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It was almost night but I and Luke were in the same spot. This time Luke was with his head in my lap and we were talking about the most various things, things about our past and I was finally getting to know little things about Luke. 

-Let's go get a pizza, we can eat here! -I said and Luke nodded. 

-I have a blanket in my car, we can use it so the pizza doesn't get cover in sand, but we need candles too or soon we won't be able to see each other -Luke says and I laugh.

-Don't get it wrong... This is not a date! -I whispered in his ear and messed is hair right after.

-And who said I want a date with you, princess?-He says and quickly stands up. -Come on, I'm hungry. -He said and extended his arm so I can grab it... just like the first time I saw him.

-I'm not falling for that one again. -I said while getting up. Luke laughed.

-I'm offended, I thought that all that I did today was for you to trust me! -His hand goes to his chest as he if was hurt there.

-Maybe I'm gonna need a little more than just this! -I said and started walking in front of him but soon I noticed that he stopped. I turn around just to see him looking at me with his mouth open wide. -I'm kidding! Close your mouth, I don't want to see a fly get in there. -I giggles and Luke smiles.

I pushed him by his arm and went to pick our stuff up. After that, we made our way into a pizzeria but Luke went to the supermarket next to it to pick the candles and something to light them up as he mentioned before.

I picked up two pizzas and in the meantime, Luke already bought the candles so we were ready to go to the beach again. I picked up the blanket from Luke's car and we made our way again to the sand. This time we were a little farther from the sea because the water could rise at any moment. 

Luke extended the blanket over the sand and I sat on it first. He lights up the candles and put them in every corner of the blanket so the wind doesn't fold him over, throwing sand at us. This way we could see each other too. It was pretty dark already and it was even colder than before so I was literally shaking.

-You're shaking! -Luke says laughing. -It isn't even that cold! -He took off his hoodie handing it to me. -You can keep it. 

-Thank you. -I said and kissed him on the cheek what made him blush a little.

 -I just want you to know that I enjoyed every single moment with you today. -He smiles and takes a bite of the pizza.

-Me too, we could do this again. At least you're not being an annoying asshole as always! -I laughed and Luke giggles.

-Just wait... You better enjoy while I'm this way! -I look at him worried and he laughs again. -I'm kidding, princess!

-Can you please stop calling me that? It gives me headaches just to hear that word! -I said and Luke smirks.

-Never in my life! 

-Oh, so you're assuming that I'll be your friend for the rest of your life? If you continue calling me that, that's not gonna happen'! -I joked. Now, I was actually getting comfortable with him calling me that... I was kinda enjoying it too.

-I was not assuming that. But yeah, you could say that if it makes you happy! -We both laugh. Luke tried to pick the last slice but I quickly picked it first.

-Don't you dare, Luke Robert Hemmings, it's mine! -I said and Luke tries to take it off my hand.

-I'm still hungry. I need to keep this big and beautiful body full and healthy!

Storm - Luke Hemmings // COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now