Surprise date and conditions

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 He welcomed Harsh inside and Harsh saw Sam. They both smiled at each other and he assured her parents he will drop her home soon. They both went out and and he opened the car door for her like a gentleman. She sat and thanked him. He smiled and went to his side and started the car. She asked him "Can you at least tell me now?" He chuckled and said "You will see for yourself and I am not going to ruin the surprise at the very end. Lets have lunch first and then we will go from there" and he drove to the destination.

 Lets have lunch first and then we will go from there" and he drove to the destination

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Sams outfit

Harshs outfit

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Harshs outfit

Harsh stopped at an Italian Restaurant told Sam "This is one of the best Italian Restaurants here." Sam got out from the car and followed Harsh into the restaurant. As he said, it was indeed one of the best Italian Restaurants she's ever been to. He wanted to know if she liked his taste and asked her if she likes the place and she said "Yeah. I like this place especially the ambiance is simply great". They had a very light-hearted conversation during lunch.

After the lunch, she again asked him and he again told her it was a surprise. She huffed and looked away. After almost 45 minutes drive, he parked his car and they both looked at each other. Sam was confused and asked "Where exactly are we?" he opened the door for her and motioned her to get down. She reluctantly got out of the car and they both started walking. She then saw the board that he has taken her to a lavender field. They walked in to the field and she was mesmerized. It was a beautiful sight to see. she thanked him and they started walking. He wanted to get to know her more better and he initiated the conversation. Slowly he got to know more about her and he got a clue about her ideologies. She asked him more about him and they both had some sort a better understanding about each other.

After a couple of hours, they drove back to the city. He wanted to spend more time with her but he knew the time limit her father gave. He understood her fathers point of view. He was trying to protect his daughter as his own father did the same when it came to his sister. She was glad that she got know a little more about him through the date and she was happy overall on how her day went with him. She wanted to get to know him more but then she reminded herself about everything that happened before with her. She felt that the progress she had made to that level was indeed bigger and she needs to be cautious.

He parked his car outside her house and they both again looked at each other. Sam said "Thank you so much for today. I had a wonderful time and you indeed surprised me. I will see you later?". Harsh smiled and said "Anytime. I am glad you liked my surprises. I was about to ask you if you want to meet again next week. Are you free next week ?" Sam said "Actually I am going on a weekend getaway with my friends. We already made our bookings. How about the week after that?" He nodded. She felt that she should invite him home and said "Why don't you come home ? Have some tea or coffee and then leave." He agreed and walked in with her. While he was talking to her father and brother, she went to help her mother in kitchen. Her mother asked her how everything went and she told her that after Harsh leaves she wants to talk to both her parents and her brother. She assured that it was nothing serious and she just wants to discuss about certain things. Her mother agreed.

After an hour, Harsh decided to leave for home and Sam walked him out to his car. He said "Have fun with your friends next weekend. Keep texting me. OK?" Sam smiled and agreed and walked back in. She called her parents and her brother said she wants to talk.

Her mother asked her "First tell me. How was he? Was he good with you?" Sam nodded and said "Ma, he was nice to me. It's about something else" Her father said "What is it ma?" She took a deep breathe and said "When are you going to tell them about my conditions? Because at the rate things are going and the way I see things, I feel that Harsh is interested. I don't know why, I may be wrong but I have this strong gut feeling that he is interested."

Her brother then asked her "How can you be so sure? I mean you both met for the third time now and why do you think in this way?" She said "Because he was the one who booked everything. He was putting my comfort first in everything and yes this is the third time we both are meeting but which man plans an entire date for a girl he was meeting for the third time?" 

Her brother nodded agreeing with her and her mother said "You are right. We should let them know, but how ? I mean we can't just directly bring it up. Can we?" Her father then said "How about before both of them develop feelings for each other you and I, call his parents and we speak to them about her conditions" Her mother agreed and called Harshs mother and invited them over for tea the next day.

Vasundra informed Harsh as he walked in that Sams family has invited them over for tea. He was confused and he nodded. She asked "Is everything ok? You were nice to her today. Right? Sollu da (Tell me)?" He said "Ma. She herself told me she had a great time. I think they just want to get to know you and Appa too. That's all. Don't worry now and smile. I will go and just get refreshed." and he went to his room.

He texted Sam if everything was ok and was there a reason why her parents invited him and his family over to her house for the next day. She replied that it was nothing scary and her parents just wanted to talk more in person. He felt somewhat relieved but glad he gets to meet her again. He texted her he will text her later and went to sit with his parents.

Sam was feeling anxious as to how Harsh and his parents would react after knowing about the conditions she has thought about from before. 

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