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The next week for Samaira was busy. She wished for Friday evening 5 pm so she can relax and go out with her friends on the weekend. Just as her watch showed 5 pm she left out a sigh and packed her bags. As she was about to start the car, her friend Anita called. She smiled as soon as she saw her friends name and picked the call. 

Anita: Hey Sammm. Its Friday finally. I am so down with work dude. How are you? How is work? Did you get off? Pls tell me you got off from work.

Samaira: I am good Anita. Long day at work for you too huh? I was just about to start the car. I can't wait to spend the night watching Netflix hahaha.

Anita: Girl same. I can't wait for our Netflix night too. Chalo ok. Call me when you are ready for the movie ok. Drive safe.

Samaira: Yes Anita. I will call you once I get refreshed. Ok bye girl.

After reaching home, she quickly got refreshed and sat down with her parents for tea time and they the three were joking with each other. At night, after dinner she called Anita and her other best friend Gayatri also joined their Netflix night and the three watched a movie and slept as they planned on meeting the next day.

The next day

After taking a shower and having a quick breakfast, Sam informed her mother that she will be home a little late as she was going out with her friends. Her mother told her to be safe and she nodded and left to meet her friends. The three planned on going to a pop up gallery and from there on they decided further plan their day. She met her friends Anita and Gayatri outside the pop up gallery and the three went inside and enjoyed every single minute. After the pop up gallery, her friend Gayatri whom they call as Gayu lovingly suggested having fast-food for lunch and then hitting a park and then have a good dinner. They all agreed on it and the three were having a great time. In the evening, Sam suggested there was an ice cream parlour she wanted them to try and the three friends tried the ice cream. Later, at night they stopped at their favourite Indian Restaurant.

Meanwhile, Harsh was enjoying with his sister and his niece. His niece kept on him toes and he enjoyed every second of it. His niece wanted to go to the beach and he took her to the beach and she was playing around. His sister was playing with his niece, meanwhile his brother in law looked at him and asked " Have you thought of getting settled? Any plans?" to which Harsh replied, "No Adi. I haven't thought of it yet. I know mom and dad want me to get settled but I am so busy with work that I haven't gotten time to think about it". Adi nodded understanding him and said he will speak to him more on it later and asked him to enjoy. Later, at night Harsh and his family also wen to the same Indian restaurant where Samaira and her friends were.  

Samairas booth was right behind Harsh's and little Aakruti was seated in a baby seat. Samaira looked at Aakruti and told her friends "Guys look at the little munchkin. She's so cute" saying that she smiled at her and started playing with Aakruti. Niti and her mother noticed Aakru playing with someone and pretended like they wanted to go to washroom so the mother-daughter duo could see who the person was. They saw Sam and smiled at her and she smiled back at them. Sams mother called her at that time and she excused herself and went to the washroom to speak to her mother. She answered the call and her mother wanted to ask if she knew where they kept old albums. To which Sam replied "Amma it should be in the storage room. I kept it there. It is in the black suitcase that has my name on it." Her mom said she will look into and told her to enjoy her time wither friends and Sam said sure and quickly said bye to her mother. Niti heard her talking and came to talk with Sam. 

Sam noticed her and smiled at her and spoke "Are you the mom of that cute kid?" to which Niti replied "Yes. I am" smiling. Sam smiled and said "Your daughter is so cute. I couldn't stop myself from playing with her". Niti smiled and said "Thank you. She never really plays in restaurants and she throws tantrums due to boredom but it was nice today, she was laughing and playing. So thank you so much for that". Sam smiled at her and said bye as her friends were alone and walked upto them.

Niti liked Sam in an instant. She shared her conversation with her mother and her mother liked Sam too. As Sam and her friends were done with their dinner, the three of them started to make jokes and laugh. They felt like they were back in University where they would crack silly jokes in their university cafe and laugh. The girls were with each other through thick and thin and they've continued to be best friends till date.

After paying the bill, the girls left the restaurant and so did Harsh and his family. The girls hugged each other and said said their good byes. Right after that when Sam turned, she saw little Aakru in her fathers arms and smiled at her. Aakru giggled and extended her hand and said in her cute tone "Cawwy (carry) you". Niti smiled at Sam and took Aakru to Sam. Sam carried her in her arms and swayed her a little bit smiling and gave her a peck on her chubby cheeks and said "See you angel". Harsh was watching everything and he smiled at the scene in front of him. He couldn't see Sam clearly but he knew if his niece plays with someone its someone who adores kids. After a couple of minutes, Sam gave Aakru back to Niti and said bye to Niti and walked to her car. Niti thought what if Sam was the one for her little brother. She made a mental note to talk to her brother and before that to get to know Sam better. Thinking so, she walked to Sam and asked for  her number. Sam was surprised but masked it quickly and gave her number. The ladies exchanged their numbers and Niti walked away. Sam thought that it was awkward and drove back home.

Once Harsh and his family were back home, Niti kept thinking about Sam and said she wants to talk with everyone. She put Aakru to sleep and her family gathered for the discussion in their lawn. Niti started the discussion by asking her brother whether he has thought about his future or if there was anyone in his life and if there was then maybe he should start thinking about introducing the person to the family. To which Harsh said "Adi spoke to me about this earlier today at the beach and I told him I haven't thought about anything since I am busy with work anyways. And Niti I don't have a girlfriend because of work." Niti smiled at him and said "I just want to know. That's all. So what's your thoughts if I set you up with a girl in future or for an arranged marriage?" Harsh started laughing and said "Are you trying to be Seema Taparia?" Adi joined him and they both started laughing. Niti glared at Adi and he got quiet. She then spoke "Harsh. Answer me. Don't be silly now" to which Harsh replied "Well I don't see why not. Sure try your thing but if I don't feel it. Then you won't force the person on me and you move on to some other one. But my question is you are going back next Monday, so all you have is a week. How are you going to do that? And don't tell me it's someone from NYC and I don't have that much time for a long distance relationship if that ever happens" Niti said "It's going to be someone from local. But I need to know her too prior to letting you meet her and I think by next weekend you should meet her". The parents were confused as to what was going on. She then told Adi and Harsh to leave and she has some daughter to parents conversation to do. They left smiling. Niti then explained her parents her plan on setting Sam with Harsh as she thought Sam might be a good match but she needs to know Sam for that and she is going to act on it quick. Her parents approved nodding with a smile and especially Vasundra was glad as she liked Sam too.

At Sams place in the meanwhile, Sam filled her mom up with all the events that took place that day and showed her the pictures she took with her friends. She told her about her encounter with Niti and how Niti asked for her number too. Her mother said "Kanna. It's because they are Tamilians too so she must've asked for your number. You get to see Tamil people rarely in this place as it is so probably because of that". Sam thought of it and said she was right.

Do you think Sam and Harsh will like each other in the first go? Let me know in the comments  😊 And please don't forget to vote. Thank you ❤️

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