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I woke up. It was the next day and I smiled remembering the great night we all had.
Today, I had a sort of date with Ashton. We both loved the beach but I never learned how to swim so he said he was going to teach me that today.
It was 7:20 A.M. And he said he was going to pick me up by 8:10 A.M.
I quickly made my way into the bathroom to take a shower. After that, I picked my white bikini, some jean shorts and a Joy Division shirt I had.
It was almost 7:45 when I got downstairs just to see Luke sitting in the kitchen counter.

-What you're doing here? -I said and he shrugs.

-I slept here. I thought you know that. We all slept except for Ashton. -he says smirking.

-What you're trying to say with that? -he starts to approach me.

-Maybe he's not who you think he is, princess. -he giggles and I could feel my blood boil.

-You're really trying to make me angry at Ashton for no reason. He didn't sleep here because we have a date today! -I lied. It wasn't really a date but we were going to spend the whole day together.

-I'm not saying anything else. You'll find that by yourself. -he smirks again and walks off to the living room.

I had just woken up and I was already getting annoyed by Luke. Nobody deserves that.
I ate my cereal with milk and shortly after that Ashton texted me that he was almost here. I invited him to enter the house and he accepts it.

-Hey Luke. -he says and smiles at the blonde guy. -What is he doing here so early? - Ashton whispers in my ear. The sound of that sent shivers down my whole body.

-I don't know. He said everyone slept here except for you! -I answered the question and Ash looks at me confused.

-That's not true, I went home with Lauren. She slept at home. That means Luke slept here by himself or with Jade. -Ashton concluded. He was right, Luke was lying to me.

-Do you want to get going or you can stay here for a little longer? -I said and grabbed his arm pushing him upstairs. He was confused at first but followed me.

-Where are we going? -he says and laughs with me.

-To my room. I don't want to be around that idiot. -he nodded, agreeing with me.

He set on my bed while I closed the door behind me. This room was ginormous and I even had a TV in front of my bed so I quickly turned it on so he can be more comfortable.

-What are our plans for today? -I said while sitting in my bed, next to him.

-I thought that maybe you want to grab some coffee or something like that before we go to the beach since it's still pretty early. 

-That sounds good! -I said and he smiles at me. 

-Can I ask you something? -He questions and I nodded. -I woke you up didn't I? I'm so sorry if I did. I didn't want to but I couldn't leave you there on the sofa.  

-No, you didn't. I was already awake when you asked Jade if you should take me here but for some reason, I couldn't open my eyes. -he blushes a little. 

-Maybe we should go, Luke could think that we're doing other stuff. -I laugh and he looks at me confused.

-Do you care what he could think? I don't mind it at all. He's so annoying. 

-I thought that maybe you liked him. You laid on my lap to make him jealous!

-I can't believe you really thought that Ash. I'll never like that shit. I laid on your lap because I wanted to, not to make him jealous, there's no reason to make Luke jealous. -I put my hand in Ashton's face, he smiles at my touch and let out a giggle. -Can I ask you what you were doing on your phone last night or is it too much to ask? 

Storm - Luke Hemmings // COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now