2.9 - Last Chapter

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-Bella?? -someone said. I can't figure out who. I just know they sound so surprised. -Oh my dear, you are awake! Finally!

Why can't I open my eyes? Why they seem so heavy?
This bed seems different. Where am I?
So many questions and so few answers.
My head hurts like hell as someone hit me with a bat or something like that.

-Where am I? -I asked. I don't know who is just beside me but I can feel someone touching my hand.

In the background, I can hear a little faint music that resembled me so much of Luke's song. But why is it so different at the same time?

-You're in the hospital, dear. You were in an accident. -a feminine voice says and finally, I recognize it being my mom's. How is she in Sydney??

Images of the car crash suddenly fill my head. I can see clearly the images of Luke looking at me, fear in his eyes. Where's is he? I need him so much.

-Where's Luke? -I ask when I finally can open my eyes. Everything is still blurry and very dark, I just can see my mother's silhouette and nothing else.

-Luke? -she sounds surprised. -Do you mean David?

-No, I mean Luke, my boyfriend. -I whispered. My voice still sounds rasp.

-Dear, you don't have a boyfriend. Not one that I know of at least. Are you ok? Do you need me to call in a doctor? -How does she not remember Luke? We just left America together.

-Bella? -I can hear another feminine voice that I recognize being Jade. -You're awake! -she ran to me, hugging me slightly.

-How are you? Where's Luke? How is he? And how are the others? -I need answers. I don't mind that my head still hurts and I don't mind that I still can't see clearly. I just wanna know where is my boyfriend.

-Dear, the doctors told me to wait before I told you this but I think you should know. -My mom pauses for a second. -You were in a coma for a couple of years now. You were in an accident with your brother. He, unfortunately, didn't make it but we hold onto you.

-No mom. David died a long time ago and I wasn't in the car with him. -My head starts spinning. What is she talking about? How can I be in a coma for years now? -Jade, please tell me that Luke is alright. Where is he? Did he wait for me? -I can feel the tears coming down my face. Did he move on since apparently I was in a coma?

-Do you mean the guy from the boyband you were obsessed with? I'm sure he's living his best life. I played their songs for you almost every single day because I thought that would help you. -I can tell that she is smiling.

-Which boyband? -I don't understand anything they are saying.

-5 seconds of summer? That one with Ashton, Calum, Michael, and Luke?

-Did they make it? Are they a band now? -I wish I was happy for Luke but I feel bad that I didn't see him grow.

-They were a band way before you were in the accident. I think you are still too confused, you need to rest, Bella. You were in a coma for years now, it's normal. This is going to take time to sink in. -She places a kiss and I can feel the hand that my mom was grabbing empty now, a sign that they left me here alone.

Why did they seem so weird? They were both talking like they didn't know who Luke was and I think that they should know better than anyone since they were the ones that got me through everything with him.
I just want to know how he is. Did he move on and they just don't want to make me sad?
The fact that I was in a coma doesn't seem to scare me but the fact that I might have lost Luke is what frightens me the most.

I was not tired at all, in fact, I just want to know the answers to these questions. My vision finally clears up so the first thing that my eyes lay on where in the small screen that was placed in front of my bed.

"5 Seconds of Summer are playing now, live for Fire Fight Australia"

My heart dropped to the floor. Jade mentioned this band's name being Luke's band. And as sure as the day, he was there, but he didn't look like my Luke anymore. Was I in a coma for so long?
He no longer has his lip piercing that I love. His hair was so much longer and I didn't even know that his hair was curly until now. Surely this look fits him perfectly but he is so different.
His clothes were also so different. I never thought that one day I was going to see Luke in other things other than his usual black jeans and T-shirts.
How did he change so much?
Why didn't he wait for me? Am I being so naive to the point that I thought that he could have waited for me all these years? He deserves to be happy more than anyone else but I just can't put my mind on the fact that he probably didn't even come to visit me?
Maybe I reminded him of something he wanted to forget but why? I thought that he really liked me.

-Bella? Can I come in? -Jade whispers from outside the door.

-Sure. -I tried to speak as loud as I could.

-Are you watching them now? They are going to play a new song, that one that I played for you. Your mother said that you woke up to it. It's called Better Man. -She sits beside me and I just look at her confused.

-What are you talking about Jade? Why is everyone being so weird? Tell me why didn't he wait for me. I can take it.

-Who? -She seems so confused.

-Luke. Tell me, please, Jade. I beg you. -Tears fall down my face. -Why did he leave me here alone. You said you came here every day, why didn't he do the same?

-Bella... I think you dreamed about Luke in your coma. -She whispers.

-What are you talking about? I was in an accident with him, that you were also in? I didn't dream it. Did you forget? We were on our way home after we came from California.

-You never left California and I was never in an accident, Bella. -she speaks calmly, looking deep into my eyes.

So this was all a dream? My whole life in Sydney was nothing but a dream?
I never met Luke?

I thought that he was the one that turned my life into a storm... but he didn't... because he was never in it.

Hii! How are you guys?
This was the last chapter of Storm!
How do you feel about it??
Any comments/opinions?
Do you wish that this would end up differently?


I really hope you enjoyed my first fanfic in another language.
Thank you all for always being here beside me and reading, voting, and commenting chapter after chapter.

This wasn't the best end I know but I thought that it would end up differently than most fanfics you usually read and I never read one like this.
Also, this is going to end here because I don't know if I should post a sequel to Storm, but if you would like one, please let me know in the comments.

Vote, comment, and share it everywhere you can.

Thank you for this amazing year!
I love you guys all so much! <3

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