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I was taking so long in the bath because I couldn't take my mind off of Luke and I like to think while I'm taking a shower or a bath. If I want to cry? I can cry and nobody would listen to me because of the sound of the water, but I don't feel like crying. I can listen to any music I want and I'm warm because of the hot water constantly against my skin. 

Suddenly a loud knock is heard in the whole bathroom, waking me from my thoughts and finally taking my mind to another place other than Luke. 

-Can I come in? -A voice sounds from the other side of the door. -It's Luke.

-Are you crazy? I'm taking a shower. You can wait there if you want to. -I said.

-It's not like I haven't seen your body already. If I have to remember you, I caught you and Ashton almost fucking. -I can tell he's smirking and I'm not even seeing him. 

I rushed to get out of the bath and I wrapped myself in a towel before leaving the bathroom. 

-What do you want? I thought that I was clear. You don't want to talk to me about you so I don't want to talk to you about me. -I said and he giggles.

-You said I wanted you to talk to me about yourself? I just want to talk. -He moves his lip ring around and I'm almost sure this time is not as cringe as last time. What's wrong with me? 

-Luke, right now it's not the time! I'm totally naked underneath this towel and I would prefer to be with clothing while talking to you. 

-I wouldn't. -I look at him with a death stare and he stops laughing as soon as I do that. -I'm kidding!

-I thought that you were seeing someone! I bet she wouldn't be happy to hear that! -I said and I set beside him, in my bed. 

-I'm actually not. That's the reason I wanted to talk to you. -He sighs and I look at him. His eyes were once again in mine. -Look, I just can't talk about my life right now. One day maybe you'll now more about me but I don't know if I can trust you everything I did. Only my brothers know this and it's very difficult for me to talk about. I hope you can understand. -His hand goes to my thigh and I could feel my cheeks burning. 

-Yeah, I would believe more easily that you were Santa. -I said and he rolls his eyes. I know he's just messing around and being annoying like always. -And can you take your hand off, please? This is definitely not the moment to put your hand there. -He smirks. 

-Why do you think that, princess? -He said and his hand starts to go upper in my thigh. He pushes me closer with his other hand and I could feel his breathing now in my face. Our noses touched and he finally pushed me into a kiss. He laid me down in my bed in the middle of the kiss, being him on top of me.

I could feel he smiling in the middle of our kiss, one of his hands is on my neck and the other quickly makes it way to my butt, grabbing it. Why I'm not stopping him?  His lip ring was cold but his lips were warm. This is the best kiss I have ever had. It's like his lips were made especially for mine but this is wrong... so wrong! I don't know Luke at all and I don't even like him! 

-Luke! -I murmured and he stops kissing my lips so he can kiss my kneck. 

-Don't worry, princess, I'm not doing anything wrong with you. -He said against my kneck sending shivers to my spine. 

His right-hand stops grabbing my butt and was again in my thigh. He stops and looks at me. For some weird reason, I just kissed him. I didn't know what to do other than that! My head was spinning, I'm just about to fuck with a complete stranger and I can't help but smile. Why does he make me feel this way? 

He stops everything, standing up just right after that. He had a huge smile on his face. 

-Do you really think that we were going to do something, princess? -He smiles and gets out of my room before I could do something about it. 

Luckily we didn't do anything but he sounded so rude. He sounded like he despises me? I'm happy that he stopped but a part of me wanted him to continue here... a part of me wanted him... Wanted him here with me.

Why he did that? Why he's always the same? Why didn't I thought that he was just being the same, old, annoying Luke? I hate me, I hate me for thinking that he was doing something with me and I hate him for making me think that. 

I quickly put on some short sweat shorts and an oversized t-shirt so I could finally go to sleep, without Luke interrupting this time. 


It's now almost 11 A.M. and I couldn't sleep at all. I just need to talk to Jade about everything because she always knows what to do and what's best for me although, I'm not sure what I need to talk to her about. I just feel so confused right now. I can't even think properly. Everything in my head is just chaos right now. I feel a storm of thoughts inside my brain and it's driving me crazy... Sydney is driving me crazy or is it Luke? 


Okay so I wrote this today and I know its absolute shit. I hate myself for not being able of writing better than this but I really hope you all liked it anyway!

Thank you so much for reading and If you liked it please vote, comment and share because it would really help me! 

Love you all <3

Storm - Luke Hemmings // COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now