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We arrived in Sydney with a huge smile on our faces. I can say now that he is my boyfriend and I couldn't be prouder.
But when it all seemed so perfect I remembered that I only have half a month to get out of Sydney and go to university in California. I can't live here more time because my passport is only for traveling and I need someone to sign me some papers if I want to live here and that would take so much time. Also, I don't know any good universities here and the time is running faster than me.

I went upstairs packing everything again in the closet. I didn't say a word to Luke because I'm too nervous now. Everything is perfect between us now and I don't want to cause a huge fight over this small problem.
I open the small window letting the ocean sent invade my room. The smell of the sea always calmed me down but nothing's better than looking at it and hearing his waves crash into the sand of the beach.
Jade entered my room making my thoughts evaporate together with the ocean sent.

-It's everything okay? I hear Luke murmuring some things before going to his room.

-Yes, I just needed to pack. I'm going to talk to him right now. -I said and she stopped me at the door.

-I know something is bothering you, Bella. I just don't know what but I want to help you! -She pushed me back making me sit on the little red couch I had in my room.

-I'm leaving in half a month. I was trying so hard to not go away because I want to live here now. This is where I belong, I have you and I have Luke and I couldn't ask for anything better but I have my mom and my brother in California and they're the most important people to me. They are my family and I can't just leave them alone. My mom would easily accept me staying here since I was going to university anyway and she would rarely see me but it's different and it's difficult. I have to sign some papers too and I don't think I'm going to make it in time for university here. -tears threatened my face and Jade looks at me with eyes full of pity.

-You need to talk to Luke about that, he's going to be sad but it's for the best. -She said while rubbing my back with her hand.

-It's the best for who? -Luke said while entering the room. I already knew he was listening because his face was red from anger and he was rotating his lip ring frantically.

-Luke... -I whispered and he sat on my bed. Jade left the room since this was something I needed to talk alone with Luke.

-Are you really going away now? I thought that you were staying. -He whispered never even taking a glance at me. The way he said those words cut deeper than a knife and his breath was sharp like cold water hitting your feet on a winter night.

-I don't have any other option, Luke. I need papers that would never arrive in time for university if I want to live here. - I said sitting on the floor in front of him. His eyes met mine for the first time and his deep blue eyes said so many things just from looking at them.

-I can help you. You can stay for another year and we go together to university in America next year, I would gladly go with you. -He tried to get a solution but it was in vain.

-It's not that simple and what makes you think we will still be together next year? You can't just think about yourself and what's best for you Luke! You know how much I want to go to university and being near you but I still need papers to live here for a year and I have my mom in California waiting for me. -I immediately regret what I first said and Luke looks at me hurt. He was hurt... I hurt him when he needed me the most. What I was even thinking? Of course I want Luke with me and I would do everything to have him by my side a year from now.

-You can go, I don't want you here anymore after what you said. I'm better off without you anyway. Goodbye, Bella. Have a good flight.

-Luke, wait. I didn't mean that! -I grab his arm and pulled him into a hug but he pushed me making my butt hit the ground so hard it's going to leave a mark.

-Don't touch me. Get out of here as soon as you can or I'm the one leaving. -He closed the door never looking at me.

What have I just done? I knew this conversation was going to end in a fight but I didn't know it was going to be this bad. Luke doesn't want to see me again just because of this little fight? I thought he was better than that but it seems like I wasn't that important for him... If I was he wasn't going to let me go this easily but if this is what he wants... I'm leaving.

I packed all my stuff and bought the first ticket that led to California. I was going to leave Sydney in approximately 9 hours and I need to say goodbye to all of my friends first. Am I really going to throw all my life here away just for something he said? Maybe this is a little precept but it's what I need to do. If he let me go this easily its because he doesn't like me as much as it seems and if that's true I don't want to see him again. He turned everything into a Storm but this time was even worse... He ruined my life in Sydney just because of a little fight.


So I know I don't update in so long and I know this is the worst chapter I have ever written but I wanted to post so bad because I was missing writing this fanfic already.

I hope you liked it and I hope you vote and comment as always!

Ily all and I hope you enjoy my return! <3

Storm - Luke Hemmings // COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now