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I tried to talk to Jade the whole day but that was unsuccessful. Luke is always here now and I would like to know why. He's not supposed to live here and I don't think Jade is sleeping with him because I know she's seeing some guy named Michael. He's the male version of Jade and I think they're so cute together. 

I went downstairs and there was Luke, sitting on the sofa and eating a bunch of chips. I tried to ignore him but he starts to whisper something to himself. 

-Can I ask you something? -I say, sitting next to him. 

-Sure, princess. -He said and I look at him with a death stare. 

-First of all, I don't like when you call me that. Unless you want me to start calling you jester, I think you should stop. -I said and he laughs. 

-Actually, I would love to hear you calling me that. Jester, I think that suits me very well, princess. -He whispers looking me with his beautiful blue eyes. 

-You really think that you're funny, don't you? But whatever... I wanted to ask you why you're always here? You don't live here and I know that you aren't sleeping with Jade. 

-Actually, I lived here way before you did but I went home for a couple of weeks and now I'm back. I'm sure Jade didn't tell you that. Maybe she didn't want to scare you. 

-I'm more scared now than I could be if she told me that in the beginning. 

-Don't be scared, princess. I'm here for you. -Luke says making fun of me. He tried to hug me as he was trying to comfort me but I pushed him away. 

-When's Jade coming back? I need her -I said and the blonde boy smirks at him. 

-She's not coming today. She said that she was going to spend the day, and obviously, the night with that Michael guy. -Luke answers me.-But why do you need her when you have me around? -He starts to get closer to me. I could feel his breathing on my face and he was with a big smile on his face. 

-You wish I needed you. -I laugh in his face but he interrupts me with a kiss.

I quickly stop it, getting away from him. 

-What's your problem dude? You're really an asshole! -I say and he laughs again. 

-Nice lips, I bet that they can do amazing stuff. 

-You're disgusting. I was trying to talk to you like a decent person but you don't deserve it. Do me a favor and fuck off. -I was really pissed at him. 

-I know that you liked it. I know that you wanted more but you knew it was wrong. -He smirks and gets closer to me again. 

-I didn't. Your self-esteem is so high that it's ridiculous. -I giggle in his face. 

I walked away and I could hear Luke yelling behind me. 

-You're going to be broken because of him and when you are, you're going to run to me. I just know that. You think you're special to him but I've seen this so many times that I'm just tired of it. He's full of shit. -He yells. 

It sounded like he was saying the truth. He was so rude but sounded worried about me at the same time. I ran upstairs in the meanwhile and now tears are starting to run down my face. I want to believe that Ashton wants to be with me but Luke could be correct. Ashton continues without talking about what we are and that drives me a little crazy. I'm not the type of person of "flings" and I like to assume people so if he wants to date? Great. If he just wants us to be friends? I accept that, although I really like him. I only don't accept the fact that we aren't anything at the moment. 

Storm - Luke Hemmings // COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now