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The next day Sam couldn't put all her focus at work. She wanted to go and meet the person she texted the previous night and wanted to clear her mind. After work hours, she drove to the place she asked the other person to meet her at. As soon as she the person, she smiled and the latter smiled too. It was her friend Anita whom she texted the previous night. Anita and Sam always shared about their daily events with each other and this time since Sam wasn't clear she decided to meet Anita and talk.

Sam filled Anita up with everything her mother told her. Anita was surprised too. Anita said "Woah! They sound pretty straightforward. What is your thoughts on all of this?" Sam said "I don't know Ani. I mean sure they sound straight forward but what if they aren't who they portray themselves as you know. I am scared of all this honestly." Ani stopped her from worrying too much and said "Listen, not everytime things go wrong in arranged marriages.  Plus I am sure you will have upper hand and I can see it too. Your choice mattered here and that is why your parents want you to think about this" Sam nodded and said "I guess you are right. So do you think I should give this a try and see if it works?" Ani said "Yes. Definitely give it a try and be nice to people. You can be mean at times" Sam frowned but laughed immediately and said "Ok I will be nice. Thanks Ani. I needed this clarity. I was so confused. And as usual you helped me today too" Ani smiled and said "This is our thing. Advising each other what is best and what should be done" Sam nodded and after a few minutes they both for their home. At dinner, Sam was nervous on how to start the conversation. Nevertheless, she decided to let her mother know about her decision. She went to the kitchen to help her mother with dishes and said "Ma", her mother replied "Yes Sam".

Sam then cleared her throat and said "Um...Ma...Um....about know about the matter you said to me last night" and she paused. Her mother looked her with eyes full of anticipation and asked "Yes?" Sam said "Yeah so about that, ummm.. I will give it a chance but if I don't feel like it then I will back out and you shouldn't be upset about all this. Deal?" and extended her hand. Her mother smiled and shook hands with her and said "Deal. So that boys sister - Niti is leaving for NYC with her family the coming Monday. I was thinking of inviting them over for dinner. What do you think?" Sam said OK and went to her room. Her mother was happy and told her father too. They both were happy with her decision. 

Devaki quickly texted Vasundra and informed her that Sam was on board too and invited them over for dinner. While she was awaiting for reply from Vasundra, she told her son too about the weekend events that followed up. He seemed fine with everything too. Vasundra replied back within 20 minutes and said she's glad that Sam agreed and that her son Harsh is on board too. She insisted that while the families can meet for dinner, Harsh and Samaira should get to know each other a little bit prior to that. Devaki didn't quite understand what Vasundra implied. She messaged Vasundra if she can call her and Vasundra replied yes. 

Devaki called her and Vasundra told her "Devaki I feel that Harsh and Samaira should get to know each other first. If they meet each other during the family dinner, they both will be hesitant to speak and they won't be able to get to know each other. So why not we do the dinner for Sunday night and let them meet on Saturday so they know at least the basics about each other. Moreover, Harsh wants to get to know her first directly and not infant of parents. But of course consider with your husband too and let us know by tomorrow". Devaki said she will inform her by the next day. She told Ram what Vasundra told and he thought about it for a few minutes and agreed. The next day Devaki sent a message to Vasundra and said she agrees too.

Vasundra was glad and replied back "Super. I will ask Harsh if he can meet Samaira for brunch or for evening coffee" and sent the text. Devaki replied that she will be waiting for her reply. Vasundra shared it with Niti. Niti was extremely happy. While Aakru was playing in their lawn, Vasundra told Harsh that he will be meeting Sam on Saturday as he wished and asked him does he prefer to meet her for brunch or for coffee. Harsh replied "I will meet her for coffee at 4 pm. And I know I promised I won't be doing any work related stuff but I have a small meeting on Saturday for a few hours. I promise I will be done by lunch time." Vasundra glared at him and said "Fine. But make sure you reach home by lunch time" He smiled and said "You have my word Mrs. Srinivas". She smiled at him and they all played with Aakru. after a few hours, Vasundra called and informed Devaki that Harsh will be meeting Sam for coffee at 4 pm on Saturday. Devaki was happy too.

Meanwhile, at Sams house - Devaki was waiting for Sam to get home to share the news. After when Sam got refreshed and she sat with her mother in the living room, Devaki spoke "Sam. So Vasundra called" Sam raised her eyebrows and looked at her mother. Her mother continued "Don't raise your eyebrows at me. Anyway you and Harsh will be meeting each other first on Saturday for coffee at 4 pm and then he will come home with his family for dinner on Sunday" Sams eyes widened and she squeaked "WHAT??! MOM I don't know him. Oh God this is going to be so awkward" Her mom replied "Which is why you should meet him before the family dinner. So you both aren't very awkward with each other on Sunday" Sam frowned and said "Whatever you say ma'am". She went to her room and filled her other best friend Gayatri on everything. Gayatri told her to try it too and be positive with everything.

At Harsh's place, in the evening Niti wanted to tease Harsh. She asked him "Oye, did  you text Sam the place? Did she reply?" That is when Harsh realized he doesn't have her number with him and neither did he properly look at her. He wondered if Sam noticed him. He replied "No Niti. I actually didn't text her because I don't have her number" Niti was surprised and said "Are you dumb? How will you know if she reached the coffee house or not? How will you even message her the address?" Harsh smiled sheepishly and scratched his neck and said "I didn't think of it all. Can I have her number ?" Niti said I should ask Sams parents if they are ok with sharing her number prior to your meeting" He asked her "Then why did you ask me if I had her number?" She replied "Just chumma (for fun). Why?" He nodded his head in negative way and focused on playing with Aakru.

Niti went to her mother and asked her "Ma. How will Harsh tell Samaira which coffee house to meet at? Do you think we should ask her mother permission to share her number? and also a few pictures of Samaira. Just so he knows how she looks. I mean we saw each other at the restaurant but Aakru was keeping us all busy so you know" Her mother said "Oh yes. I completely forgot. Yes I will call Devaki right away and ask." Niti nodded and walked away. Meanwhile Vasundra asked Devaki whether it was ok with her if she gave Samaira's number to Harsh and asked for a few pictures of Samaira. Devaki responded "Yes for sure. Go ahead. I am guessing Niti has Sams number. But I will WhatsApp you her number -  you can add her number too and pass it on too Harsh too. I will share her pictures too and meanwhile you share Harsh's pictures too" After a few minutes, Vasundra hung up and gave Sams number to Harsh and along with that sent a few pictures of Samaira's to Harsh.

Harsh quickly added her number and looked at his phone screen and thought if he should send her a simple 'Hi' text. Niti saw Sams name on his phone screen and said "What are you waiting for? Send her a hi at least and then text her the address" He smiled and nodded at her and sent her a message and stated introduced him briefly through the text. He was waiting for her reply while checking her pictures. He admired her little dimple.

Sam was watching TV when her phone beeped. She looked at her phone and saw it was a new number. She opened her phone and realized that it was Harsh. She wondered if he even noticed her because she didn't even remember how he looked like. She replied back and told her mother that Harsh texted her and she replied back. Her mother smiled in a teasing manner. Sam immediately said "No teasing now. It was just a simple Hi, Hello type message and he mentioned his name so I knew who it was and sent me the address of the coffee house. That's all". Her mother smiled and sent her a few pictures of Harsh. Samaira saw his pictures and liked the way he smiled.

How do you think Harsh and Sams coffee date is going to be? Do you think they will like each other in the very first instant or will they develop feelings slowly? Let me know. And please don't forget to vote and support. Thanks a lot ❤️

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