No. 25

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(May be errors )

" Asia stay your ass still I have one more curl then you get move you ass" Robyn yelled, wrapping the last strand of hair around her wand.

I've been sitting in the chair for at least an hour or so, getting my make up and hair done for an unknown event that Larry prepared for us. I even had to wear this slim black dress that had slits on the side with this black wedges. She spun me around fixing anything that needed to fix before letting me get up. She guided me to the mirror. When I was directly in front of the mirror my jaw dropped.

I looked different from what I usually do. My hair was in this sexy loose waves, the make up wasn't to make more of a Natural approach, and the dress fit perfectly to the point my baby bump was not noticeable. I spun around to bring her into a bear hug. " Thank You Robyn"

She hugged back, rubbing my back also. "Your evening to "

Just went she said that there was a knock at the door. She clapped her hands like a hyperactive teen then rushed me out the door to go downstairs. Getting closer and closer to the door I felt butterflies flutter more. Why am I getting nerves around a boy I partially grew up with ?

She moved past me to open the door. All the excitement and preparation was worth it when I saw Larry standing at the door in a tux and a dozen of roses in his hands. Without permission, one tear cascade down my eye as I see how beautiful my baby daddy is.

He smiled at me slowly walking up to me. The sent if his cologne was intoxicating, especially getting me hooked when he leaned down to hug me. " You shouldn't be crying. Today is your day, baby" he whispered in my ear, placing a simple peck on my cheek. " This are for you my life" he handed me the flowers.

I gladly accepted them wiping another tear away smiling with joy. " Thank you"

" HOLD ON !" Robyn yelled out as we got to the door. "Picture time" she squealed taking out her phone.

We posed for some picture before leaving you. He helped me to the passenger side of his truck then proceeded to his side. "First ... Dinner" he said pulling off.

Even just sitting in the car in silences as he held my hand, my smile never once felt my face. This night haven't even begun and I knew that his was going to be the best night of my life. The stars even made it better just lightening up the night sky right alone with the moon. My attention was brought back when I see that we stopped moving. We pulled up to what seems like a closed restaurant that says "Miguel's".

I was confused as of why are we stoping when it's obviously not open. Yet, he knows what we're doing and I don't. He came around to my side and helped me down. As both my feet touched the ground he interlock out fingers walking up the the building. The door didn't resist or anything, it just opened. I walked in, him following right behind me. The lights most haven been motion lights because every step I took, they just random popped in. He then walked passed me directing to go to the left. As soon as I turned I see one table in the middle of the room with a huge chandelier, dark red rug, twinkling lights, and even a man playing the piano in the corner. My hands shot up and covered my mouth blown away by the set up. I stepped closer getting a full observation. He just stood there with a cocky grin on his face knowing what he did was amazing.

He was truly my Angel sent from God himself.

I rushed back over planting one huge passionate kiss on him. He kissed back automatically not missing a beat. Detaching our lips, not wanting to skip right to dessert, we sat down and scanned over the menu. There was clam chowder, lobster,and oysters. Looking at what's was on the menu I decided to settle with the Lobster.

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