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Once again, we spent almost the night up in the day we had our beach date. We got out of there only after sunrise. We were just there, talking, listening to some music, and singing with each other to a few songs we both knew.

It's been almost a week after and this was our last morning here since we had our flight back to Sydney just in a couple of hours. 

Our week was pretty calm for the rest of it, apart from the day Luke and I went to the beach and found some of my old "friends" there. They, all of the sudden, seemed interested in my life now that I have a boyfriend. While I lived here they treated me like shit and always made me feel alone even when I was with them. I can't even say that they were my real friends because they never were.
They just went to talk to us, trying to get to know who Luke was but obviously, I just told them to get off and when they didn't, Luke and I went for a walk by sea until we found a place full of rocks where we stood for the rest of the day. It had a beautiful view over the whole beach, sea and if we turned around we could see people walking and having fun in the park beside the sand.

We were now packing our things up, once again, to travel to the other side of the world. In a way, Jade and I almost didn't talk the whole time I was here because I was trying to spend the whole time with my family and with Luke before we went back so we just exchanged some texts and we called each other a couple of times. Most of this conversation was just so she knew I was alright and to keep up with what was happening here since she was still in Australia with Michael.

Ashton also called me as soon as he heard about what happened to me and Luke and that he made me a surprise flying here to solve things. He called me to see if things were good between me and Luke now that he proved that he loved me. Ashton can be a great friend now that we kind of helped him be a better person. I really don't hold any grudge towards him and I don't have any reason to do so.
Calum called Luke every single day to be updated on our situation and I thanked him for that because that meant that he really cared and that he was someone I can also call a friend.

My mom introduced her new "boyfriend" to us and I really liked him because I know that he makes her happy and treats her better than anyone she met before. We all went out for dinner one day and it went better than I thought, there was never a moment of silence and everyone was well into the conversation.

Luke was now showering in my bathroom while I packed even more stuff than the first time. I was packing literally everything I owned since the goal was now to live in Sydney.

How did my life change so much in only a couple of months?

I intended to travel around the whole world for a couple of months, then getting back here in time for university but it all changed when I met Luke.

Since Luke appeared in my life, every plan I had changed. And don't get me wrong, he wasn't behind the reason they all changed. The reason behind my change of plans was that simply I found something that I loved more than traveling and getting back to college in America. I loved Sydney and fell head over heels for that city, that was the reason. Even if in the future, my life doesn't include Luke anymore, I'll still live in Sydney and it was just dumb for me to get back to California when Luke and I "broke up" because I want to spend the rest of my life living there. With or without Luke. 

I realized that my life was a mess way before I met him but with this blonde boy it was a better mess. 

Cameron was driving us to the airport and while we were in the car he wouldn't stop talking to Luke, it was like I didn't even exist.

-Dude, you should come here more often! -my brother said to the blonde guy beside him. Luke turns around to face me before saying "If your sister wants me here I would gladly come back". -I don't care about what she thinks, you're coming with or without her.

Cameron and Luke got really close in our stay here and that kind of weirded me out since they had an age gap of some years. They spent almost all night playing video games, sitting on the floor, and looking all night long at the TV, while I was watching some movies all by myself behind them on the sofa. 

-Yeah, thank you for having my opinion into consideration.-I rasped which made both of the boys in front of me laugh in unison. 

Cameron stopped in front of the airport and helped us get our stuff out since it was a lot of it. Tears threaten to roll down my face when I hugged my brother for the last time for a while. I don't know when I'm coming back to California and I don't know if he's coming to visit soon or not. 

-I'm gonna miss you lil' bro. -I laughed and messed with his hair before looking to the airport door. 

-Yeah yeah, alright, go ahead, you're almost late for your flight and I don't want to hold you guys back.

Luke patted Cameron in the back and picked some of our stuff up while I was picking the rest. We turned around and went to the airport.
It was almost empty, having only some people standing here and there and it was strange for a Californian airport.


The flight went by quicker than I anticipated. I spent almost all of it sleeping and when I wasn't, I was watching a movie since Luke slept from the beginning to the end of it.

We stepped out of the airport in Sydney and I couldn't help but smile at the view in front of me. I missed Sydney so much and it was amazing to come back here. I have so much to do now that I know that I'm going to live here but I don't want to even think about it for a while. I'm just gonna enjoy the first few days back. Talk to Jade, Ashton, and all of the amazing people I met here, and then I can think about all the stuff that awaits me here.

I take a glimpse at Luke and see that he was already looking at me. 

-Are you ready to go back? -He whispered before taking me into a comforting hug.

-Readier than I'll ever be. -I say looking him deep in the eyes.

This is only the first day of the rest of my life here in Sydney. Honestly, I just can imagine all the beautiful things that one day will take place in this beautiful city.


HIIII! I KNOW THIS IS SO SO SHORT BUT I'm HAVING KIND OF A WRITERS BLOCK and I'm really sad about it! I don't know what to write next so maybe if one of you has some ideas please dm me cause I might use some!

Thank you for always being here with me!

If you could please leave your vote and your comment it will be just perfect! Also if you could share it with anyone or anywhere it would be awesome cause I don't have any kind of platform to share it besides Wattpad and that means a lot to me!


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