Lean on me

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Sam was working from home on Saturday. She was tired as her company project date was nearing by and the entire team was giving their level best. She wanted the project to be successful as it meant her progress in her career. She was giving her best for the project and as the date got nearer she was getting tired.

Harsh called Sam to let her know he will pick her up at 5 pm. Sam didn't answer his call as she was in the middle of a meeting and later left him a message that she will be ready at 5 pm. She decided to wear comfortable clothes as they were just going for a movie. She got dressed and as she was taking her purse out, she heard her father speaking with Harsh. She went to the living room and sat with her father. Harsh looked at her , smiled and asked "Shall we?", she nodded and Harsh told her parents "I will drop her home at 9 pm. Is that ok?" Her father said "Sure. But no later than 9 pm and be safe." They both nodded and left. 

She asked him which theatre and which movie they were going to and he said she will have to wait. He took her to driveway and parked the car. She looked confused and asked him "Are we walking to the theatre?" He chuckled and said "Illa (No), come out I have to show you something. I hope you like it", she got down from the car and he opened the trunk. She was surprised and she thought "How did I not notice this when I got in?" .That is when she looked around and realized he took her to drive-in theatre. She told him "Wow Harsh, this is amazing. I always wanted to go to drive-in theatre. Thank you for bringing me here" Harsh was glad she liked his idea and said "I am glad you like this. I thought a movie theatre will be boring and it won't  be as fun as a drive-in theatre. So I planned this and that is why I prepared the trunk so we can sit here comfortably and watch the movie".

Sam appreciated the efforts he was putting and she was glad that she agreed to get to know him. He told her make herself comfortable and that he will get them some snacks. He was back within 15 minutes with popcorns and some drinks. They both sat and the movie started right on time. Sams tiredness was gone after she saw that it was Lion King playing. She always loved the movie and she was beaming with happiness. They both were enjoying the movie time while chatting and getting to know each other a little bit more. After a while, Sam unintentionally put her head on his shoulders while watching the movie. Harsh looked at her but she was enjoying the movie. He took some time and realized he likes her and it just was a simple gesture that she put her head on his shoulders while watching the movie.

He put his left arm around her shoulder and they both watched the movie the same way. Sam realized the position they were at when the movie got over. She slowly pulled herself away from him and looked everywhere but him. Harsh smiled looking at her reaction. She composed herself after a couple of minutes and said "Ummm...That was a nice movie. So where are we going for dinner?" Harsh told her that there was a mini diner closeby and took her there. They ate a little bit and he drove her back home. She kept quiet during the entire drive feeling awkward of the position they were at.

Once he stopped the car, he held her hand and she looked at him. Harsh said "I enjoyed tonight. Thank you for coming with me even though you were busy. And I didn't want to talk about this but I felt like you felt awkward back there. You don't have to feel awkward. I mean we will be getting married in the future so you don't really have to be." Sam was confused and she just nodded. She asked if he wants to come in and he agreed and said "Your parents sent you with me because they trusted me enough that I will bring you home safe. So I will come inside and thank them." She smiled and felt nice that he was caring for her family.

They both walked in and he thanked Sams parents for letting her go out with him. They were happy that he was respectful and he showed care for their daughter and cared about them too. Sams mother said "You are a really nice guy". Harsh smiled and left. After reaching home, he texted Sam to take rest and wished her good night.

After a couple of days, he texted her asking about when should they meet next. Sam said she will let him know and told him she won't be able to meet for the next couple of weeks as she will be working more on her project deadline. He understood her work scenario and told her that they will keep chatting then. She agreed and left for work.

The next two weeks was packed for Sam. On the final presentation day, her teams project was selected and she was glad of all the efforts she put in with her team. She texted her parents and her brother that her project was a hit. She then messaged her friends and Harsh. Harsh congratulated her and told her to rest up. She said that her team leader waking her team out for lunch. He told her to have a great one after all she deserved a little bit time off after the two weeks of overtime.

Even though Harsh agreed to not meeting her for 2 weeks and just keep texting, he wanted to meet her and be with her. It's been roughly around a month or so and even though he knew it was fast, he was sure that he wanted Sam as his future partner. He wanted to let Sam know about his growing feelings towards her but he also knew that she will have to start feeling it too so that she can reciprocate the feelings he has for her. He decided to wait for the day she shows a little bit of her feelings too.

He went out with his client for lunch and coincidentally Sam and her team was also there dining. He saw her at the restaurant and smiled. He didn't want to disturb her while she was with her colleagues. After a few minutes, he saw her walking towards his table while browsing on her phone. She walked past him not noticing he was there. He frowned but realized she didn't notice him. He called her and she turned back. She was shocked to see him at the same restaurant she was with her colleagues. She went to say hi to him but he pulled her in for a hug leaving her shocked at his action.

 She went to say hi to him but he pulled her in for a hug leaving her shocked at his action

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The trunk that Harsh prepared for their date.

How was this chapter? And what do you think of Harsh and Sam now? How is Sam going to react? Let me know in the comments. And please don't forget to vote and support. Thanks ❤️

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