No. 10

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I sat on the exam table waiting to the doctor to come back with my result determining if I was really having a baby or did I get some bad test. Larry sat in the corner being a big kid he is and start playing with stuff. This boy is a damn busy body, can't be stop moving like he's making me nerves. I nearly pissed my pants when he started to blow up gloves making his own personal balloons. The sound of the knob twisting stopped out funny time and he quickly hid his balloons.

Dr. Price came through the door with a clip bored in his right hand and cup of coffee in the other. He sat in his chair and rolled over to me.

" So miss Asia, congratulations your are 2 weeks pregnant" he smiled.

I was token back "I'm farther along then I though ? I thought I was only a week. Most have calculated it wrong"

" Yes Miss you are 2 weeks pregnant so this like the stage you'll be having like morning sickness, weird cravings, and what your boyfriend would love most of all... Mood swings" he laughed.

Larry's faced drop from happy to scared real quick. I bit my lip to resist my urge from laughing. But then he snap back to his senses " Is ok for Us to still have sex even when she's further only?"

My eyes widen and I throw the nearest object at him which was a box of tissues. That earned a laugh from the doctor.

" Yes Lary you can, but around 8 months it's good to keep it in your pants"

" I can ... But she can't" he winked at me.

I was ready to throw something else at him but he jumped from his sit to hold my hands down.

" Well, you can come to me or Mrs. Brown for check ups and other questions." He smiled dismissing us from his office.

After the my check up I decided to go check up on my mother to tell her all about the news. I hope she takes it better then when she sort of guessed it. We were in the same hospital as her so all we had to do was take the elevator to her floor.

I grabbed onto Larry tighter in fear of her action. The closer we got to the door the more I felt my hands getting sweater. Maybe if I act normal and say nothing that's some remotely related to the baby she won't ask.

Entering the room I see her playing music off her phone doing a little stepping having a good old time. While if she think happy couldn't she come home?

" Hey Mama" I greeted her.

" Hey Mrs. Brooks " Larry followed up.

" Well if it isn't the love birds " she smiled sitting down at the end of her bed.

" I see your happy, when are you coming home?" I asked sitting right next to her laying my head on her shoulder.

She patted my head " By the end of the week. Kind of want to see that nurse I was telling you about" she giggled.

I scrunched my face up and looked at her " Mama no ! People don't flirt at your age."

She rolled her eyes "Girl please, just cause your are the newer me doesn't mean the slightly older version don't know how to catch a man"

" Still mom... Just the thought makes my skin crawl"

" Anyways off of me ... Did you go that thing with the thing to see about the thing?"

" Huh?" I was confused as of what she was talking about.

" Don't play dumb with me Asia ! Did you take the test" she folded her arms in front of her chest giving me that 'spill it' face.

" Yea I had a test in Calculus today it was kinda easy though." I continued with the game only to receive one upside my head from her.

Rubbing the now hurting area on my head, Larry bit his lips together trying not to laugh at me. I gave him a side glare daring him to make one sound.

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