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-Luke? -I said and Ashton threw me his shirt so I can cover myself. He was still naked. Luke laughs and enters more in the room.

-What are you doing here? Why did you enter without knocking? -I said fast and confused with what just happened.

-Jade told me... Told me that we're getting dinner and I was coming to ask you if you two both want but I can see that you clearly don't! -He says and sits in my bed, by my side. I was just with Ash's tank top, nothing else was on my body so I was pretty uncomfortable. Ashton in the meanwhile dressed his boxers again.

-That doesn't answer my second question. You should've knocked!

-Nice sideboob, Bella! -he says and I cover myself with my pillow. -I knocked but you didn't listen to it.

Luke puts his hand on my thigh and I quickly remove it before Ashton sees it.

-Did you really think I would let you fuck this guy? I told you, he's not who you think he is. -Luke whispers in my ear and I laughed. He really couldn't be serious.

-Get the fuck out of my room. I didn't say you could come inside!

-You didn't say I couldn't either. -Luke smirks and Ashton sighed.

-She doesn't want you here and I don't want you here either so get out. -Ashton says trying to stay calm.

Jade enters my room too confused with what's going on.

-Were you going to do a threesome in my house? You're disgusting! -She says and laughs after that. -I was joking but seriously, what's happening here? I could hear you screaming from downstairs!

-Luke said that you told him to asks us if we wanted dinner. We don't want to! -Ashton says and dresses his shorts.

Luke ruined the whole mood for today. The day went so well until the moment Luke appeared. He's so annoying.

-But I didn't tell him anything! -Jade says and Ashton looks at Luke confused. Luke just laughs and leaves the room before Ashton could say something else.

Jade left us alone and Ashton looks at me with sadness in his eyes.

-I'm sorry we got interrupted. -He says and rubs his thumb against my cheek.

-It's Luke's fault, not yours!

-Luke was my best friend so it's kind of my fault I think.

-Was? What happened? -I asked worriedly.

-Nothing bad... We just don't hang out anymore. -that sounded like a lie but I'm not in the mood to talk about Luke right now.

I hate him for telling me that kind of stuff. I hate him for being so annoying. I hate him for being a dickhead and always interrupting everything. I hate him for eating my cookies and I hate him for always putting his hand on my thigh. I really hate Luke. I hate him just for being him.

-What are you thinking about, princess? -Ashton said and that sent shivers down my spine.

-Don't call me that, please. I hate it. -I said and Ashton kissed my forehead.

-I'm sorry, baby!

We laid in my bed finally watching our Phineas and Ferb episodes.
His head was in my belly and I was messing his hair. After a while, I can tell that he was sleeping. Ashton looked even more beautiful when he was asleep. His eyes were peacefully closed and his mouth was a little bit open. His hair falls into his face and I try to remove it by messing it but it always went back to the same place. I still don't know what we are but I'm just gonna enjoy being with him.
He's the boyfriend every girl wants and it scares me a little that he might have just done that as a friends thing.
I turned the TV off and my eyes closed slowly. Ashton was still clinging to my belly with his head in it.

* * *

My eyes open slowly and I felt something heavy in my chest area. My eyes were finally completely open and I could see Ashton. He was still grabbing me and his head was now in my chest.

-Hi beautiful! -he says as soon as his eyes open to see me. His eyes were bright while looking at me and his morning voice was a gift from the gods.

-Hi baby. -I kissed him on the lips for a second.

-I'm gonna prepare our breakfast. I'll call you when it's ready! -I left the bed and he nods smiling at the same time.

I get down and nobody's home. Jade's probably sleeping because is pretty early.
I grab two bowls and some milk starting to make our breakfast.
The day was not that good today. It's a grey morning.
I suddenly heard breathing close to my ear.

-You shouldn't be with him, princess. He's not good news. -someone whispers behind me.

-And what do you know about that? -I turn around facing now the blonde tallboy.

-I was his best friend. He does this with every girl he sees. I watched this a million times already. -He's still whispering in my ear. His morning voice was hoarse but sexy at the same time.

-You're just telling me that so I leave him. He's not like that. -I cross my arms and Luke smirks.

-He is a scumbag. Don't believe in his lies. I bet you aren't even dating yet. -It's true. Ashton and I aren't dating but we didn't have time to talk about that yet. Luke's hand go to my waist and he pulls me closer to him.

-Luke, you should really leave me alone. -I threaten him.

-Oh, baby, I'm not gonna leave you, ever. -He giggles in my ear before he walks off.

I made my breakfast and went upstairs to eat it with Ashton without Luke annoying me.

Ashton thanked me and said that he should go home because his mother could be worried so he dressed up and got out of Jade's house.


Hiii, I know this part is so short but I didn't have time to write something longer and I'm so sorry about that!

I hope you like it anyway. Vote and comment <3 

Ly all! Bye  xx

Storm - Luke Hemmings // COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now