingers through your hair as my other one wrapped around your waist."

"Larry stop I'm getting excited not sleepy" I whined.

I wanted him here so I can physically touch him. Not imaging him when all I want to do is lie under him after bomb ass sex ! May sound thirsty, or even sexually frustrated, but I know what that man is capable of and I want it.

" Ok, I'll just sing to my stubborn ass Queen then since she's easily turned on" He joked.

He began to sing Alone by Michael Jackson that caught me by surprise cause the only time he ever sung that to me was when he fake proposed to my with a ring pop. I was 11 years old and looked like a pepperoni pizza. My eyes fluttered shut as he continued to sing in my ear.

"Another day has gone
I'm still all alone
How could this be
You're not here with me
You never said goodbye
Someone tell me why
Did you have to go
And leave my world so cold

Everyday I sit and ask myself
How did love slip away
Something whispers in my ear and says
That you are not alone
For I am here with you
Though you're far away
I am here to stay

But you are not alone
For I am here with you
Though we're far apart
You're always in my heart
But you are not alone"

"Love you Larry " I dragged out as I fell asleep.

" Love you too Baby Girl " was the last thing I heard before zoning out.

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