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I quickly finished getting ready so Luke didn't wait too much time for me but before I left my room I straightened my blonde hair. If I'm gonna leave the house at least I leave it looking somewhat decent.

I ran downstairs and there she was. Jade finally decided to come home and she was with the biggest smile printed in her face while talking to Luke. I ran to hug her and she laughs.

-I already know what happened to Ashton! I'm so sorry about that, Bella. I didn't know! -she pulls me closer.

-Don't worry. I'm perfectly fine. -I smiled and she does the same thing to me. -But I need to talk to you later. -I whispered.

-Where are you going? -She asked and I pointed do Luke.

-I was going to eat alone but it seems like he's coming too.

-I'm going to stay home if you two don't mind. I need to sleep! -She says and giggles.

-We don't mind at all! We want to be alone, don't we princess? -Luke says and looks at me.

-I really don't want to. But let's get going then. -I said while leaving the house. 

Luke was driving and made his way to an Italian Restaurant that seemed way to pricy for us. We got out of the car and I looked inside. Everyone inside was dressed so nicely and formal. Even the serves were wearing some kind of suit!

-What are we doing here? This definitely is way too out of our league! And I didn't even dress nicely enough! -I said pushing Luke by the arm before he could enter the restaurant.

-You always dress nicely! -he said, smirking right after. -I was feeling like eating some spaghetti alla carbonara and this is the best place to have it. And you deserve a place like this. -he smiles at me making me uncomfortable about what he just said.

-Stop it. I don't want to hear your bullshit, Luke. You are just saying that so I can forgive you but later you are going to be rude to me again and this is a fucking cycle that I don't want to be a part of. - I said entering the car again. Luke opens the door right after. -Maybe you coming with me was a bad idea. 

-Come on, princess! Let's have a great lunch. Maybe we can talk a little about what you want after we eat. - I look at him admired. 

He was looking at me deep in the eyes but now his eyes seemed calmer than before. His smile was so little that I almost didn't see it but it seemed so sincere.

-Are you serious? -I smiled and he nodded what made me hug him, for some weird reason. -Oh, I'm sorry! -I said getting quickly out of the car and entering the restaurant, obviously ashamed of what I did.

A waiter took us to a table far away from the rest of the people here and quickly took our order since Luke already knew what we were going to eat. While we were waiting for our order we were silent. We just looked at each other awkwardly and smiling sometimes.

-I'm so sorry for what I did and said yesterday. -He said while looking at his empty plate.

-Don't be. But I deserve a walk by the beach! -I laughed just to lighten the air. Luke giggles.

-I promise you're going to get one today and we can talk about everything you want. -he said smiling at me. 

-Thank you. -I whispered right before our orders came.

The food was great but when we were going to pay we almost threw everything out. I insisted on paying my part because paying everything was gonna be too expensive and I didn't want Luke to be out of money since he only works sometimes as a dog walker.

Storm - Luke Hemmings // COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now