Back to reality

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Sorry for the late update

We started our first working week after wedding. Both of us felt lazy but yet we were determined and we commenced our work. Harsh dropped me at work and left for his office. As I stepped at work, one of my colleague gave me a bouquet and congratulated me. I thanked her and began my work. My phone buzzed an hour after I started work. I opened it and saw Harsh's text. His simple 'Have a great day at work wifey' bought a smile in my face. I replied the same to him and focused on my tasks.

In the evening, he stood outside my office looking cute yet dashing. I am married to him and we both love each other yet I always check him out. God help me. I ran to him and he hugged me in his embrace. I kissed his cheeks and we both left for home.

I was preparing our dinner and Harsh came and hugged me from the back. I smiled and said "Help me with cooking?" He nodded and did as I told him to do. While we were having our dinner, harsh said "Babe. There's something I want to tell you" I hummed and he continued. "Babe, one of my friend transferred to USA a couple years back. He got transferred back here now. He was asking if he can stay with us for a few weeks" I asked "How many weeks are we talking about?" he scratched his hair and said "3 weeks to a month" I smiled at him and said "Sure" and I went to the kitchen to out the dishes away.

He followed me to the kitchen and took the dishes from my hands. he cupped my cheeks and made me look at him. "Are you upset about it love?" I nodded my head in denial and tried to look the other way. But he had his grip on me. "Sam, be honest. I know you are lying" I sighed and said "I am upset. I am upset because we are newly married and having someone at our place all the time for a whole month seems off to me. I understand he is your friend and you want to help him out but also it will be very awkward for us. Don't you think so? Plus I am sure you aren't his only friend. Why not the others? Don't you think we both need privacy at least for a few months?" He kept looking at me and I sighed.

He said "You are overthinking Sam. It won't be awkward and he will be at work just like us, plus he isn't comfortable with others. And come on, it's only for a month love." I sighed and said "If you've made up your decision, go ahead. I won't stop you. All the best" and I walked out. I went to bed and tried to sleep. I felt a dip on the bed and Harsh pulled me closer to him. He hugged me and said "No matter how many arguments or fights we have, I don't want you to sleep in a corner. I want you to keep your head on my chest just like every other day". After saying that, he kissed my forehead and lips and we slept.

The next day, I decided to work from home and told Harsh the same. In the afternoon, I left to visit my parents house. I spent some time with mom and worked from there. Mom asked "Samu, all ok right? You look upset. Is there anything you want to talk about?" I hugged mom and said "Onnum villa mom. Just an argument with Harsh" Mom made me look at her and said "What happened?" and I told her about the previous night incident. Mom listened to everything I said and she said "You both are at fault here. His fault is being a newly wed and making his friend stay over with you both for a month and your fault was that you got upset very quickly and you reacted. You could've at least seen how his friend was behaving and then you could explain your point. But what has happened has happened and now just wait and see how it goes. Don't vent your anger on Harsh. Ok?" I nodded and resumed work again.

I left for home in the evening and saw Harsh's car entering the parking lot right behind mine. He hugged me as soon as we got off from the car. I hugged him and he pecked my lips. He pecked again and I stopped him. I said "Parking lot. Can we go home?" He sulked and we went home. Right after I opened the door, he locked it and started kissing me. I responded with equal passion and we pulled away after a few seconds. I told Harsh "I went to my parents house for a while." Harsh pulled me closer towards him and said "You didn't have to inform me love" I caressed his cheeks and said "I know. I was just telling you that's all and by the way, when is your friend coming here?" 

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