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We quickly get ready before heading out. Certainly, this day was going to be great. I would show Luke everything I could in one day, so we also had a long day ahead of us, and the better part? We are going to do it all on foot. Take the city in, calmly, while breathing the fresh of California. 

I kinda missed being here every day, seeing the same old streets and the same people walk by. This was far from being a good city, but it was the city I grew up in. I spent all my life living here, and although everything reminds me of the bad things that happened around here, it also reminds me of the few great times I spent in this town.

Firstly I wanted to show Luke where I worked before going to Sydney, so we stopped for a bit to get some food there. Luke made a face of pure aversion when he looked to his plate, which made me laugh uncontrollably. 

-I thought that in California, you had good food. -he whispered while never taking his eyes off the food in front of him.

-I promise that it tastes better than it looks. It really pays off by the taste and not by the appearance. -I say while trying to stop laughing at Luke's face.

-I don't think that this is possible with this. What the hell is even this? -Luke asks.

-It's a Deep Dish pizza! It's basically from Chicago, but people around here appreciate it too. It's kinda gross looking because of the oil on the surface, but I assure you it's worth it. It's the best-tasting pizza you'll ever have. -I try to convince him, but Luke still looks at the food with clear disgust in his eyes. I take a piece of the pizza and put it on a separate plate for Luke, and did the same for me. 

-I'm only going to try it because you made me to! -he says while holding the fork down on the pizza. -It's so greasy. -the look of despising didn't want to leave his face.

We both took a bite off it, and I immediately remembered all the times I made this for my few friends while I worked here and mainly for my brothers. David used to come here with Cameron after picking him up from school just to see me - and give me some work because this used to be always empty - but it didn't last very long. A few months after I started working here, he died. Soon, it was only Cameron and me eating at the same table he always sat on - and coincidentally, Luke and I were currently sitting. I didn't like to see Cameron eating all by himself after school, so I always sat a little with him. My boss didn't like it, but he is my brother, my only brother now, and I wouldn't let him alone by any chance.

-This is actually good. -He whispered, almost like he didn't want anyone to know that he kinda enjoyed the gross-looking pizza.

-I told you so! -I smiled when we exchanged eye contact. -We used to sit here, you know? -I say, hoping that Luke would understand who I was talking about.

-Who? -He looks at me confused; I sniff before saying:

-Me, Cameron... -I paused, and Luke looked at me. He already knew the name that was going to come out of my mouth next. - and David. 

-Bella, you don't need to talk about him if you don't want to. I know it's painful for you, and I want you to be happy after this horrendous week we had. -He smiled. It was a pity smile, that kind of smile that I didn't want to see on his face.

-I need to talk about him, Luke. I'm too afraid that I'll forget him one day if I don't talk about him. -I groan heavily, and Luke looked at me deep in the eyes. 

-I know, and you know how much I understand you, but it clearly does you no good to always be thinking about him. You obviously and wrongly blame yourself for what happened to him when it wasn't your fault. You don't understand that while you think that you were the one that caused his death, remembering him is not going to be a good thing! Remembering someone should always be a good thing, and this is not the case, Bella. -Luke says, and tears threaten to come down my face middle sentence. 

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